Bullet-Eye - v0.12.6b - 7/10/24 - Non-Hefty Update

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Which Weapon Family Do You Find Yourself Using Often?

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Bullet-Eye - v0.12.6b - 7/10/24 - Non-Hefty Update

Post by Mor'Ladim »


Valnos Art by Prar

Join this rented Discord server for seldom Bullet-Eye talk! Because now you're playing with power! https://discord.gg/cFpdvWZ

So good, it was voted #1 mod three days in a row!
Below is a video snapshot of their genuine reaction while playing Bullet-Eye!

TESTED WITH GZDOOM 4.10.0! Other versions may be unsupported.
This mod is not compatible with most mods. The ones listed below in the "RECOMMENDED MODS" section were found to work with little to no problems, and only those should be used. Mods such as gore mods that affect enemies will lead to undesirable results!

Hello, sir or madam. Do you long for the days of old where the console wars focused on things like pixel graphics, and something about megabits and chips of the 8 to 16 to 32 variety? Well then look no further! Throw away all those toasters you put on your head claiming to be the answer to virtual reality! Dispose of those 'games' that could pass off as modern art pieces with their 16 different shades of brown! (and gray, but not 50) From here on out, you get to play the games...ON A CARTRIDGE! You HAVE seen the games, right?

You: *duuuh huh huh*

Wrong answer. SHOW 'EM!

BULLET-EYE! An arcade/SNES style adventure!


Be sure to read the controls below or press F1 during gameplay to view them. You can also select 'Manual' from the main menu.

DOWNLOAD ENEMY ONLY MOD - Updated 12/12/23
Use this if you would like to battle the enemies of Bullet-Eye with another gameplay mod! Please keep in mind that these enemies are highly aggressive so it is not recommended to use this with vanilla Doom. Note: Only 14/18 monsters finished. More will be added as they are completed. There are a small number of options to choose from, such as further enemy aggressiveness. For the purposes of compatibility with certain mods, these enemies do have XDeath states, but will play out their normal Death state.

All releases can be found here.

For these patches, your load order should look like this:
+Compatibility Patch
Ashes 2063/Afterglow - Changes the bonus items into score items. This prevents said bonus items from granting an overload of health. There will be start up errors, but this is due to the code for both mapsets being available in one file. The game should still be able to run despite these errors.

Want to help support the mod? Feel free to click the link below! Any support is deeply appreciated, but even then I am just thankful for you playing the mod!

CONTROLS: (These keys must be set in the keybinds menu. You can view this information at any time by pressing F1.)
Fire: Fire selected primary weapon.
Alt-Fire: Use secondary weapon function, if available.
"Open Status Panel": View equipment and status information. Navigate the pages with either the arrow keys or brackets (depending on your preferred option). Pages that have a cursor can be navigated with the forward and backward keys, along with the strafe keys. Press the designated key again to close the panel.
"Activate Bullet-Eye Mode": Enter Bullet-Eye Mode. (Only when the Bullet-Eye Gauge is at least 25%). Will not stop firing until the gauge is empty.
"Use Flash Guard": Activates a barrier which can block and deflect shots back towards enemies.
"Use Quick Melee": Unleash a quick kick that can deal moderate damage and knock back enemies.
"Toggle Equipment Lock": When toggled on, prevents you from picking up weapons or equipment unless they are the same item or you do not currently have an item in that slot.
"Drop Equipment Item": While the Equipment Status Panel is open, press the designated key while the cursor is over the equipment item you wish to drop.
"Next Random Map Track": Randomly selects the next track to play during a map, if music is enabled.
"Show Track Info": Displays information on the current map track playing.

Bullet-Eye holds a variety of unique and wacky weapons, all with their own upgrades! Upgrading weapons is achieved by picking up a duplicate weapon. Remember, citizens, your previous weapon will be dropped upon picking up your new beat stick! You can hold up to four different weapons, and swapping a weapon is achieved by selecting the weapon you want to switch out. Don't forget to press your custom keybind for "Open Status Panel" to view information about your current weapons and equipment! You will never be harmed by your own weapons so blast away! Note that your starting weapon, the Frost Snap, will always be available on slot 5 as a fallback.

