The "725f3332()" is apparently virtual delete in HWPortal.
Code: Select all
725f3332() Unknown
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing]
> gzdoom.exe!FPortalSceneState::EndFrame(HWDrawInfo * di, FRenderState & state) Line 101 C++
gzdoom.exe!OpenGLRenderer::FGLRenderer::DrawScene(HWDrawInfo * di, int drawmode) Line 141 C++
[External Code]
gzdoom.exe!HWDrawInfo::ProcessScene(bool toscreen, const std::function<void __cdecl(HWDrawInfo *,int)> & drawScene) Line 655 C++
gzdoom.exe!OpenGLRenderer::FGLRenderer::RenderViewpoint(FRenderViewpoint & mainvp, AActor * camera, IntRect * bounds, float fov, float ratio, float fovratio, bool mainview, bool toscreen) Line 190 C++
gzdoom.exe!OpenGLRenderer::FGLRenderer::RenderView(player_t * player) Line 276 C++
gzdoom.exe!D_Display() Line 758 C++
gzdoom.exe!D_DoomLoop() Line 1008 C++
gzdoom.exe!D_DoomMain() Line 2681 C++
gzdoom.exe!DoMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance) Line 1077 C++
gzdoom.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * nothing, char * cmdline, int nCmdShow) Line 1349 C++
[External Code]
1. Make sure you have vid_rendermode=4
2. Use the map attached (IWAD=doom2.wad). The reflective floors are 1.0 reflective on purpose — makes it easier to spot the issue.
3. Position yourself at roughly (-3289, 488, 32)
4. Make sure you see this: (this is on it's own a problem, but not related and not visible in production map so w/e)
5. Move around for a bit, turn camera around. It will crash at some point
You can try the attached demo. For me it crashes reliably (and differently every time!)