Light shader code not compatiable with old GLSL version

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Light shader code not compatiable with old GLSL version

Post by emile_b »

When lights are enabled, even with "+set gles_force_glsl_v100 true" there are shader compilation errors.

Reported by @Redneckerz here:

Need equivalent hardware to debug and fix (Unless someone can work out the issue from errors shown)
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Re: Light shader code not compatiable with old GLSL version

Post by Redneckerz »

Thanks for making this thread, Emile.

For the record, GPU is a Geforce 6150 SE (GLSL 1.20 format) wih OpenGL 2.1 support.

Ill recap them here (and remove them from the main thread):
Redneckerz wrote: GZdoom launches correctly, but as soon as you start a new game, the following appears.


It does not outright crash, just does not start until you disable lights.pk3.
That was with 4.6.0a.

Test with "+set gles_force_glsl_v100 true":
Redneckerz wrote: That bombs out with a slew of errors:

Then tested with latest g.4.6.0b:
Redneckerz wrote:Just tested 4.6.0b.
Sprite Shadows work perfectly with no performance impact. Looks nice, too!

However,when lights.pk3 is selected, the issue seen in the first picture reappears. So lights.pk3 does not play nice on the renderer.

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