Weapons are categorized into one of 6 families. Each family has its own strengths and weaknesses. There is no limit to how many weapons in one family you can hold, but in some situations, it may be best to balance out your arsenal.
Image - Green Weapon Capsule - High rate of fire with drawbacks being weaker firepower and lower accuracy. Has a chance to not consume ammo on a shot.
Image - Red Weapon Capsule - High damage output, but small magazine size and longer reload time.
Image - Blue Weapon Capsule - Excellent for crowd control situations, but range is limited.
Image - Purple Weapon Capsule - Requires more involvement for optimal usage, but effective when mastered.
Image - Yellow Weapon Capsule - Arms focused on healing, utility, or to be used in conjunction with other weapons.
Image - White Weapon Capsule - Shortest range weaponry, but no reloading or ammo requirements.

Here are just some of the weapons you can find in Bullet-Eye:

Image Spitfire - Fires as fast as you can pull the trigger. Fast reload speed.
Image Spread Shot - Fires a spread of projectiles in a burst. Every time a projectile hits an enemy, it is cloned into two more shots at an angle.
Image Buster - Fires at a medium range and explodes in place. Hold fire to charge the weapon and launch an empowered shot. Costs 5 ammo.
Image Blaze Stream - Emits a cone of powerful flames which deal damage over time, but lacks range.
Image Dogfighter Missile - Launches small homing missiles that fire at enemies and redirect fire to them instead of you. Deals extra damage to airborne enemies.
Image Crush Blast - Fires a powerful laser which pulls in enemies as it travels.
Image Scrap Launcher - Launches out scrap in a spread. Alt-fire launches a chain to pull in enemies.
Image Quick Strike - Unleash swift strikes upon enemies. Alt-Fire unleashes charge attacks - or a parry if not followed by a slash, which counters an attack and grants brief invulnerability.

Find over 100 pieces of armor from fallen enemies or other sources and carry them for beneficial effects, such as increasing Flash Guard's recharge rate, or increasing the duration and power of Strike Orbs!
-Equipment can be leveled up to 3 times (specific pieces up to 5 times), either via GP or finding a duplicate in the world. Each time an equipment item is leveled, it gains an equipment bonus which affects a weapon, health, or other fun perks!

Defeat enemies to gain energy! Once you have enough, the Bullet-Eye emblem will appear and upon pressing your designated keybind, your weapon will switch to a massive rapid firing weapon which can easily clear groups of enemies. Enemies slain in this mode restore health and have an increased chance to drop GP as well. It can even be upgraded by finding certain powerups!

Tired of accidentally picking up a weapon you don't want? A helmet you would rather not grab is blocking your path in a narrow hallway? Then Equipment Lock is for you! Simply bind a key to the "Toggle Equipment Lock" located in the keybinds menu and all your troubles will vanish without a fight! (Today we celebrate - our Independence Day!) While Equipment Lock is active, you will not pick up any weapon or equipment unless it is of the same type currently in your possession, or if you currently do not own an item for that specific slot. You will know when the system is active when the diamond just above the ammo counter has a teeny tiny lock in it. If you change your mind and want to grab all the powerups you can attempt to carry, just hit the same key and it will be disabled!

Image - An item capsule you can destroy to provide either health, ammo, or other useful items. It also prioritizes health drops when you are at 30% health or below! Yup, it's a denizen.
Image - Weapon capsules that hold a primary weapon within. The color of the capsule equates to which weapon family is inside. Collect them all!* *Note: You cannot actually carry them all.
Image - Rescue survivors to get a health bonus, some Sub-Weapon Ammo, and Bullet-Eye Energy! Do you mind if they pay you in gum? Note: The Survivors are not just heads!
Image Image - Energy Screens block all damage done to you as long as the shield holds. You can also find Partial Energy Screens from some enemies that have half the capacity of normal Energy Screens. You're gonna need 'em!
SomeDoomMonstersHead.tga - SOME default Doom monsters! OH MAN!
Image - Strike Orbs are found out in the world, but most commonly can be found from defeated enemies. They temporarily boost either Attack (Red), Speed (Blue), or Defense (Green).
Image - Coins, crystals, and jewelry that add to your total funds. GP is needed to upgrade your weapons and gear, so collect what you can!
ImageImage - Ammo lockboxes that enemies can some times drop. These have varying amounts of ammo, while the gold ones contain the larger ammo pick ups.
Image - Old World Manuals are found rarely in chests or purchased from vending machines. They reduce the cost of equipment leveling or repairing by a certain amount per book.

