[1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

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[1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by SaveTheDoomer »

On several blood mods the custom sounds don't work :
-Bloody pulp fiction : i've downloaded the repack from FSGFSD and extracted MAP and ART files in the root and renamed the ini to blood.ini; everything works except new sounds, and on several maps in place of the bgm you can hear a sound in the loop. Btw, trying to open automap will crash the game on BAITD2;
-On the way of ira, the custom "meow" from the cat in the last level cannot be heard;
-On trauma therapy there's no custom sounds, maybe because it tries to replace the original sounds.rff and the new file won't be loaded.
Any suggestions? I did'nt find anything about this...
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by Graf Zahl »

I need links to all the exact files you loaded. There's so many versions of these mods that it's too easy to pick the wrong ones.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by SaveTheDoomer »

Here are the links:

https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-way-of-i ... -for-blood
https://www.moddb.com/mods/blood-trauma ... erapy-v-11
https://www.moddb.com/mods/bloody-pulp- ... dgdx-ready

I've tried both on 1.0.1 on win10 and raze-git from aur on linux.
They need some repack, none of them will work out of the box. Way of ira and bpf for bloodgdx use .raw files on a subfolder, while trauma therapy provides a sounds.rff file. Both ways don't seem to work. It seems that raze doesn't load the sound files either way.

Thank you for your reply.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by Graf Zahl »

SaveTheDoomer wrote:On several blood mods the custom sounds don't work :
-Bloody pulp fiction : i've downloaded the repack from FSGFSD and extracted MAP and ART files in the root and renamed the ini to blood.ini; everything works except new sounds, and on several maps in place of the bgm you can hear a sound in the loop. Btw, trying to open automap will crash the game on BAITD2;

The problem here is that this mod's packaging is very non-standard and port specific. Just moving the .ART and .MAP files is not enough. You also need to move the contents of the SMK folder and do some renaming in the sound.rfs file before it works. Unless I understand how GDX works here and what rules it defines I'd rather be careful making changes to how the file system works.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by SaveTheDoomer »

Ok thanks, after some tries on renaming i managed to get BPF sounds working... if it wasn't for that automap crashing on BAITD2.MAP, it seems to work perfectly now... about the smk files i know it, i should have moved them as well, but since i always skip cutscenes i don't mind about that :)
I tried the same with the way of ira, but i only managed to get it working after unzipping it, unlike bloody pulp fiction, this is really strange...
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by Graf Zahl »

I cannot say yet what's wrong with that one sound. It got late yesterday with some other bug reports I received through private channels.
I'll continue with these after work.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by SaveTheDoomer »

Of course, thank you for your time.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by Graf Zahl »

Way of Ira is fixed now. The Blood sound loader had a bug that it tried to put a valid sound in the placeholder index 0 which stands for "play nothing". This mod was perfect for testing it because it only got that one custom sound.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by Graf Zahl »

For Trauma Therapy I added an option to embed blood.rff and sounds.rff files inside a .zip into the file system so its contents can be used.

I deliberately chose to restrict it to these two names because the risk of unintended side effect is high when allowing other files as well.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by SaveTheDoomer »

Just recompiled raze-git and i can confirm, all the mods now work. Glad to know that all this contributed to improve raze. Thank you very much.
The only thing that remains is the crash in BAITD2, i did run raze in the console by when it crashes it says only :

*** Fatal Error ***
!!! Failed to exec debug process
Segmentation fault

This happens when i open the automap in the upper floor of the house, at the beginning of the level the map works normally.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by Graf Zahl »

Can you make a savegame at the problem spot and post that here?
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by _mental_ »

SaveTheDoomer wrote:i did run raze in the console by when it crashes it says only :

*** Fatal Error ***
!!! Failed to exec debug process
Segmentation fault
Install GDB, and it will create much more useful crash report.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by SaveTheDoomer »

_mental_ wrote:
SaveTheDoomer wrote:i did run raze in the console by when it crashes it says only :

*** Fatal Error ***
!!! Failed to exec debug process
Segmentation fault
Install GDB, and it will create much more useful crash report.
I installed gdb, and after some thinkering and online research, i did run the program until the crash then used the where command, here is the result :

(gdb) where
#0 0x0000555555916d4e in ShowRedLine(int, int) ()
#1 0x0000555555916f7b in drawredlines(int, int, int, int) ()
#2 0x000055555591752b in DrawOverheadMap(int, int, int, double) ()
#3 0x0000555555cb9e7a in Blood::viewDrawScreen(bool) ()
#4 0x0000555555cba57d in Blood::GameInterface::Render() ()
#5 0x0000555555920232 in ()
#6 0x0000555555920ff0 in MainLoop() ()
#7 0x00005555559270e6 in RunGame() ()
#8 0x00005555559282d4 in GameMain() ()
#9 0x0000555555757174 in main ()
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by Graf Zahl »

I wasn't able to get it to crash, but I nevertheless fixes a bogus range check in that code that has the potential to crash with the right values.
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Re: [1.0.1][BLOOD]Custom Sounds from mods don't work

Post by _mental_ »

With GDB installed, raze-crash.log file should be created in the current directory when Raze crashes.

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