How do i make a certain item that has a custom regeneration function? As in, it takes for instance 70 tics (2 seconds) to start giving health, but before that, it gives small doses of health, say, 1 per 10 tics. after that, it gives alot of health quickly? I've tried alot, from doing stuff like this:
Code: Select all
ACTOR SSTimpakSlow : CustomInventory
Game Doom
MEDI A 15 A_giveInventory("healthbonus", 1)
MEDI A 15 A_giveInventory("healthbonus", 1)
MEDI A 15 A_giveInventory("healthbonus", 1)
MEDI A 15 A_giveInventory("healthbonus", 1)
To trying to give myself to regenerations powerups at the same time, but it seems like Doom can't handle two regeneration powerups at the same time.
I'm coming back to decorate, any tip on how to do so? Powerup, Custominventory, what is the best DECORATE method?