Now, after about 2 hours work (which I should have done months ago), it's just about finished. However, there's a few issues/bugs that I would like some help with. If anyone knows the answers to these few questions, please help. Also, if you have any suggestions, let me know. I can't please everyone, but I don't have to piss everyone off either.

1. Currently, when the gun is out of ammo, it does the stereotypical "click click click". I couldn't get A_CheckReload to work, but if you know, please tell me.
2. Casings don't really bounce. At all. They had the DoomBounce flag, but that didn't do any. Is there a state I need to add, or other flags/properties I need to play with?
3. I couldn't get the normal gun's spawn state to spawn the "giver" powerup. Is that because a weapon can't use A_SpawnItem in its spawn state?
I'd like to thank everyone who's helped so far, and anyone who helps now. I'll get a list of credits together, and don't worry, it won't take me as long to finishas the gun did.