Sometime in the last century, a one-megaton blast annihilated the city of New York. Subsequent explosions rippled across the globe, triggered by an unknown aggressor. The face and nature of the world was changed forever. Out of the ruins have emerged bizarre and twisted monsters, strange, otherworldly phenomena and a people driven by savagery.
In the desiccated heart of old America, settlements struggle to survive the eerie wastes, mutated lifeforms... and each other.
You are a scavenger. Stalker. Junker. The names are many but the profession remains the same - discover the lost treasures of the old world and get back home in one piece.
But the world before will not easily give up its secrets, and even now new powers are emerging, also keen to claim their share.

soundtrack release! Full original OST by John S Weekley is now available for download and streaming!
https://johnsweekley.bandcamp.com/album ... soundtrack
We are now on moddb! First time? Grab the whole series so far with one click.
https://www.moddb.com/mods/ashes-2063/n ... -db-launch

Afterglow's music won a cacoward in 2021! Oh, also the mod also won one, somehow. https://www.doomworld.com/cacowards/2021/best1/
Ashes: Afterglow is the belated second episode of the Ashes post-apocalyptic Doom total-conversion.
You can find the previous thread in all it's lengthy glory here:
Afterglow - The Story So Far
Following the events of 2063, Afterglow finds the scavenger recovering from the battle within The Spire. Things in The City have taken a turn for the worst, and it looks like you'll be needing to leave town... before they throw you out. Unfortunately, transportation is another issue entirely. You'll need to hurry though. Events have been set in motion that affect the fate of mankind itself. And a mysterious voice from the past returns, promising to remake America... at any cost.
Gameplay Guide
Spoiler:Weapons & Items Guide
Difficulty modes:
Ashes uses it's own difficulty settings, giving a choice of different play styles as well as different challenge level.
Relaxed - Basic beginner setting, but will throw you a curve-ball later on. Reduced enemy numbers, better supplies, normal damage. Good for exploration, touch/vr play.
Standard- Regular difficulty. More enemies but still a decent supply of ammo. Standard HMP difficulty.
Arcade - Ultra-violence equivalent. For a populated apocalypse. Enemies come in hordes so be careful with your supplies.
Survival - Special difficulty. Ammo is much more rare, and everyone takes extra damage. You'll have to really count your rounds or find those secrets to get by here. STALKER-lite experience.
APOCALYPSE - Balance goes out the window. Your enemies are numerous, tough, and hit like trucks. Good thing you got a little more ammo. Action-movie mode.
Be on the lookout for any supplies. Check in cardboard boxes, trashcans, inside vents, behind corners, hidden behind bookshelves, inside dust bins. You'll never know what you might find.
Mobility and hotkeys:
ASHES takes after Build games or Hexen more than regular Doom. You'll rarely need to make a jump or crouch to finish your mission, but make sure you have those keys bound.
Don't forget to bind a key to both RELOAD and SECONDARY FIRE. The uses of which are in the equipment guide.
Ashes also uses special keybinds for JOURNAL, BOOTKNIFE, and LANTERN, should you have these items. They can be found in a special controls section of the menu.
Also, some items can be held and used later. Don't hoard your items. Sell them or use them, you might not get a second chance.
Spoiler:Enemies Guide
Melee Weapons (1 Key)
A hefty length of metal, designed before the collapse for hitting people. A versatile weapon, it can also be used for breaking through obstacles and generally destroying things. An iconic badge of the scavenger's profession.
Primary fire is a series of quick, horizontal strikes. Secondary fire is a slower but more powerful vertical strike, perfect for sneak attacks.
An old, gasoline-powered construction tool. Not exactly practical or sensible in a world with dwindling fuel supplies. Also loud as hell. Still, it is pretty fun though.
Primary fire gives a rapid pounding. Secondary fire charges up a more powerful 'hammer blow'. Both rapidly use up the limited fuel tank.
Pistols and utilities (2 key)
.45 Revolver
Your trusty sidearm. Accurate and with a decent amount of stopping power, with a design that has endured for over 200 years. It won't let you down... unless you forget to reload it.
Primary fire is a single shot. Can be rapidly fired with multiple clicks. No secondary fire.