RECOMMENDED MODS: Here, I will list mods from other users that I found pair well with Bullet-Eye. Use them to enhance the experience further!
DamNums - By Xaser - Adds floating combat text. Perfect for comparing damage between weapons.
Top HP Bars - By coldcite - Adds health bars above enemies. There are some irregularities, such as health bars jumping erratically for Riveting Bombadier holograms, but it should not affect gameplay.
Demon CounterStrike - By Laggy - Spawns enemies and items periodically throughout maps, keeping action up full time, and therefore, adding to the arcade aspect of Bullet-Eye.
Map Order Shuffle - By Cutmanmike - Randomizes the order of a mapset, making the experience of even often played mapsets feel fresh!

CREDITS: See who/what helped to make Bullet-Eye possible!
https://gitlab.com/accensi/bullet-crew/ ... redits.txt

I am eager to hear your feedback. Thank you for your time!
Last edited by Mor'Ladim on Wed Jul 10, 2024 7:30 pm, edited 214 times in total.
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Mor'Ladim »

ENEMIES: (Some enemies in mirror are larger than they appear (in-game))

Image Image
The Dread'zuul's run-of-the-mill trooper. While they are not too much of a threat in small numbers, they can quickly become a problem if left unchecked. Falling back, dodging attacks, alerting other troopers to your presence, and patrolling the vicinity are just some of the more commonly employed tactics used by them. Luckily, they usually carry around extra provisions, providing you with quick aid should it be needed for more dangerous foes.

CRUSHER (Shotgunner)
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A step up from the standard trooper. The Crushers utilize a scatter gun that fires in a small spread when a foe is in close range. The weapon can also fire a burst of more precise shots, for taking down targets from afar. Still, thankfully it won't take much more than a couple solid shots to put them down. Not thankfully, the scatter gun can also fire out a blockade of metal plates that makes it slightly more difficult to get the aforementioned solid shots.

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These baddies have themselves a nice little set of near jet black armor to supplement some of their abilities. Completely unsurprisingly, they hit harder and are more difficult to bring down. However, your equipment is efficient at punching through their armor. Those grenades and rivet guns they wield seem like they were mass-produced on a discount, too. Don't take that as a reason to underestimate them, though. Rivets are rather diddly compared to bullets, but get a crew of them all focusing fire on you, and that's a whole lot of diddly. Get too close and they will be happy to show you a demonstration of how their chainsaw works.

Wingless insectoids which slither about uncontrollably. Their movement patterns may cause shots directed towards them to easily miss, especially when they are at a great distance. Invading Swarmers get their name due to them usually being found in larger numbers compared to most other foes, and can quite easily overwhelm the unwary mercenary. They wield peculiar plasma guns which they fire methodically when in close range, but rapidly when dealing with targets from afar. However, once you see one glowing purple and emitting an odd noise, don't be so trigger happy! They will easily endure any pain taken and counter a shot with their own. Though, truthfully, this could lead to some advantageous strategies. Are you a strategist?

Image Image Image Image
You've heard of the Dread'zuul before, but never paid them a lot of attention. Doomsday armageddon cults are a dime a dozen, after all. But somehow, somewhere, these guys seem to have gotten their hands on some actual genuine extra-dimensional beasts to supplement their ranks. You don't know where these are from, but they're certainly not from this realm. They're not too dangerous--sure, there's the teeth and jaws and everything, but that's pretty much all they can do. If anything, fighting them feels a little nostalgic, it's like hunting for game all over again. Very tough, fleshy, bitey game. The Alpha variety are much faster and have greater leaping abilities.

