GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

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Graf Zahl
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GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Graf Zahl »

Notice: There is currently no Vintage version planned for this release.

Please note that the survey is currently closed. GZDoom 4.1.1 does not include the survey code that 3.5.0 did.

Download (Modern, OpenGL 3.3 and higher) Highlights
  • bug fixes and vulkan improvements

  • fixed deprecation warnings in core scripts
  • the light storage buffer is not dynamic
  • made Vulkan Cocoa view opaque
  • tuned internal MoltenVK settings for better performance
  • postponed destruction of Vulkan resources
  • fix vsync off with vulkan
  • release staging buffer after the frame it was used in
  • make the VkHardwareTexture and VKBuffer linked lists private
  • fix shutdown crash due to GetVulkanFrameBuffer returning null when VulkanFrameBuffer is destroyed
  • Fixed offsets for Esperanto letters.
  • add VulkanQueryPool and QueryPoolBuilder
  • add VulkanQueryPool::getResults
  • implement stat gpu on vulkan and fix it on opengl
  • use the exact sRGB->linear transfer function in HDR mode as the 2.2 gamma approximation is visibly inaccurate in this case
  • fixed saved game thumbnails generation with Vulkan renderer
  • fixed 'I' to 'i' upper-to-lower mapping
  • fix vulkan crash when changing resolution when using the software renderer
  • VMA_MEMORY_USAGE_CPU_TO_GPU does not require VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT to bet set. Current implementation requires this flag as vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges is never called.
  • call SetActiveRenderTarget before drawing the software renderer scene
  • fix vkGetQueryPoolResults: parameter dataSize must be greater than 0
  • brought back text length check for 'type on' HUD message
  • improved handling of HUDMSG_TYPEON
  • Fixed random generation of friendly obituaries
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Enjay »

Some welcome bug fixes. Thank you very much.
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Youchers »

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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by silentzora »

I'm curious, is there a method of upscaling the Options menu text without going into the video mode options? Reason I ask is that, currently, the menus text is too small for me to read without leaning into the screen (I've got poor eyesight). The video mode scaling helps, but it throws the scaling of everything else out of whack. :?
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Nash »

Agreed, the engine could use a "UI scale" slider.

All in all, congratulations and great work as always.
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Rachael »

A) This is not the place for those. Go to -> "Feature Suggestions"
B) This is kind of already planned and being worked on, albeit on the back burner for now. But there are definite plans to have an additional option where the screen scales independently of the UI. And Graf said he was working on something a little more flexible with UI scaling. Obviously that's on the back burner, too.

(And the reason why I obsessively say "go report it in the right forum" is because nothing will ever be worked on out of these news topics. The bug report threads literally are themselves the to-do list - without them there is nothing to do - it's how we keep shit organized)
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Starman the Blaziken »

I just got with the latest GZDoom for 4.1.0 and since I seen the in-menu and console change it's font by some update from what looks like a stylized DOS font. I dunno if it is an issue that is being fixed in 4.1.1 here, but the console has some warning scripts about the UIs, it happens in every game I start up mods, wads, or not with. Unless that is not the case with the bug still at hand, then I have no idea how to change it then.
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Rachael »

Starman the Blaziken wrote:I just got with the latest GZDoom for 4.1.0
Starman the Blaziken wrote: I dunno if it is an issue that is being fixed in 4.1.1 here, but the console has some warning scripts about the UIs, it happens in every game I start up mods, wads, or not with. Unless that is not the case with the bug still at hand, then I have no idea how to change it then.
Please read more carefully, and don't be afraid to try things out. The older version is unsupported as of now, anyway.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Graf Zahl »

Rachael wrote:A) This is not the place for those. Go to -> "Feature Suggestions"
B) This is kind of already planned and being worked on, albeit on the back burner for now. But there are definite plans to have an additional option where the screen scales independently of the UI. And Graf said he was working on something a little more flexible with UI scaling. Obviously that's on the back burner, too.
The biggest problem here is that the menu needs a certain width to work properly, so at some screen sizes it's either using some very poor scaling factors or making the menu smaller. So, when saying "the menu is too small" it's always advisable to also say what screen size this is running on.

It should be kept in mind that all these scaling issues come from design decisions made almost 20 years ago when screens were a lot smaller. But they are at the core of the entire 2D drawing code, unfortunately. It's going to take time to clean this up - but even then it will be more beneficial for users running at 'modern' screen sizes, like 1920x1080 and up. On smaller screens there's simply insufficient options to deal with the problem.
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by rawride »

thanks a lot!
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Starman the Blaziken »

Rachael wrote:
Starman the Blaziken wrote:I just got with the latest GZDoom for 4.1.0
Starman the Blaziken wrote: I dunno if it is an issue that is being fixed in 4.1.1 here, but the console has some warning scripts about the UIs, it happens in every game I start up mods, wads, or not with. Unless that is not the case with the bug still at hand, then I have no idea how to change it then.
Please read more carefully, and don't be afraid to try things out. The older version is unsupported as of now, anyway.
Are you saying that 4.1.1 is out? Because I came here wondering if it was fixed for this upcoming, questionmark? Version? And I say that because I do not see 4.1.1 on the official page when I checked just a moment ago.
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Kinsie »

Starman the Blaziken wrote:Are you saying that 4.1.1 is out? Because I came here wondering if it was fixed for this upcoming, questionmark? Version? And I say that because I do not see 4.1.1 on the official page when I checked just a moment ago.
What's the name of the thread you're posting in? Read it again. Slowly, this time.
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Rachael »

Starman the Blaziken wrote: Are you saying that 4.1.1 is out? Because I came here wondering if it was fixed for this upcoming, questionmark? Version? And I say that because I do not see 4.1.1 on the official page when I checked just a moment ago.
It takes a little time for things to go there but they end up there eventually. In the mean time the original post in this topic has the download link.
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Starman the Blaziken »

Oh, oof… I did not know it takes time or that this is thread has an full version patch but, thanks Rachel.
Also Kinsie, it does not hurt if I need to ask a question if a bug has been fixed just as soon as I find that apparently new versions of GZDoom takes time to upload by itself...
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Re: GZDoom 4.1.1 Released

Post by Blue Shadow »

The reason for the delay is because I'm waiting for the Mac and Linux binaries before I update the download page. That's all.

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