9mm Autoloader
Faster than your revolver, with more rounds in the magazine. It's not quite as precise or powerful, but it and the ammunition it uses seems to be everywhere. A good backup for a bad situation.
Primary fire shoots one round. More if held down. Simple.
Boot Knife
There's not much more worrying than pulling the trigger and hearing only a click. It's even less fun when there is a slavering mutant up in your grid. Press the Bootknife key when using any weapon to quickly teach someone the benefits of personal space. You can even draw your knife if you get caught reloading.
Solar Lantern
Now these things are really useful. They light up the surrounding area with a blue-ish glow. It even recharges itself in sunlight! Careful though, you're not the only fool who can see the light.
Pressing the Lantern key with autopistol, revolver or the crow-bar equipped brings up your lantern. When standing in bright sunlight or any UV source, the battery will automatically refill. However, it does make reloading a bit trickier. In 2063, you'll need to find one of these before you can use it. In Afterglow, you'll start with one already in your possession, although it's starting to show it's age a little...
Shotguns (3 key)
Humans and mutants alike all respect the power of a shotgun. With most fights taking place within dusty ruins or dark tunnels, most fighters prefer short barreled, simple designs.
Primary fire triggers a single shot with a tight spread. Secondary fire unleashes a quick melee attack, although not quite as fast as your knife.
What's better than one barrel? This double-headed hand-cannon is perfect for the closest of close quarters. The wider spread is also great for fast moving or smaller targets.
Primary fire shoots one barrel at a time. If both chambers are loaded, altfire shoots off both barrels at once, hitting harder but with a hell of a kick.
Automatics (4 key)
Machine Pistol
Considered excessive even before the war. Amaze your friends as your enemies and ammunition disappears before their very eyes! Uses the same 9mm ammunition as your autoloader.
Primary fire rapidly fires bullets with considerable recoil and violence. Secondary fire overcomes gravity for extra carnage, but makes the weapon even more difficult to control.
Heavy (5 Key)
Master Blaster
What's worse than a mutant with a lead pipe? One with a jury-rigged napalm launcher. Who keeps making this stuff for them?? Thankfully, you can sometimes find one in your size.
Primary fire launches an explosive glob of fuel that causes severe full-body incineration. Secondary fire is a flamethrower.
Explosives (6 key)
Home-made explosive devices that pack a serious punch.
Primary fire throws a pipebomb on short, slightly erratic fuse. Hold down primary to throw further - just remember to let go at some point. Secondary fire places them as trip-wire activated traps. Don't worry, most of your enemies are dumb enough that they won't notice them. Just be careful you don't run into one that someone else has placed.
Pro-tip: If you place a pipe-trap, or find one in the wild, press USE on it to disarm and pick it up! Just don't, like, get too close.
Rifles (7 key)
Junker Musket
For the biggest of Big Game. Wasteland gunsmiths often ponder on how best to bring down the worst horrors of the apocalypse. One way is to fire hand-loaded, solid slugs from a long distance.
Primary fire is a single, accurate shot that can down a mutant. Secondary fire zooms in with a scope, if you are lucky enough to have one fitted.
Battle Rifle (Dead Man Walking only)
A real blast from the past. This thing was old even before the collapse, but it has stood the test of time through pure ruggedness. Three things ruin its otherwise flawless performance - it's semi-automatic only, kicks like a mule, and the .308 caliber rounds it uses can be exceedingly hard to find. Still, find one of these babies and she'll not let you down no matter what.
Primary fire is a repeating series of accurate fire. Secondary fire engages the short-range scope.
(Credits to TheRailgunner and Chronoteeth for the idea, original design, and original sprites.)
Military Rifle (Afterglow only)
Now we're talking! Military issue weapons may be rare these days, but they offer more firepower, precision and efficiency than any civilian or jury-rigged option. Weapons like these are hard to find and even harder to keep working, and are often seen as symbols of prestige and power among the baddest of the wasteland's warlords.
Primary fire is a burst of three rounds rapid, while tapping primary allows single shots. Secondary fire is... non-existent. At least at first. Maybe you can do something about that...
Super-Heavy Or Jury-rigged (8 key)
Could be a grenade launcher. Could be whatever this thing is. Find the right pieces, and you might even get the chance to make your own unstoppable death-machine.