GARGANT (Spectre)
Image Image
A behemoth of a creature, big, tall, and strong. Probably some kind of extra-dimensional bear or bull, with the intelligence to match. They don't seem to do much aside from charge and try to hack you up with their giant claws, but considering each of the claws are roughly the size of your entire leg, they do some damage. It seems all they have in the way of defenses are just some natural camouflage, which doesn't hold up too well under an assail of bullets. On the offensive side, they can go berserk when heavily damaged, which just makes them all the more happy to angrily charge at you. There's probably a lot to be said for the ecosystem of these strange creatures and the role they fill in the grand scheme of their natural world, but over here bullets tend to be the great equalizer.

DREAD VISAGE (Cacodemon)
Image Image
Creepy, grinning floating heads that drift all over the place. They have big and sharp teeth, but the real pain is that they can shoot some kind of energy plasma out of their mouth at you. You're not entirely sure what part of the evolutionary chain includes "generate lasers out of nothing and fire it", but it's one you wish they'd skipped. They tend to be just as fragile as their more ground-based brethren, so a couple good bullets placed in sensitive areas should ground them for life. Which is good, really, since nothing with teeth that size should ever have been allowed off the ground.

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You're not much of a reading kind of person, but there was a horror story a while back that talked about dimensional shamblers that walked from one plane to another as easily as strolling down the street. Gave you the chills just thinking about it--you could be minding your own business and then out of nowhere there'd be these angry critters trying to chew on you. And, go bloody figure, here they are now. Are these guys even aligned with the Dread'zuul? Whoever's responsible for it, you need to give them a good punching. Simply put, you can't think of enough nasty words for these guys. With their constant movement and shifting, they're annoying to pin down, and they can throw lightning bolts that lock onto your position. They take a decent amount of punishment, too, so your beloved standby of "shoot it until it dies" might have finally found a snag.

MAG ROADER (Arachnotron)
These creatures know not only how to burn rubber, but also victims, quickly closing in on their targets to set them aflame. They seem to be fused with a circular frame, which is surrounded by all terrain treads. Atop said frame lies a cannon, which fires out dangerous napalm. This napalm not only remains in a set area for a while, but it can also spread and cause some serious area denial. Of course, getting too close to a Mag Roader means they will just slash at you with their arms, which are actually sharper than they appear. Apparently, when they were created in a research facility, no one could come up with a name for them, so they used one from another source. But what source could that be? Is it a creature more sinister looking than this?

Image Image
You aren't sure if this is some lab-grown, engineered beast, or just a creature from the wild the Dread'zuul decided to merge with a whole bunch of machinery and turn into a fighting machine. It's armed with homing missiles, laser pulse blasts, and what appears to be a modified version of the Energy Claws, but has none of your skill, ability, or speed. It makes up for it with layers of titanium subdermal implants that are going to be a little difficult to punch through, though, which you admit would be pretty nice to have.

Image Image
Is this a ghost? This brings forth all sorts of questions that you never really thought before. If there are ghosts, does that mean there's an afterlife? And if so, what kind of afterlife are we referring to? Is it the kind of afterlife where you have to believe in a god? Or are we talking more a general sort of karma-related afterlife where you need to live a good life to pass on? What about you? You're a bit of a rough-and-tumble person, but you'd like to think you've helped a lot of people. Well, either way, they're intangible and can't touch you. So that means they can't hurt you with their clammy little claws. Nice. On the other hand, they throw fire that explodes into more fire, and their attacks are of a spectral nature which pierce energy shields. Crap.

LOBOLASHI (Baron of Hell)
This monstrous canine-looking beast was actually commissioned by an unknown evil warlord. It is unclear if said warlord is affiliated with the Dread'zuul or not, but one thing is for sure, the Dread'zuul liked the beast so much, they added a few to their own ranks. However, there are rumors that the creation of the beast took longer than necessary to create, which caused quite the dispute. The Lobolashi was to be finished with a promised deadline of 3 months or so and delivered to the warlord. Unfortunately, the end result was achieved after one whole year, which is obviously beyond the three month deadline, but that is how things go when one makes a business deal with the Dread'zuul.

