•NekosHUDv3 by MomoPate & NekoBlux001
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- After a long time of editing the classic HUD that few knew their new version arrived !, more complete and customizable than ever !, only now it should be a HUD only for GZD, so there will be no more Compatibility with Zandronum ..
Spoiler:Method and order for its operation(Beginner's Guide)
• NekosHUDv3.3:
Added one more radar patch for allies of the following companion mods:
-RoboDude (Shotgun Robot)
-Friendly Beacon (Soldier)
-It was also repaired in certain mods of enemies or mods in general the radar indicators:
-The red arrows will indicate the position of the enemy if it is at a lower height it will be shown with an arrow pointing downwards while if it is at a higher height an arrow pointing upwards will be shown (obviously when I refer to a position it means clearly one floor higher or lower in map terms, not height in who is taller.). This effect does not work with allies because you do not need to check this indicator since the allies are the one who follows the player so it is of little use to have that arrow indicator as with purple entities since they are usually Cyberdemons or Spidermastermind and does not require this indicator due to its large size like other bosses to those variants.
The changes and fixes in multiplayer were:
-Change of font type from Big & Small to Memento font
-Repair in the multi selection of options when loading in different order when playing in Multiplayer (now they can choose which options they want to see without the need for both players or more forcefully needing the same active options.).
-Helmet variant added to the DOOM Eternal style by having the classic armor in the HUD before showing only a detail of the classic helmet.
-Added to the selection of addons apart the flashlight variant of the Brutal Doom Black Edition mod.
-Changes in the code that it is not necessary to say what they were.
-Now each player can load without any problem the variants of enemy life indicator, berserker currency, classic life indicators, armor, ammunition, helmets, mugshot in multiplayer mode so that each one can play their NekosHUD design at their discretion same. (One can have the eternal design, with the Dead Space helmet while the other player can have the classic indicators and minimalist Halo helmet, among more different combinations without causing an error when loading the GZD multiplayer, that is, that error of not synchronizing the game ).
-Changes in the design of the indicator of the number of enemies and secrets to a bar to the arcade design or DOOM Eternal in a certain sense also added an option where you can choose if you like to use the bar or the simple mode where it only shows the kills/secrets you are doing in solo or coop.
-Change of helmet from NekosHUD Base or V3.3 to a simple design.
-Recolor the indicators or info panel to colors corresponding to what they show.
-Added the crosshairs and they stopped being a separate addon as well as the 4 difficulties of which 3 of them are from me and one is from TouHou.
× NekosHUDv3.2 - Radar Update:
Apart from the radar he added more alternative helmets.
As I mentioned this update went more to the radar giving a better and repaired function that is already included in the hud directly. Besides the changes I made to the radar are the following:
• Fixed the 3 functions of the radar:
~ Local: only those you see will be shown on the radar.
~ Local + Movement: The same as local but the difference is that when an enemy makes movement including the animation in waiting mode for something to happen, it will be shown on the radar (this mode is the one that is by default in the options and is the one that if you are looking for halo mode it is recommended).
~ Full: Will show all the enemies or entities on the radar whether they are waiting or moving.
• Redesign the Halo-style radar in total say and the enemy and allied indicators are as follows:
~ Allies will be yellow Halo style.
~ Enemies are red or entities that the radar detects as an entity that is sometimes an ally but is not well defined in the enemy / allies mod, its decoration or I need to add the patch on my part but I added a patch to the ones that used the most .
~ Purple are entities where their life is high, implying that they are very high life force entities such as mini bosses and this also in mods of allies that are not well defined can appear like this.
• Added a patch so that the following allies were detected on the radar as allies which are: Isabelle / Canela, Ralsei, Susie, Cordie, Vivian, Onna, CODBW allies, Brutal Marines
NOTE: If the radar disappears from your view on the GZD on PC, turn off full screen mode in order to see the radar. I still don't understand why it doesn't detect full screen resolution.
NOTE 2: To permanently change the radar mode you must do it from the HUD options and change it to the mode you like and restart the GZD, unless you want to use the L every time you start a game from 0.
Spoiler:Multiplayer Gameplay - Customizable for the players
-The Order to operate this HUD is as follows:
×.-Map, Mods, Etc.
1.2 .- Alternative Indicators Stuff ( Yoshika Coin Berserker, HealthBar, etc. ).
2 .- (Optional) NekosHUD Mini Map Indicator
3 .- (Optional) NekosHUD Helmet [Metroid,Projects,Etc] (Only one of the four that was to your liking)
4 .- (Optional) Addons [Flashlight, DamNumbers, Etc.]
-PD: If the HUD has Resolution problems or looks small it is not compatible and you should know that this mod with which you use this HUD is not recommended to use since this HUD has a resolution similar to my other HUD of the Eternal Doom. Solution try to use some other mod that does not require a high resolution.
Guide for Multiplayer mode:
• At the end of the order of how I explained before you will only occupy with your friends to follow the order after the steps before NekosHUD which are:
-You will first select NekosHUD Base which is the original hud since without this there will be no hud and the rest will not load.
-Once NekosHUD is selected at the end, each player will have to choose or not in case of using the helmet and base indicators, which indicators they want to use like you, the order at the end for helmets, classic or eternal indicators as berserker, enemy hpbar on Alt HUD Stuff Folder currency can be random as long as they are after "NekosHUD".
-Once each one has selected which indicators they want to use, they will only have to load the server and each player will have NekosHUD to their design to liked.
The order in case you did not understand this simple explanation I leave you an example:
•Player One:
-TouHou Enemy
-Minimalist Helmet
-Marisa Coin Berserker
-Pokemon HPBarLife
-Eternal Indicators
•Player Two:
-Touhou Enemy
-NB001 Project Helmet
-Utsuho Berserker Coin
•Player Three:
-Touhou Enemy
(It only uses the base NekosHUD as it doesn't want the alternate indicators as it prefers the base ones).
× Total Thanks to Momopate for the Code as Arcade, and a more customizable code for the user.!
× Thanks to SRG666 for the sprites of the indicators for the PanelInfo type DOOM Eternal.
×Thanks to DarioBot for the special Helmet of Dead Space.
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