- A [wiki]sky[/wiki] can be a double sky, or an alternate sky in case of [wiki]lightning[/wiki], so there should be properties for both sky1 and sky2.
- Perhaps the sky1 and sky2 properties could be duplicated so as to have separate skies for floors and ceilings.
- A sky can also be a [wiki]skybox[/wiki], so this ought to be able to replace the [wiki=Classes:SkyPicker]SkyPicker[/wiki] thing. Trying to shoehorn skypicker TIDs in a sky texture field would be hacky (what if a sky texture is named simply "1"?) so it may be necessary for robustness to have it as a separate property.
Code: Select all
ceilingsky1 = "texture name";
ceilingsky2 = "texture name";
ceilingskypicker = <tid>;
floorsky1 = "texturename";
floorsky2 = "texturename";
floorskypicker = <tid>;