All business related drama aside, this appears to be a perfect specimen. Even when injured, it will relentlessly charge at its prey and chomp down with its powerful jaws. Is a target not too close? No problem! The Lobolashi can manifest some sort of energy from its eyes...mouth?...and fire it at foes with great haste. Surrounded by its allies? Release a howl which will enhance the movement capabilities for said allies! Be careful with this one.

An odd being of radioactive nature - the Rad Terror can usually be found hidden underneath pools of dangerous waste and chemicals. A mortar is mounted on its back, but it is unclear if this is a weapon the Rad Terror happened to crawl over and is now merged with its body, or if it was somehow attached to it by something or someone. Considering they are dangerous to even be within the vicinity of, it is more likely the former idea. Their mobility is not a threat, as it can be compared to a snail's pace. This is by no means a pass to slack off, as its mortar has quite the range on it. Not only that, but it can duplicate itself multiple times if it is allowed to exist for too long - then those duplicates will spawn more duplicates! So do everyone a favor and erase it from existence.
Last edited by Mor'Ladim on Sat May 22, 2021 1:39 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Mav3rick »

After play few levels... my points

º The hud seems to be out of place..
I play with 4:3 on 800x600

º It will be better if there r diferent weapons to carry and no only pick up and lost there r many weapons that r way to weak to work and more if u have to kill something more than a zombie
º The suriken subweapon is cool but can past between colums, ej: the first red bars on the start of the second level
º The buster is cool but is way way too short is not worthy when a cyber can attack from way far
º The blaze stream is the weakes of all and with that short way short range is like a chainsaw
º The only i didnt get was the spread shot, the other were nice but the weapons with own sprite and number to switch to them will be even better
º The levek up system can be like pick up 3 spitfire and level up, pickup 6 and level up again it will be better to have to pick up few and not only one, weapons will be super strong in short time and more if u play a megawad
º The blaze stream fire sprite need a fix the fire is coming from lower on hand than the weapon

So far is cool but it need lot of tweak to work and more in open levels :)
Keep up the good work :D
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Crimsondrgn »

The Level 1 description for the chaser missile calls it the buster.

What resolution is the new HUD meant for?
640x480 works with UI scale 2, and 1280x960 works at UI scale 4.

Also kinda liked the look of the old HUD in the screenshots, any way to get that separate or get it as an option in the mod?
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Somagu »

Somehow I missed that this was a thing???

Stream of consciousness feedback before I pass out:
Could I ask that you not have spaces in the wad filename? Just a personal peeve of mine since otherwise I have to rename it every time I update it, given I don't use a launcher, and adding quotes to the command line parameters is ugly.

Spread shot looks and sounds weak, despite being roughly as powerful as a fully upgraded Buster (Which does actually look and sound appropriate, so good on that)

Could also use some more dramatic explosions in general, say for barrels.

Blaze Stream is way too damn weak! Looks weak, is weak. Takes way too long to even kill former humans unless you're touching them, which is a bit counterintuitive for weapons inspired by old one-hit platformers. Make it rip, make it do more DOT, do something besides what it already does.

Chasers are too strong. There's no downside to them despite doing as much or more damage than the same fully upgraded buster, spreadshot, which require you to be close range. I reckon it should

Spitfire and Buster seem more or less fine.

HUD could use some work on the whole scaling thing.

Might want to start with a subweapon considering how rarely I actually find the damn things.
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Mor'Ladim »

I am taking all the feedback in, AND I AM WORKING ON UPDATES THIS VERY MOMENT!

And all I can say is that Blaze Stream has been insulted by the feedback on it, and is now RED HOT with anger! Changes to the weapon are coming!

Hopefully I can fix the HUD scaling issue. It is my first time working with a custom HUD, so if I can't fix it then I will have to look at other options.

