Fading Corpses
Spoiler:Ice Shattering Projectiles
This is a successor to my old Fading Corpses mod. The old mod is very outdated, which constantly spammed A_RadiusGive to fade monster corpses out, and it removed said actors so that the Arch-Vile could not revive them. Someone made an alternative version which prevented them from being removed, but it was even slower as it had to check every live monster as well in order to fade them back in if an Arch-Vile did revive them, and it did not work with Spectres on certain render styles.
With the power of ZScript and EventHandlers, I went and rewrote the whole thing from scratch. Now, instead of just gradually fading out, monsters now just remain for a certain period of time before quickly fading out, and it even hides the actor so that even Spectres vanish. Not only that, but it even waits until a monster's death animation has finished playing out before any fade can take place (D'Sparil, for instance).
There's two customisable options you can adjust:
Time Before Corpses Fade (in tics): Adjusts how long the corpses stay, from the moment of death. As stated, corpses only start fading out once they've reached the end of their death animation, and as a caveat, will not fade if they have an animated corpse.
Remove Actors After Fade: Whether or not to actually remove the corpse in question after they've faded out, just like in the old mod. Useful if you're playing something like 10x Universal with a high multiplier and there's a massive build up of actors, although the Arch-Viles might not be a fan. A third option, Smart, only removes actors if they lack a "Raise" state (i.e. cannot be revived).
Spoiler:Dropped Item Isn't Counted
This mod randomly allows any ice damagetype projectiles to shatter frozen corpses by sometimes adding the +ICESHATTER flag to the projectile upon being emitted.
There's one customisable option you can adjust:
Chance: The chance of an ice projectile being able to shatter a frozen corpse, from 0% to 100% chance. Note that the more that are emitted at once (i.e. the Mage's Frost Shards), the more chance that one will be ice shattering.
Pretty much self-explanatory. If an item with the +COUNTITEM flag is dropped by a monster, it no longer counts towards the map's item percentage. This is so that you aren't screwed over if a monster drops the item in an unreachable place, or that said item gets crushed to nothingness. This is mostly useful for Heretic, where the Disciple of D'Sparil, the Iron Lich, and the Maulotaur have a chance to drop the Tome of Power, the Morph Ovum, and Mystic Urn retrospectively, but it may be useful for certain custom monsters too.
No customisable options for this one!