Twin. 30 cal Machineguns
Fast firing, belt fed, hit like trucks. Can lay down a curtain of deadly accurate fire. The problem is, they weigh a hefty 34lb unloaded - each! So what the hell are you supposed to do with two of them?
Not a weapon as such, but the path to a better one. You've learned a thing or two by watching a legendary gunsmith at work. You can now spend scrap at any marked benchspace to improve your weapons in a variety of exciting ways. How? You'll just have to see what you can come up with. Just make sure you can afford it... only the finest junk will do.
Health items include painkillers, food and drink. Painkillers restore health by 15%, up to a maximum of 100. Food and drink boosts your health by 2% per item, over your maximum. Most towns also sell hot meals and cold drinks to replenish health at larger rates. You'll also come across medical kits that can restore 25% of your lost health, and can be carried and used when most needed.
Armor comes in two sizes and protects against damage at a fixed rate. Leather or sports padding grants 100% armor. Larger metal suits give 200% armor. You can also reinforce your armor with scrap pieces for a 2% increase, up to a maximum of 200.
You'll need something to carry all this stuff, right? A backpack will increase the amount of ammunition you can carry at once. In Afterglow, you'll start with a backpack already, but can still collect Duffle Bags of ammo in certain stashes, that will give you a small amount of ammo of every type.
Stims are game-changers. Some regenerate health, some boost your reactions and dexterity, others grant you increased resistance to radiation. In Afterglow, look out for super-rare, super secret stims of military design.
Warning: Side-affects can include dizziness, insomnia, increased appetite, heart palpitations, or a rapidly reduced life-span. At least, that's what the label says.
Afterglow only:
Keep an eye out for super rare items such as collectibles and other goodies. Night Goggles are fabulously rare and expensive, but can turn pitch darkness into a ghostly green. The batteries usually only last a few minutes, so switch them off when you aren't using them.
Mod Kits are a special item, only found in regular Doom or Doom 2 maps. Can't find a workbench in Hell? No problem! Customize your guns on the fly, by picking up one of these. Caution-one use per kit, results may vary, no refunds or exchanges accepted.
Raiders, bandits, gangers. You know them, you hate them. The fraction of humanity who, when faced with a crisis, revert to murder and theft to get what they want. The best thing about fighting other humans is that a gunshot will usually put them down pretty quickly. The worst thing about fighting other humans is they are more than capable of doing the same to you. They usually prefer to pack a mix of pistols and shotguns, and will often run away if a fight looks like it's going badly.
(Dead Man Walking only) Cults are always a fun bunch - death cults even more so. Similar in equipment and behavior to regular raider types, though they tend to be a little more fanatical and driven. It's when they start getting big ideas like forming their own states that things get messy. There's stories about one bunch that used to be into some real nasty stuff. Thankfully, one day they all just disappeared. Just pray that's the last we'll ever hear of these wackos...
Afterglow only:
Marauders and Bosses lead the larger packs of thugs into battle. They don't scare as easily, and can pack anything from dual revolvers to machine-pistols to assault rifles.
Whatever effect the war had on the world, it is most noticeable in what it has done to human beings.
Cannibals are ruddy skinned monsters with a taste for fresh meat. Much tougher than a human, they can range in size from slightly taller than a man to huge Masters that are more than twice that height. They use whatever they can find as weapons, and almost never flee from a fight.
Some speak of hideous, incredibly rare Warlords that can reach truly enormous sizes, often packing crude but effective weapons of devastating power. Considering how vague these rumors are, they clearly leave few survivors.
Another race of humanoid mutants, known as Trash Hags or Lurkers, can sometimes be found among the junk piles and ruins of the old world. Unrelated to the cannibals, they are sadistic and vicious, fond of both traps and anything that shines. Thankfully, these subterranean horrors rarely venture above-ground.
Afterglow only:
It is becoming clear that we have vastly under-estimated how organized and intelligent the cannibal bands truly are. Larger groups are sometimes seen being led by such hefty creatures as Overseers, who are lucky enough to have been spawned with both brains and brawn. If their human prey puts up enough resistance, they will even sometimes called on the aid of armored Manslayers. Both can be found using powerful and improvised weapons, and take a hell of a lot of firepower to put down.