I was also thinking of adding a weapon experience system. Using this, you can gain experience for weapons for up to two levels, and once they are leveled, picking up a 'fresh' one will always retain its level, regardless of the fact if you picked up another weapon or not. I think adding in a system to carry more than one weapon would also be useful, but hopefully I can code it.
Crimsondrgn wrote: Also kinda liked the look of the old HUD in the screenshots, any way to get that separate or get it as an option in the mod?
The graphics for it are actually in the WAD, if you'd like to use them. As for an option in the mod to use it, perhaps I can use it for one of the HUD sizes instead of using the current one at each resize level.

Thank you for all the feedback!

EDIT: I made some updates! The changelog, can be found in the main post. I hope you all like them! In the next update, I plan to make a starting sub-weapon, and more main weapons. An accessory system will come in the future as well, and these will grant special abilities when held, such as one that makes Strike Orbs last longer, or another that triples the bonuses gained from Survivors.
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Somagu »

This is looking good! The Buster and Blaze Stream now both stand out as appropriately powerful for closer range weapons (I know you didn't do anything to the Buster, that's not my point), and the claw subweapon is also powerful enough to warrant being ammo-limited. The ripper itself might be a bit too powerful, actually. Mag Shurikens and the Chaser could stand to be a little bit more powerful than they are. Maybe a 20% increase or less. Spread Shot also feels much nicer to use now. The outstanding issue that I see currently is that aside from the claw, every weapon takes an unreasonably long time to kill anything stronger than a Hell Knight, basically. Maybe some kind of system like GMOTA where you have a seperate power gauge for temporary stronger EX-modes would be appropriate? That'd require a lot of effort, though.
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Mor'Ladim »

Since each weapon has its own damage type, I was able to adjust them for stronger enemies, and it seems to be working well. However, that would just be a band-aid fix in the long run, as custom enemies wouldn't be affected by said changes! I may just increase the damage across the board, since this IS a retro style mod, and enemies in SNES era games didn't last too long in most cases. Another solution could be to make the level 3 versions of all weapons gain a large damage boost, while the previous levels retain their current values.

I also increased the damage boost from the Attack Strike Orb, and I believe I should make all orbs more common from enemies.

Edit: Actually, I just thought of something I could do to help out a bit. Sort of...Let's see if I can pull it off and include it in today's update! (If it fits) I already have the graphics and code for it, since it was used in DUMP 3.
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Scripten »

That new HUD is gorgeous and super thematic. I appreciate it. Hope I get a chance to actually try the mod soon.
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Captain J »

Oooooh how retrospective! Let me play soon and bake some thoughts of mine! :D
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Mor'Ladim »

Pushed a small update!

11/22/16 (B)
-New title music!
-Adjusted damage for enemies individually using DamageFactor.
-Increased Energy Claw Sub-Weapon range.
-Increased health and sub-weapon ammo gains from items.
-Added Bullet-Eye Mode. Gather energy from kills to unleash a massive weapon! (Use the Zoom key when you see the Bullet-Eye Emblem)

I also did my first TRUE ACS script for Bullet-Eye mode. It's a simple script, but it works. I just hope I did it right, since I am very inexperienced with ACS.


This is what happens when you press Reload now:
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Captain J »

So i played it now, it was one decent, nice and well, retrospective mod i ever played. Neat work! Also i haven't seen SNES style mod before, so hooray for that!
Spoiler: But gotta show my gripes, sorry!
So that's about it. It's really interesting and can't wait for the update!
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Mor'Ladim »

Captain J wrote:
Spoiler: But gotta show my gripes, sorry!
1. The style of the mod is mostly SNES, but also the era of the Sega Genesis. It's also difficult to find good music when there isn't a site where they can be previewed easily, like Genesis music at Project2612. (As far as I know) If you have suggestions for a new title theme that sounds action-oriented, I'm open to them! I tried the title theme to Jim Power, but it just didn't have the same kick.
2. I plan to have a number of weapons in the mod, and using pure SNES sound effects would limit me greatly, as I would like each weapon to sound different. Not to mention ripping sounds from the SNES is a pain, and most 'rips' are just the samples used to make the sounds themselves! Otherwise, I would definitely use more. I AM trying to use them more often for other objects such as Item Capsules though!
3. I didn't add decals because I feel it would take away from the retro feel. And I am lazy. Maybe I will go back and change them later if I can find something fitting.
4. I fixed that just for you!
5. This is also fixed!
6. You can get that weapon by killing enemies to build up energy. Once you have enough, the Bullet-Eye emblem will appear. Once that happens, press the ZOOM key to activate Bullet-Eye mode!

