Sorry for the slight inactivity on my part in this thread, so to make up for it, have a new version!
- Doesn't get stuck on actors
- Camera faces player when spawned now
- Player won't rotate when dead
- chase_height can be ignored with a cvar (chase_enableheight) at the moment, because it is imperfect at this time
- New player rotation setting "3", identical to 2, but won't rotate the camera if you are only firing
Hornetzero wrote:1, Would it allow for a given set of sprites representing the topdown view ala RTS perspective? Like instead of getting flatter as the camera moves straight on top of the player, it instead changes to an RTS/Topdown perspective sprite?
So do you mean having rotation sprites for the top and bottom of the player, in addition to the sideways rotations? If so, then yes, this should be possible, but it'd require a few hacks.
Hornetzero wrote:2, When I have the camera face the player from the front, and than press the fire key, he turns his back and shoots the opposite direction. Was this intended? If its a free view, it shouldn't interfere with the player's direction.
Pretty much what Nash said. I've added a third camera rotation setting that won't rotate when firing now.
Nash wrote:Camera gets stuck in front of monsters/solid objects.
I did notice this myself, +PUFFONACTORS fixes the whole stuck part, and I tried +THRUACTORS before but it didn't seem to make a difference :\
Nash wrote:Turning is very stuttery... even worse than the 35 FPS behaviour (which is a different thing). Can anything be done about this?
Sadly I don't think I'll be able to fix this, at least, I can't think of a way yet.
Nash wrote:And then of course the decals... I made a feature suggestion. If that gets no'd, then I'm sure there are some other workarounds/hacks.
Took a look at your suggestion, I reckon a better method would be some flags for bulletpuffs though
+NODECALS - Disables impact decals for puff
+FORCEDECAL - Forces the puff to use its defined decal, instead of being overridden by the decal defined in the player's current weapon
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