Finally, if even that isn't enough, the cannibals can call upon Destroyers to hunt down any particularly troublesome threats. If you are unlucky enough to find one of these hideous creatures on your trail, know that you have been marked for death...
It was not only human beings who have been corrupted by the energies unleashed during the collapse. Pit Fiends, otherwise known as "Bug Dogs", are all that remains of domesticated dogs. They move fast, gob chunks of corrosive slime, and can give a really nasty bite. Both humans and mutants often use them as guards or weapons of war, but they have an erratic temperament, and will often turn on their former masters at the slightest provocation.
Gasbags are especially weird. These floating sacs of flesh and air are often content to just hover around aimlessly- until they smell organic matter! When their primitive senses detect possible prey, they charge. Victims are quickly broken down by powerful acids, becoming hosts to the spores of a new generation.
Protip: If you don't fancy using up all your ammo on these things, try sneaking past them!
Afterglow only:
When a spore colony finds enough material in one place, such as a decent sized corpse, they can often reach enormous sizes. Eventually, the entire colony may develop enough power to lift the entire mess off of the ground - corpse and all. At this points, these Gasbag nurseries can take a much more... aggressive role in finding new hosts.
Be especially careful when trudging around in the decaying forests north of the city, you might come across a Matango. Described as a cross between a carnivorous plant and... something else, rumors suggest they are new to the region. They seem to have either been recently introduced, or somehow escaped from whatever lair they evolved within. Neither prospect is an encouraging one.
Some things you might discover out in the wastes defy explanation. Ghostly whispers over the radio, echoing voices, terrifying Rad-Storms. Haunts are one such phenomenon. Most people don't believe in ghosts, but then most people haven't had said ghost try to boil their brains inside their skulls. It's not entirely clear what these things even are. Are they a new kind of mutant, an actual ghost, or something worse?
As you leave the borders of The City and head into the badlands, be prepared to face even stranger and more deadly creatures. Tales abound of horrors unknown in the coastal regions.
One such tale might merely be a rumor, but seems to pop up with alarming frequency all over the region. Mothers can often be heard warning their children to be good, for Laughing Tom will get them if they don't. Perhaps this is merely a folk tale... except that some older scavengers will get extremely quiet and uncomfortable at the mere mention of this name.
Whether this creature actually exists is a mystery, and descriptions of its appearance and abilities vary wildly. Perhaps it is just a story, after all...
Final Warning: Keep an eye out for anything not on this list. The wastes are vast and what is common in one area may be rare in others. There are rumors of powerful new factions arising, though some may be more new than others. Toxic waste pools, poison gas, radiation storms and other environmental effects should also be avoided if at all possible.
PLEASE NOTE: When running with Gzdoom, compatibility mode should be set to DEFAULT, or else the motorcycle and suppressed machine-pistol may NOT work as intended.
Episode 1 Enriched Edition:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/dzyp44gx ... 3.pk3/file
Version 2.23. Contains remastered Episode 1, Dead Man Walking Expansion, and a few new secrets to find. To play, simply drop the included Pk3 file onto Gzdoom and run using either the Doom2 or Freedoom 2iWad. Please note: Freedoom 2 iwad may act strangely due to texture differences. Will update to ignore this and restore usage.
Episode 2 Afterglow:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/8xxtt89t ... 0.pk3/file
Version 1.10 - requires gzdoom or lzdoom installed, and a copy of Doom2.wad or Freedoom2.wad. To run, drop the pk3 straight onto Gzdoom, or run through a launcher such as ZDL. Currently not designed to be run with other mods, but universal mods (such as Nashgore and damage numbers) may work if loaded BEFORE the pk3. Also supports WarTrophies mod, because it's boss.
Standalone weapons pack:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/zowkt9fm ... 3.pk3/file
Version 2.23 - adds DMW Battle Rifle and fixes by PlasmaZippo!
Designed to be used with vanilla/custom wads and most monsters packs. WARNING - NOT FOR USE WITH THE ABOVE DOWNLOADS.
Special bonus - Modkits replace blurspheres. Use them to upgrade your guns, as you won't find any workbenches in Scythe2.wad. Trust me, I've looked.
