The model is in the game, but doesn't animate. I think I could make this with MD3, and previously I was already able to use IQM animations too, I don't get it why it doesn't work this time. Here is the project:
here is a screenshot from Blender: ... C3%A9p.png
The .blend file is also in the project, most likely something is fishy there
I tried different ways... I tried to export the model as one, and also tried exporting the two "hands" (cylinders) separately, tried with MODELSAREATTACHMENTS and without too
I am not sure if it's a bug or I messed up something, but here's how to replicate it:
download the project from github as zip, then: "summon exterminator", see that in blender the animation works, not in gzdoom however.
GZDoom 4.10.0
(anyways, if anyone likes the model or the actor, feel free to use it, but in case of something commercial, change the text on the side as it's in real life a cleaner robot of an actual company)
Why is my .IQM animation not working?
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Why is my .IQM animation not working?
Post by GelleSzebasztian »
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