What is this?
A graphic mod for Doom & Doom II which replaces enemies and items with voxel objects in the chibi style of 3D Dot Game Heroes (Playstation 3 game). All voxel models were done with MagicaVoxel.
New in version 5:
- Added simulated sunlight shader.
- Converted all props to voxel models. The Icon of Sin spawn cube and hanging Commander Keen is still missing.
- Smooth turning for monsters.
- Various model fixes.
- new style of voxel explosions, plus additional voxel blood.
All items and enemies that can be found in the regular Doom and Doom II campaigns. Decorations have also been converted. Some monsters may move a tiny bit slower or faster than in the original games, but you probably wouldn't notice it.
Enemies will explode into colorful little cubes when hit and killed, and flash white when damaged, like an old arcade game.
Chibi style?!?
For those who don't know, chibi is a visual style reminiscent of Japanese RPGs of the 80s and 90s from the 8 and 16 bit eras of videogames. Characters have overly large heads, often as big as the rest of their bodies. The reason for this is partially found in the technical limitations of the era, particularly screen resolution. In order to show a decent amount of the gameworld (often from an overhead or 3/4th perspective, like Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past), characters had to be drawn rather small which in turn meant that were they to fit on 16x16 pixel tiles (a very common tile size), artists had to find a way to make them stand out and let the player differentiate between them by their most prominent features, which would be their heads. So, the heads were increased in size, leading to a "cutesy" style that has become very popular.
3D Dot Game Heroes?
3DDGH is a Playstation 3 game that came out a few years ago. It is basically a love letter to Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana and similar games. It's graphic style is highly influenced by these titles but presents it's world in 3d using voxel objects, hence the "3D Dot" part in the title. The artists did an excellent job with the graphics and they were the perfect base for my own character conversions.
Spoiler: ScreenshotsDownload (needs GZDoom 4.3.3 or higher)
Recommended with:
Low-Res Doom! by Ezepov
Low-Res HUD by Wiw and Gollgagh
Low-Res Doom Menu by talisa
PC Speaker simulation by finnw
8-16 bit Music Replacements by PRIMEVAL
VoxelChibiDoom! is not compatible with 8bitblood.
If you decide to use any low-res mod, I suggest turning off advanced graphical features and things like texture filtering!