Standalone Monsters pack:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/1pk7e3by ... 0.pk3/file
New release! Designed to be used with vanilla custom wads or monster randomizers (I guess?). WARNING - NOT FOR USE WITH THE ABOVE DOWNLOADS.
May be somewhat spoiler, as the spider mastermind is replaced with Afterglow's Final Boss. But that isn't my problem.
NEW Afterglow - Sterilized Edition:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/5ux5d3im ... 0.pk3/file
You asked for it, we begrudgingly put it together. Vanilla monsters and weapons download of episode two. Contains no story, no trading, no talking, no motorcycles. Just kill everything, get to the end of the map, repeat. Should be compatible with most monsters and weapons mods. Beware - may include Hitler.
Legacy Episode 1 - old version:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ya00h8wa ... 5.zip/file
This is the original classic episode 1 pack for Ashes 2063, kept here for historical purposes. Instructions, jank, and a fuckload of borrowed assets included inside.
-Fixed "red blindness" softloft issue in final boss battle
-Vinaya's shockwave projectiles are now faster and visible
-Fixed sequence breaking tunnel quest softlock in Prosperity
-Added Walker's introduction speech
-Fixes for some of the sequence breaking in dialogues
-Relaxed difficulty mode has bonus damage resistance for player and reduced enemy aggression
-Keyboard controls for motorcycle as well as mouse (bound to strafe keys by default)
-weird red glow during final end cutscene sequence gone
-Roamer confrontation at end of hub2 now triggers correctly
-removed/reduced blaster jumping
-fixed some areas that can let player get out of bounds
-buffed bayonet damage
-Fixed broken elevator in nuclear site
-Fixed death-exit bug in city escape.
-OutOfBounds barriers added for many places, or otherwise designed to resist explosive jumps.
-many mis-aligned textures bugs identified and cleared.
-many changes to maps regarding detail or arrangement.
-use_blocking lines added in relevant areas to stop sequence breaking.
-Small buffs to pump-action to make it more competitive vs sawed off.
-autoloader burst-fire and Machine-pistol no longer do minimum RNG damage.
-minimum damage of master blaster napalm shot buffed, flamethrower now leaves different decal.
-pipebombs fired from launcher should leave decals now.
-Killer pig now uses ammo for altfire.
-Altfire for killer pig now does direct damage as well as AOE.
-slight nerf for pig-tracer damage, while rounding out variance.
-buffed pipebomb radius and damage.
-New voices added to vulture speech lists and occasional scripted events.
-hanging lanterns no longer flicker awkwardly.
-"Tom" sounds added - credits and thanks to Carl Shading.
-many non-functional doors have been given locked or barricaded textures to ease navigation.
-Spawning monster issues addressed.
-More ladders added in IDKFA warehouse and lower at a reduced rate to be more obvious.
-Porcelain voice lines added - credits and special thanks to BlueVaporConcord.
-Sawed-off triple burst no longer illuminates the world forever.
-New Ghost-Town theme for nuke site. Several music tracks remastered for gain and volume.
-Toms now do not sit still while hunting for player, removing invisible barriers.
-Friendly fire added to Porcelain's rescue, and she does more damage to bugdogs.
-Porcelain taking pain does not immediately cause her to go hostile.
-Porcelain Death/pain sprites added.
-Barrett should no longer rise from the dead to go hunt ghosts. Ditto for Porcelain.
-Violet now correctly changes dialog if bad news given.
-You no longer trigger the junkyard explosion before receiving the bombs.
-Wiping out Roamers *after* time has passed forfeits your bonus, but does not give a bad end.
-Blowing up roamers locks you out of Roamer reward, as appropriate.
-Garavito now drops the C4 needed to breach uptown, in case player already locked out.
-Breaking into Uptown without following rebels or roamers will not trigger one of their endings.
-You can now free Smiley even if you wiped out the rest of the town.
-Added obstructions and detail to nuke site "sludge tunnel" to impede progress.
-Garavito now locks off questline if Baron quest already started.
-Kyle locks off questline if key already awarded.
-Kyle changes dialog if arrested.
-monsterblocking line added to gas tunnels due to gasbag random encounter shennanigans.
-Mel should no longer randomly aggro at the player.
-aberrant revolver2 firing frame while holding lantern fixed.
-Glock3 burstfire no longer removes lantern from hand until reload.
