Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Bugs with GZDoom Vintage builds. Same rules apply as with all other bug reports fora.

Moderator: GZDoom Developers

Forum rules
Please construct and post a simple demo whenever possible for all bug reports. Please provide links to everything.

If you can include a wad demonstrating the problem, please do so. Bug reports that include fully-constructed demos have a much better chance of being investigated in a timely manner than those that don't.

Please make a new topic for every bug. Don't combine multiple bugs into a single topic. Thanks!
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:19 am

Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by ApolloBlack »

When I finish a level, the game crashes.

I'm using gzdoom 3-5-0 legacy, the vintage version and these are the links for the mods that I'm using:

This is the github version I'm using: ... 843c212afc

And these are the resources for the mod that I'm using: ... tudWs/view
If more info is needed just let me know.
Posts: 3814
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:32 am

Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by _mental_ »

Post a crash report.
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:19 am

Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by ApolloBlack »

Code: C0000005 (Access Violation - tried to read address 00000000)
Address: 010BFE65
Flags: 00000000

Windows NT 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

GS=002b FS=0053 ES=002b DS=002b
EAX=01270878 EBX=011d0000 ECX=00000000 EDX=10fcb184
ESI=00000000 EDI=00000000
EBP=00000000 EIP=010bfe65 ESP=011cee08 CS=0023 SS=002b

FPU State:
ControlWord=027f StatusWord=0020 TagWord=ffff


Running threads:
00000d24 at 010BFE65*

Loaded modules:
00190000 - 00F28FFF gzdoom.exe
77CB0000 - 77E2FFFF ntdll.dll
75850000 - 7595FFFF kernel32.dll
551C0000 - 551EEFFF aswhookx.dll
768A0000 - 768E6FFF KERNELBASE.dll
61B50000 - 61C17FFF OPENGL32.dll
76750000 - 767FBFFF msvcrt.dll
77820000 - 778C0FFF ADVAPI32.dll
76AC0000 - 76AD8FFF sechost.dll
76B80000 - 76C6FFFF RPCRT4.dll
75560000 - 755BFFFF SspiCli.dll
75550000 - 7555BFFF CRYPTBASE.dll
76AF0000 - 76B7FFFF GDI32.dll
75740000 - 7583FFFF USER32.dll
768F0000 - 768F9FFF LPK.dll
76800000 - 7689CFFF USP10.dll
61B20000 - 61B41FFF GLU32.dll
550D0000 - 551B6FFF DDRAW.dll
61B10000 - 61B15FFF DCIMAN32.dll
76D30000 - 76ECCFFF SETUPAPI.dll
76720000 - 76746FFF CFGMGR32.dll
76C80000 - 76D10FFF OLEAUT32.dll
77550000 - 776ACFFF ole32.dll
76AA0000 - 76AB1FFF DEVOBJ.dll
73AB0000 - 73AC2FFF dwmapi.dll
73340000 - 73346FFF WSOCK32.dll
766E0000 - 76714FFF WS2_32.dll
76A90000 - 76A95FFF NSI.dll
64E90000 - 64EC1FFF WINMM.dll
66CB0000 - 66E4DFFF COMCTL32.dll
76A30000 - 76A86FFF SHLWAPI.dll
75960000 - 759DAFFF COMDLG32.dll
75A90000 - 766DBFFF SHELL32.dll
769D0000 - 76A2FFFF IMM32.DLL
76900000 - 769CCFFF MSCTF.dll
67E40000 - 67E42FFF api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.DLL
55050000 - 550C5FFF riched20.dll
66470000 - 664EFFFF uxtheme.dll
72560000 - 7256CFFF wtsapi32.dll
71A80000 - 71AA8FFF WINSTA.dll
54E20000 - 54EF9FFF openal32.dll
75680000 - 75702FFF CLBCatQ.DLL
5A550000 - 5A588FFF MMDevApi.dll
66BB0000 - 66CA4FFF PROPSYS.dll
55010000 - 55045FFF AUDIOSES.DLL
551F0000 - 5521FFFF wdmaud.drv
73D30000 - 73D33FFF ksuser.dll
61440000 - 61446FFF AVRT.dll
55000000 - 55007FFF msacm32.drv
54FE0000 - 54FF3FFF MSACM32.dll
54FD0000 - 54FD6FFF midimap.dll
548E0000 - 54A41FFF libsndfile-1.dll
54FA0000 - 54FCFFFF dinput8.dll
5A750000 - 5A758FFF HID.DLL
75A60000 - 75A8EFFF WINTRUST.dll
77160000 - 77281FFF CRYPT32.dll
76AE0000 - 76AEBFFF MSASN1.dll
535B0000 - 548D5FFF nvoglv32.DLL
75480000 - 75488FFF VERSION.dll
753F0000 - 75410FFF ntmarta.dll
77110000 - 77154FFF WLDAP32.dll
61C40000 - 61CB8FFF mscms.dll
755C0000 - 755D6FFF USERENV.dll
77810000 - 7781AFFF profapi.dll
54F60000 - 54F97FFF icm32.dll
54B40000 - 54BB1FFF DSOUND.dll
72A80000 - 72AA4FFF POWRPROF.dll
0C2C0000 - 0C3C6FFF libfluidsynth.dll

