Why are they going to be used by ZetaBots? Because otherwise they might not fire at all. They do have weapon rating code (it's rather bad, but then blame the actor state API - I wanted to get the amount of times that A_FireProjectile/A_FireBullets/etc are called, and their projectile classes, as part of an equation!), but you know how it's difficult to create a Thinker to control ("possess") a PlayerPawn - especially with weapon handling!
So Schedulers were made to make the job slightly simpler. I hope you enjoy them as well

TL;DR something inspired by JavaScript Promises.
Code: Select all
class ScheduleChecker : Thinker
bool bDone;
void BeginPlay()
bDone = false;
void fire()
bDone = true;
class WeaponChecker : ScheduleChecker
PlayerPawn __p;
Weapon __w;
void link(PlayerPawn other, Weapon weap)
__p = other;
__w = weap;
static WeaponChecker create(PlayerPawn other, Weapon weap)
let res = new("WeaponChecker");
res.link(other, weap);
return res;
override void Tick()
if ( !bDone && __p != null && __p.player.ReadyWeapon == __w )
class Scheduler : Thinker
enum ScheduleState
ScheduleState __s;
ScheduleChecker checker;
void BeginPlay()
static Scheduler create(ScheduleChecker checker, bool bAutoStart)
let res = new("Scheduler");
res.checker = checker;
if ( bAutoStart )
res.__s = SS_RUNNING;
return res;
ScheduleState pollState()
if ( __s == SS_DONE )
return __s;
override void Tick()
if ( __s != SS_RUNNING )
if ( checker.bDone )
__s = SS_DONE;