-you can no longer break into the baron's manor using his own chair. Get fucked.
-new npc added to Hub2 for purposes of foreshadowing. woooooOOOOOooo.
-More npcs remove themselves from harm once invasion occurs.
-Barrett removes himself from existence before returning to town, avoiding clone issue.
-It is no longer possible to reach the rear of the first crane in map19, allowing mapskip.
-Added new collectable (4/4)!
-voice quotes added for Pig part collection.
-Added subtitles for scavver speech.
-Gun dealer in Michonne circle no longer forgets he gave you a discount.
-Lucy's leap attack should hold priority over running, making jumps easier.
-New mini-game added for unlocking final Uber-safe in Map22. Replaces crap switchhunt.
-Jackhammer upgrade path added to workbench. Regular jackhammer now twice as fuel efficient.
-Subtitles added to Barrett encounter. Door added to delay progression until his initial line finishes.
-It should now be impossible to become locked in Barrett's toilet cubicle.
-New music track added to Uptown. Credits to John S. Weekley (already included on OST album).
-Garavito no longer drops C4 on death, as it serves no purpose and just confused people.
-Killing the door guard to Uptown now opens Uptown. Why? There is no graceful method to doing this otherwise.
-Threatening the baron by entering Uptown early will give you the gate key, see above.
-Haunts/phantoms should no longer cause infighting when melee attacking, and no longer block the player when dead.
-Lucy should not be able to climb the ladder on the map21 gas station.
-Baron can now be attacked and killed, and has a ranged attack when aggro'd.
-Sheriff can now be attacked and killed, and has the correct animations when aggro'd.
-Prosperity guards now have death/pain frames and do not turn into subway guards when attacked/idle.
-Smiley can be shot in the face and also animates when speaking.
-Made 'gunsmoke' effect much less intrusive.
-Causing problems in Uptown now causes problems in Lowtown, as it should.
-Vinaya's 'red blindness' final move is now avoidable, and she no longer suffers invisible corpse issue.
-Sub ending should only trigger if Smiley was also freed.
-Crowbar now less janky when swinging while lantern is out.
-Activating lantern with a two-handed weapon equipped will now switch to lantern/crowbar.
-Backing out of Smiley's quest without accepting it would softlock the quest if the guard is spoken to after. This has been fixed.
-Machinepistol can now be used one-handed with the lantern (but doing so makes the accuracy even *worse*).
-Machinepistol upgrade now replaced with a general overhaul that improves all stats by a small amount.
-Military rifle given a small damage and accuracy buff, particularly for single shots.
-Jackhammer workbench screens aligned correctly with others.
-Pipebombs can now be built from the workbench, which gives a use for junk in the late-game.
-As a result of the above change, vendors who sold pipebombs previously now sell jackhammer fuel instead.
-Full-auto machinepistol when suppressed should sound better.
-Golden crowbar is now worth +50% more on ebay.
-It should no longer be possible to take your bike into the checkpoint ambush.
-The Baron gives a bit more hinting about how to complete the sabotage job.
-Major grammar and spelling sweep. A few conversations had additional information added and/or shortened for brevity.
-Michonne gate guard can no longer soft-lock access through dialog. Just walking past him will still trigger a fight though.
-Nameless traders and losers in Lowtown and guards in Uptown now have dialogue, not that they are very helpful still.
-Fixed motorcycle headlights turning off when on slopes, and made them a little brighter.
-Minigame rpg icon on hud should not appear when using cheats outside of minigame.
-You can now "Charge-cancel" the final upgraded Junker Musket by using your bootknife. Sadly there is still no option
to switch from zoomed to unzoomed while charging due to hardcoded a_refire stuff that I haven't the time to dig into.
-HUGE sound optimization pass, dropping bloat by 12mb. Many thanks to Shockwave_S08 for the work!
-Minigame player now emits sound when hurt, to indicate to player that they have lost a "life".
-Junker musket (and its derivatives) no longer have autoaim enabled. Scoped shots will no longer randomly veer off to hit buckets, etc.
-Exit switches for maps INT01, MAP20 and MAP21 have had their delay before exit reduced considerably, reducing the chance that the player gets back on their vehicle(s) and spawns with two on the other side.
-Water splashes are now the correct color for their respective surface.