Bytes near EIP:
010BFE55: 08 8b 35 60 91 1f 01 8b 76 5c 8d 3c 49 8d 34 fe
010BFE65: 8b 3e 89 78 0c 8b 35 60 91 1f 01 8b b6 64 01 00
010BFE75: 00 8d 3c 49 8d 34 fe 8b 3e 8b 6e 04 89 78 10 89

Possible call trace:
010bfe65 BOOM
004ef91e call [0094d3b0]
00707222 jmp 004EF070
004FEB90 call 004EF3E0
004f6873 call [eax+0x88]
006FE9E3 jmp 003822E0
0070F026 jmp 00607450
005c1b85 call [007fc778]
005C1B92 call 005C1950
003879DB call 00388E80
00388a0d call [eax+0x20]
00707536 jmp 004F7AF0
004F6EDE call 004F6840
003CAB5B call 006B3840
004C175C call 006B35C8
004B16EE call 004B9660
007075B3 jmp 00607450
004FF339 call 004F6D60
0039a6fb call [eax+0x4]
003A2398 call 0049F5A0
006FFBF3 jmp 00607450
0039AF95 call 00399D90
003CDA99 call 006E7EFB
0039BF8C call 0039AE50
006e9f0d call [0071e2c4]
00607467 call [0071e1b4]
003853A4 call 00607450
006FEB93 jmp 00607450
001B004D call 00385330
001B005F call 006B35C8
006e6458 call [0071e158]
003CD82D call 006E642D
003858FF call 003CD7F0
006FEBE4 jmp 003CB450
00383A2A call 00385820
001ADB80 call 0039B010
005C004A call 006E7B3B
00712F3C jmp 006CF0DC
006FAC0A call 006FA418
006FAA2F call 006FAB7F
006FA865 call 006FA944
001aee7a call [0071e330]
001AEEA0 call 001AD640
006B48D4 call 001AEE30

