That said, this seems to be done in the MAPINFO lump in gzdoom.pk3. I have created a MAPINFO lump for this which displays the bizarre effect of replacing the music tracks correctly, but plays MAP01 from the DOOM2 IWAD instead of the ones in NERVE.WAD. Since NERVE.WAD is loaded after DOOM2.WAD, surely its map lumps should replace the ones in DOOM2.WAD?
Code: Select all
episode map01
name = "No Rest for the Living"
map MAP01 lookup "NHUSTR_1"
titlepatch = "NWILV00"
next = "MAP02"
secretnext = "MAP09"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 11
par = 75
music = "$MUSIC_MESSAG"
map MAP02 lookup "NHUSTR_2"
titlepatch = "NWILV01"
next = "MAP03"
secretnext = "MAP09"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 11
par = 105
music = "$MUSIC_DDTBLU"
map MAP03 lookup "NHUSTR_3"
titlepatch = "NWILV02"
next = "MAP04"
secretnext = "MAP09"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 11
par = 120
music = "$MUSIC_DOOM"
map MAP04 lookup "NHUSTR_4"
titlepatch = "NWILV03"
next = "MAP05"
secretnext = "MAP09"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 11
par = 105
music = "$MUSIC_SHAWN"
map MAP05 lookup "NHUSTR_5"
titlepatch = "NWILV04"
next = "MAP06"
secretnext = "MAP09"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 11
par = 210
music = "$MUSIC_IN_CIT"
map MAP06 lookup "NHUSTR_6"
titlepatch = "NWILV05"
next = "MAP07"
secretnext = "MAP09"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 11
par = 105
sucktime = 1
music = "$MUSIC_THE_DA"
map MAP07 lookup "NHUSTR_7"
titlepatch = "NWILV06"
next = "MAP08"
secretnext = "MAP09"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 11
par = 165
music = "$MUSIC_IN_CIT"
map MAP08 lookup "NHUSTR_8"
titlepatch = "NWILV07"
next = "EndGameC"
secretnext = "EndGameC"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 11
par = 105
music = "$MUSIC_SHAWN"
map MAP09 lookup "NHUSTR_9"
titlepatch = "NWILV08"
next = "MAP05"
secretnext = "MAP05"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 11
par = 135
music = "$MUSIC_DDTBLU"
cluster 11
flat = "SLIME16"
exittext = lookup, "NERVETEXT"
I am surely doing something wrong here - can anyone tell me what?