-When fixing your bike in the subway, it no longer spins to face you in a manner implying it is sentient.
-Made ceiling lights invulnerable and non-solid, since autoaim seems to have a pathological fixation with them, and they
sometimes get in the way/act strange when attached to light-switches.
-Overseers got a better sound for crossbow and their cleaver attack should play impact sounds now.
-Credits and changelog added to main files. That way people can view these without having to find the forum thread.
-Silver now can be asked at any point about the tunnels quest, giving a clue where to find hazmat suits.
-New font for improved visibility. Font is MemenTwo by Jimmy.
-Haunts burn.death states fixed for correct sprite sequence.
-ceiling lamps height issues fixed.
-deathexit bug in map17 ambush should not trigger no matter what happens.
-rpg icon should no longer appear on minimal hud if not in minigame.
-Shotgun magazine reload now uses less intrusive sound file (old grenade launcher cocking sound).
-When using infinite ammo cheat, lantern should be infinite and weapon special functions should not deplete ammo.
-Migrated hotfix for haunts causing other monsters to go hostile.
Enriched v2.23:
- Footsteps should correctly link to relevant textures and sound louder where needed.
- unlimited ammo cheat fix.
- Various fixes to battle rifle, including damage buff.
- Ingram sprite fixes and fixes ammunition waste in altfire.
- classic shotgun now replaces pump shotgun if you got it through cheats.
- classic shotgun now has world sprite that matches appearance.
- Voice line mixing improved.
- subtitles added for spoken dialogue.
- Tutorial hints can now be re-read in the console if missed.
- Athena radio message now plays in The Spire as well, so players don't miss code hint.
- scale of props is now the same as afterglow.
- toilets can be destroyed but not the ones that leads to secret places.
- Fixed broken sign texture in Cat's cradle club in Map07.
- Gap in water flood in Map05 should be fixed.
- Made Map05 main exit switch more visible.
- Map03 no longer has an inaccessible secret.
- Medkits no longer affect item count.
- Winning/losing tickets from pit fight should no longer sit in the player's inventory forever.
Weapons pack:
-removed bulletpuff replacement, which would add jank to certain monsters.
-ditto with firebomb which would nerf cyberdemons.
-rpg icon should no longer appear.
-Shotgun magazine reload now uses less intrusive sound file (old grenade launcher cocking sound).
-When using infinite ammo cheat, lantern should be infinite and weapon special functions should not deplete ammo.
-Battle Rifle added to weapons pack - fully compatible with modkits, starting from naked fal and ending with DMW-Fal.
-Regular CLIP pickups have a chance to spawn 9mm Autoloaders instead.
-Plasmarifle spawns have a chance of spawning either a Junker Musket or Military Rifle.
-Cell ammo spawns have a chance of spawning either 5.56mm or small slug ammo.
-BFG9000 spawns have a chance of spawning either a Battle Rifle or Killer P.I.G.
-Cellpack spawns have a chance of spawning either 7.62mm or large slug ammo.
-The Lazer gun is now awarded with give weapon/all cheats.
-Fixes to enemy projectiles and bullet puffs by PlasmaZippo incorporated into pk3.
-Buff to FAL to balance and represent higher power of rarer .308 cartridge.
-First aid kids no longer affect secrets count.
-Sawed off shotgun no longer automatically reloads on empty, and can be reload-cancelled with altfire or switching weapon.
Episode 1 Enriched Edition:
ReformedJoe for the entirety of the Dead Man Walking Expansion.
Retromuffin34 for additional art and textures.
The Dutch Ghost for help with the story writing.
SunniBoi for the voice of the Scav.
Xenoxols for help with DECORATE, TEXTURES, and really just being one of the first guys to get involved!
JDredalert for helping with the old flares system, and general advice.
Chronoteef for spriting help and extra vocal work. I GET HIS LIVER!
Captain J for spriting work and some in-depth playtesting, as well as the excellent SFX pack.
BigC. Lead playtester for the Alpha version.
Ozymandias81 for dropping me some cool resources.
Primeval/John S. Weekley for the absolutely incredible soundtrack. Check him out on Facebook/Bandcamp if you haven't already!
OSJclatchford for some tips on lighting and inventory.