Stack Contents:
011CEE08: 011d0000 00000006 00000000 011cee48 ············H···
011CEE18: 53ee309e 011d0000 01270874 10fcb180 ·0·S····t·'·····
011CEE28: 10fcb198 011d0000 00000006 00000000 ················
011CEE38: 010bfe00 00000055 00000006 00000000 ····U···········
011CEE48: 011cee80 53edfc13 011d0000 05370020 ·······S···· ·7·
011CEE58: 10fcb180 00000006 00000004 00001405 ················
011CEE68: 011d0000 00000004 011f88e8 05370020 ············ ·7·
011CEE78: 078eaaac 00001405 011ceeb0 5373b800 ··············sS
011CEE88: 011d0000 00000004 00000000 ffffffff ················
011CEE98: 00000006 00001405 00000000 08659ef7 ··············e·
011CEEA8: 0865ab40 08659ec0 011cef04 004ef924 @·e···e·····$·N·
011CEEB8: 00000004 00000006 00001405 00000000 ················
011CEEC8: 3792ecf2 075cc1f8 0881fd08 0881fd08 ···7··\·········
011CEED8: 00000000 083eae40 00000302 00000303 ····@·>·········
011CEEE8: 00008006 08659ef7 ffffffff 07324b30 ······e·····0K2·
011CEEF8: 011cefa8 00707227 ffffffff 011cefb4 ····'rp·········
011CEF08: 004feb95 075cc200 004f6879 3792ec42 ··O···\·yhO·B··7
011CEF18: 00e18464 3792ecb6 00000000 011cf070 d······7····p···
011CEF28: 006fe9e8 ffffffff 011cee10 011cef80 ··o·············
011CEF38: 0070f02b 00000000 011cef8c 005c1b8b +·p···········\·
011CEF48: 066f1938 066f1940 012d3000 011cef8c 8·o·@·o··0-·····
011CEF58: 00000000 06e35dc8 012d3000 005c1b97 ·····]···0-···\·
011CEF68: 3792ec7a 00000000 0666a698 00000000 z··7······f·····
011CEF78: 0195e480 011cef68 00000000 003879e0 ····h········y8·
011CEF88: 00000000 00000001 00e18480 00388a10 ··············8·
011CEF98: 00000000 00000001 075cc1f8 00000000 ··········\·····
011CEFA8: 011cf01c 0070753b ffffffff 011cf028 ····;up·····(···
011CEFB8: 004f6ee3 00000000 00000001 3792f3de ·nO············7
011CEFC8: 00000000 075cc1f8 00000000 c08b0000 ······\·········
011CEFD8: 00000000 000002cb 00000000 003cab60 ············`·<·
011CEFE8: 00000000 075cc1f8 011cf07c 004c1761 ······\·|···a·L·
011CEFF8: 000002cb 004b16f3 00000000 3792f3c2 ······K········7
011CF008: 00000000 000002cb 0881fd08 011cf07c ············|···
011CF018: 00000000 011cf070 007075b8 ffffffff ····p····up·····
011CF028: 011cf07c 004ff33e 00000000 000002cb |···>·O·········
011CF038: 0039a6fe 3792f38a 00000000 011cf0ac ··9····7········
011CF048: 00000000 0134bc20 00000000 0000002a ···· ·4·····*···
011CF058: ffffeb15 6bbd366e 00000000 003a239d ····n6·k·····#:·
011CF068: 07cb5140 0076446d 011cf0a4 006ffbf8 @Q··mDv·······o·
011CF078: ffffffff 011cf0b0 0039af9a 3792f346 ··········9·F··7
011CF088: 00000000 011cf0ac 00000000 011cf11c ················
011CF098: 003cda9e 00000193 011cf084 011cf110 ··<·············
011CF0A8: 006ffc20 00000000 011cf11c 0039bf91 ·o···········9·
011CF0B8: 3792f2ea 00000159 000001f0 75861222 ···7Y·······"··u
011CF0C8: 011cf468 0134e8f8 00000003 00000000 h·····4·········
011CF0D8: 01016c14 008004b4 00000000 01016bc4 ·l···········k··
011CF0E8: 00000190 00000002 00000000 008004b4 ················
011CF0F8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CF108: 01351ef4 00000000 011cf584 006ffce5 ··5···········o·
011CF118: 00000005 63697672 61502065 31206b63 ····rvice Pack 1
011CF128: 71a8000a 00000000 4800304d 0132e018 ···q····M0·H··2·
011CF138: c574002b 011cf178 0132de48 00000000 +·t·x···H·2·····
011CF148: 00974106 012ec2a0 007d002c 00000000 ·A····.·,·}·····