Thank you for all the feedback!


Finally got some new changes up! I wanted to add another weapon, but it will have to wait until the next update.

-New title pic!
-Chaser Missile homing made less aggressive. You now need to have an enemy closer to your crosshair to activate the homing.
-Picking up a Sub-Weapon will now grant some Sub-Weapon Ammo.
-New types of Weapon Powerup drops have been added. These will instantly grant a level 2 or three weapon. Bosses will always drop a level three weapon, while high tier enemies commonly drop L2 weapons, and uncommonly L3.
-Bosses will now always drop a number of health and Sub-Weapon Ammo items upon defeat.
-Slightly updated Weapon Powerup sprites.
-Energy Screen has been added. While under the effects of an Energy Screen, you will suffer no health damage until the shield is destroyed.
-Picking up a weapon you already have a level 3 version of will grant Bullet-Eye Energy.
-Max Health Up powerups will spawn in place of Megaspheres. They increase max health by 5.
-New Sub-Weapon 'Cross Mine'
-New Weapon 'Crush Blast'. Drops from high tier enemies and Weapon Capsules only.
-Chaser Missile now only drops from Weapon Capsules and high tier enemies.

A shot of the new weapon powerup types (as explained above):
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by Captain J »

Mor'Ladim wrote:1. The style of the mod is mostly SNES, but also the era of the Sega Genesis. It's also difficult to find good music when there isn't a site where they can be previewed easily, like Genesis music at Project2612. (As far as I know) If you have suggestions for a new title theme that sounds action-oriented, I'm open to them! I tried the title theme to Jim Power, but it just didn't have the same kick.
Is official or custom SNES musics sounds good for you? Such as this one;
2. I plan to have a number of weapons in the mod, and using pure SNES sound effects would limit me greatly, as I would like each weapon to sound different. Not to mention ripping sounds from the SNES is a pain, and most 'rips' are just the samples used to make the sounds themselves! Otherwise, I would definitely use more. I AM trying to use them more often for other objects such as Item Capsules though!
Then making the current sound effects into low quality would be the answer. Since SNES games always had smooth and low quality sound effects.
3. I didn't add decals because I feel it would take away from the retro feel. And I am lazy. Maybe I will go back and change them later if I can find something fitting.
Oh, that's fine, just fine. Leave it as it is. I don't even know what kind of SNES games had such an effect on their maps, except cybernator.
6. You can get that weapon by killing enemies to build up energy. Once you have enough, the Bullet-Eye emblem will appear. Once that happens, press the ZOOM key to activate Bullet-Eye mode!
Now i see! But still it's not quite satisfying because again, vanilla bulletpuffs. I actually thought about some powerful effect for it, V-Gun from Wild Guns! It has one powerful and badass gatling gun you should check out!
Thank you for all the feedback!
You're welcome, thanks for understanding me!
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Re: Bullet-Eye (A SNES/Retro Style Project) - WIP

Post by wildweasel »

This is a really cool concept, but I have a bug to report - entering Bullet-Eye mode doesn't work properly if "Switch Weapons on Pickup" is switched off in Player Setup. You can press the button to trigger it, but all it will do is give you all three Strike Orb powerups without changing your weapons, which you can do indefinitely...until you change primary weapons, at which point the weapon switches properly.

Now, I seem to recall that the ACS inventory function [wiki]SetWeapon[/wiki] works in Decorate, though I might be wrong. Perhaps that's a better way to trigger the Bullet-Eye weapon swtich?

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