Make the Raze keyboard country specific

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Make the Raze keyboard country specific

Post by SpemM »

When playing Duke3D the keyboard is US standard, but I have a French keyboard. So entering cheats such as "DNSHOWMAP" means entering "DNSHOZ,QP". This only occurs at the game screen not the console (unfortunately I cannot enter "DN" commands in the console).
NFS: implement local language for keyboard or allow the command to be bound to a key (ex: noclip).

PS: 5/5 for the port I have not experienced any problems while playing.
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Re: Make the Raze keyboard country specific

Post by Rachael »

As a stop-gap until this is properly implemented, you can try entering it in the console by preceding the cheat code with "activatecheat" - i.e. activatecheat dnshowmap. AFAIK the console should respect your country keyboard settings, but I am not 100% positive.
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Re: Make the Raze keyboard country specific

Post by Gez »

Yes, the console is properly localized.

As for the in-game keyboard, the current behavior for entering cheats is consistent with Doom (where it's well-known that IDKFA and IDDQD had to be typed as IDKFQ and IDDAD on an AZERTY keyboard). Given how the generic code is kept in sync between GZDoom and Raze, I'm not sure which behavior is best.
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Re: Make the Raze keyboard country specific

Post by Graf Zahl »

Easier said than done. The in-game keyboard uses low level input methods like RawInput or DirectInput. And Windows makes it exceedingly hard to query the actual localized key names for that. GZDoom has the same problem, btw, just like lots of other games. It gets further complicated by the game using the untranslated key names to bind its in-game commands.

Another option to enter cheats is to enable the char input and prefix the cheat with '#'.
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Re: Make the Raze keyboard country specific

Post by SpemM »

The "activatecheat dnshowmap" works great bound to a key.

On the keyboard, I tried using eDuke32 and the keyboard is AZERTY so there must be some low level trap to the input.

However, if the activatecheat works on all cheats it solves my problem and simplifies entry you might want to consider it a fix with an update to the documentation.
Thanks, Spem

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