Added missing null pointer checks to fix a crash with PB.
Added the 'quickunsetslot' command to unset the quicksave slot.
Fixed capped tall skies not working (Heretic and Hexen). Fixed sky stretching for the new freelook limit.
Implement the following functions under LevelCompatibility: FlipLine, GetNumMapThings, GetMapThingPos, GetMapThingAngle, SetMapThingAngle.
Wall and sprite render cull options for the GL renderer.
Added support for up to 4 DirectInput joysticks with 32 button each at the same time for fake splitscreen.
Added low detail mode (160x200) to the preset scale modes. UI looks horizontally stretched tough.
Implement taking screen shots in menus (m8f). Added support for PrtSc.
Use signal handler to invoke call_terms() before exit when possible (Conn O'Griofa)
Fixed crash drawing fog boundaries in the software renderer.
Fixed another crash in the software renderer now with transparent sprites (Stronghold STR12).
Fixed ancient ZDoom savegame slot selection bug.
Changed how the old quicksave works. Now you select the slot using quicksave like in original Doom.
Models are for now disabled by default for the classic software renderer with the new r_models_carmack CVAR for better performance on some maps and to avoid an issue with dissapearing sprites.
Allow disabling mirrors for the GL renderer with gl_mirrors as some maps abuse them and portals are much slower in the old renderer. Also reduce the number of default recursions.
Fixed vanilla light mode being available for GL2 when it's not supported without shaders.
Block scaling for the classic software renderer (D3D), it didn't work and caused some serious glitches.
Fall back to D3D for software on systems without GL2 support.
Tweaked the 1K Deaths skill setting for Heretic.
Fixed fuzz style fallback not working in GL legacy mode. Changed default since software style was too expensive on old cards.
A lot of stuff from GZDoom. Bumped ZScript to 3.9.0.
After some tests, I couldn't make LZDoom run with two XBox 360 controllers. DInput controllers does not work between multiple instances, so what would solve it is support for 2 or more XInput controllers. Thanks for the improvement anyway!
That's becouse i only added support for several DInput controllers, i tested it with two cheap gamepads and it works for sure. Have you tried disabling XInput controllers in the game to force them to be detected as DInput? About the axes i set the ones from other controllers to none.
I could try to do the same for XInput.
You should have done a bug report. How could i know if no one reported it? Fortunately it's a minor bug since it doesn't happen in intermissions. viewtopic.php?f=334&t=66257&p=1123265#p1123265