Snarboo for the framework of the vehicle code.
Ezepov for the awesome new logo and title.
RamonDexter for the offer of help, and of course some tips on ZDOOM dialog and the Journal system.
Of course WildWeasel for his GunLabs tutorials, since we wouldn't be here otherwise.
The entire Zdoom Forums for the wiki, the support and the Youtube playthroughs! Marvellous.
TorridGristle for his (now edited) Glock Pistol!
Ritual Entertainment for one voice from Sin.
ZZrion the insect for a few duke texture edits.
Sgt MkIv for the idea behind the motorcycle.
TerminusEst13 for the handling script for the motorcycle. Original mod here: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=58804
Vader for the original Roach sprites. Not, not those roaches. The bigger ones.
TheRailgunner for the awesome JETFIRE speed mod and FAL mod.
TiberiumSoul for sourcing some new Jusket sounds!
I suppose this is no secret at this stage, but the mod does include an edit of "The Gonk" by Herbert Chappell.
New sounds added! See credits file in download for details, courtesy of Captain J.
Okay, I'm not really a texture artist, so most are rips or edits of rips. Some are edits of photographs. I'm hoping to replace most or all of the original rips with original content, but it's slow going.
Raven, 3d Realms, Monolith, Xatrix entertainment, Bethesda Softworks (for the old Skynet stuff), of course Id software as well.
Realm667 and various contributors for some props and sounds.
Specifically; Gothic, Captain Awesome, CaptainToenail, Bloax, EttinGrinder.
MagicWazard for his/her (?) Terrain Splashes plugin.
Ashes: Afterglow Credits:
ReformedJoe - Co-mapper and Zscript specialist.
The Dutch Ghost- Screenwriter. Also voice of Sigma Announcer and Eyes In The Dark.
John-S Weekley/Primeval - Soundtrack. Check him out on Facebook/Bandcamp if you haven't already!
Retromuffin34 - Textures assistant and additional art/story
SunniBoi -the voice of the Scav.
BlueVaporConcord - The voice of Porcelain.
Chronoteef - main voice acting for cannibals/raiders. I GET HIS LIVER!
Captain J - the excellent SFX pack.
Snarboo for the framework of the vehicle code.
Ezepov for ANOTHER awesome new logo and title.
NMN- fantastic art which now is my phone's lock screen, as well as the sprites for "Lucy"
RamonDexter - ZDOOM dialog help and the Journal system.
WildWeasel - GunLabs tutorials. I cannot stress how much this helped me get started.
The entire Zdoom Forums for the wiki, the support and the Youtube playthroughs! Marvellous.
XLightningStormL - Improved Radiation script
D2Icarus - Help with zscript basics
VoidWeaver - Original code for Nightvisor, though heavily modified and adapted
Sgt MkIv for the idea behind the motorcycle.
TerminusEst13 for the handling script for the motorcycle. Original mod here: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=58804
Vader for the original Roach sprites. Not, not those roaches. The bigger ones.
TiberiumSoul for sourcing some new Jusket and assault rifle sounds!
PillowBlaster - The Nuke script
The Zombie Killer - Footsteps code original designer
GupGupExtreme - Voice of the Goons Boss
TheAbsoluteLad - Voice of Garavito
Spart_n - Voice of Wheeler/Wheeler radio messages
BigC - Voice of Barrett/Mojo, son of Jojo
Goaldude00 - Gas bag colonies
Pug-alo - Voice of Jack Miller
JessyRuiz- radio voice1 in Flooded District
Wolfseyerio - Athena/Vinaya
SirAz-The General/The Warlord/Overseers
Badguy292-"Give em hell" art kindly donated, original art by JessyRuiz
Many sounds from Fallout Tactics, by 14 Degrees East
Playtest Team Alpha Wolf Squadron - you know who you are![]()
Raven, 3d Realms, Monolith, Xatrix entertainment, of course Id software as well.
Realm667 and various contributors for some props and sounds.
Specifically; Gothic, Captain Awesome, CaptainToenail, Bloax, EttinGrinder.
MagicWazard for his/her (?) Terrain Splashes plugin.
MemenTwo font by Jimmy.
PlasmaZippo for fixes to weapons pack projectile clashing. Many thanks![]()
More to follow as I find them