LZDoom is a port created by drfrag in the community, and should serve as a more maintained code base than the Vintage version did. While it aims to keep feature parity with GZDoom with regards to modding features, it does lag behind quite a lot in renderer code. (So much so, in fact, that it can be used to run on older systems that GZDoom has long since deprecated).
Please keep in mind that LZDoom is independently supported, and the GZDoom team can only offer limited support. Its development is not directly supervised by the GZDoom team, so this should be seen as more of a simple alternative to GZDoom than a real "vintage build" for it. As always, if you need help getting things working, you can post in the tech forum and see if someone can help you!
Here is a quote from drfrag's post for LZDoom v3.82 that by itself will complete this post:
Enjoy LZDoom!drfrag wrote:Fixes/features since 3.61b4Download
- Fake splitscreen support: you need to enable the 'vid_activeinbackground', 'i_soundinbackground' and the new 'joy_background' cvars.
Start two copies of LZDoom from different folders (e.g. with ZDL), one with -host 2 and another one with '-join'. You need a dual core CPU, you'll probably get the best results using software D3D and setting 'r_multithreaded' to 0. Set player two to use the gamepad (left stick to move, right one to look around) and give the focus to player one, works for DInput and SDL.- Gives a warning instead of error out on unsupported ZScript version (3.8.3), hacked to run most mods with the original fonts.
- Support for SIGIL and NERVE as iwads.
- More DOOM2 compatibility fixes.
- Auto level compatibility is now optional by Enjay's request: 'sv_njnoautolevelcompat' cvar. Gives a warning on level load.
- Fixed crash with Eviternity on level end.
- Huge update with tons of stuff from GZDoom such as the JIT compiler for 64 bit.
- Reminder: savegames in LZDoom are sorted by filename (slot), to restore the old order use the 'oldsaveorder' cvar.