redneck rampage

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redneck rampage

Post by CBM »

I discovered that I can not have route66 and original rampage in the same raze installation

right now I have:

first dir with the original redneck game



second with route 66

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Graf Zahl
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Re: redneck rampage

Post by Graf Zahl »

Of course it works if you do it right. If, however you follow the install instructions for DOS, no, that cannot work.
So how did you set it up?
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Re: redneck rampage

Post by CBM »

Graf Zahl wrote:Of course it works if you do it right. If, however you follow the install instructions for DOS, no, that cannot work.
So how did you set it up?
its been a long time so I am not sure...

but.. I ended up with a redneck rampage game folder that works in ms-dos/dosbox
and raze as the original game with these episodes:

pissin contest

and another with route 66 that works as route 66 in ms-dos/dosbox (or in raze in a whole seperate raze installation) with these episodes:

route 66 - part 1
route 66 - part 2
pissin contest

the 66 edition of the game has the following:

redneck.grp (redneck.grp seem like it is identical to the one in the original game folder)

and a route66 subfolder with .map files
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Graf Zahl
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Re: redneck rampage

Post by Graf Zahl »

This is what I suspected. The loader tries to avoid duplicates and cannot distinguish these two.
It's getting a bit tricky to sort this out.

First, make a copy of the Route 66 folder.
Then, in the copy, delete everything in it that's identical to the stock RR folder. After that you should be down to only a few files.
If you installed everything for DOS you will have to rename a few things:

turdmov.anm -> turd66.anm
turdmov.voc -> turd66.voc
rr_outro.anm -> end66.anm
rr_outro.voc -> end66.voc
game.con -> game66.con -> ->

If the destination names already exist, just delete the other one.
After that you should have it back to distribution state - now zip the whole stuff, name it route66.grp, put it in the RR folder and (hopefully) no more problems.

What we have here is a classic case of messed up Build game add-on distribution - the file system has a serious design flaw that it even prefers files from the game folder over a mod's GRP file, which led many modders to releasing their stuff in a form that circumvented this problem but required quite a bit of mess on the user's behalf. Route66 is a textbook example for that.
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Re: redneck rampage

Post by CBM »

I Will try that

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