011CF158: 011cf170 00000000 012d8001 0132dd00 p·········-···2·
011CF168: 00000000 76467996 00000001 00000000 ·····yFv········
011CF178: 8a885d04 00000048 71a83406 71a833f8 ·]··H····4·q·3·q
011CF188: 00000004 71a83414 011cf468 00000200 ·····4·qh·······
011CF198: 00000000 71a83402 71a82d62 00000000 ·····4·qb-·q····
011CF1A8: 0000000a 010109c8 01010000 0101ffe0 ················
011CF1B8: 00000014 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CF1C8: 00001eb9 011cf210 77cecf99 01010a18 ···········w····
011CF1D8: 0000007f 01010a20 010100c4 0000007f ··· ··········
011CF1E8: 00000010 010109c8 0000000a 010100c4 ················
011CF1F8: 010100c4 010109e8 00000010 000003f8 ················
011CF208: 0000007f 00001eb9 00000010 0000000a ···············
011CF218: 010109c8 011cf330 77cecb8b 01010138 ····0······w8···
011CF228: 77cec997 76467b56 01010000 00000048 ···wV{Fv····H···
011CF238: 010109d0 00200020 00650053 00760072 ···· · ·S·e·r·v·
011CF248: 00000000 00001ec0 011cf33c 00000003 ········<·······
011CF258: 01010000 010109c8 011cf33c 77ce3447 ········<···G4·w
011CF268: 77ce3476 76467b5a 00000002 0101019c v4·wZ{Fv········
011CF278: 01010000 01010150 01010000 0101ffe0 ····P···········
011CF288: 01010150 00000000 011cf312 00000000 P···············
011CF298: 77cde454 76467b46 00000000 012d01cc T··wF{Fv······-·
011CF2A8: 012d0000 011cf388 0000007f 01220018 ··-··········"·
011CF2B8: 0000000c 00000159 01010150 01010000 ····Y···P·······
011CF2C8: 0000000a 01190019 0000000c 00000000 ················
011CF2D8: 00724040 01010000 01010930 00000000 @@r·····0·······
011CF2E8: 0b01000a 00000000 012e89e0 012d7cf8 ··········.··|-·
011CF2F8: 012d7e28 012ecb70 01010000 00080000 (~-·p·.·········
011CF308: 01010930 011cf3fc 77ce3071 01010138 0·······q0·w8···
011CF318: 77ce304d 76467b9a 00000000 01010000 M0·w·{Fv········
011CF328: 01010938 00000040 75861222 77cec84e 8···@···"··uN··w
011CF338: 010109d0 00000048 01010944 01010a20 ····H···D··· ···
011CF348: 01010150 010109ca 01010000 01010150 P···········P···
011CF358: 00000010 011cf410 01010150 a7001eb9 ········P·······
011CF368: 01010000 a7001eb9 00000013 00000000 ················
011CF378: 00000000 00000003 00724040 00000013 ········@@r·····
011CF388: 00000000 00000048 a7001eb9 00000013 ····H···········
011CF398: 006e9f13 01010a20 01010944 75861222 ··n· ···D···"··u
011CF3A8: 012ecb70 011cf3c0 00000000 01010150 p·.·········P···
011CF3B8: 00000000 012ecb70 01010938 01010a20 ····p·.·8··· ···
011CF3C8: 0132fa00 00000013 00000000 01000cff ··2·············
011CF3D8: 00000000 00000098 0101fa00 011cf31c ················
011CF3E8: 0132fa00 011cf454 77d24dcd 00974106 ··2·T····M·w·A··
011CF3F8: fffffffe 77ce304d 77ce2c45 00000000 ····M0·wE,·w····
011CF408: 01010938 00000035 00000159 75861222 8···5···Y···"··u
011CF418: 01010930 011cf430 758614ad 01010000 0···0······u····
011CF428: 00000000 01010938 011cf460 0060746d ····8···`···mt`·
011CF438: 01010000 00000000 01010938 003853a9 ········8····S8·
011CF448: 3792f796 011cf498 01010944 011cf584 ···7····D·······
011CF458: 006feb98 00000000 011cf590 001b0052 ··o·········R···
011CF468: 00724014 00723f88 00000006 00000001 ·@r··?r·········
011CF478: 00001db1 011cf498 001b0064 0000009c ········d·······
011CF488: 00000006 00000001 00001db1 00000002 ················
011CF498: 76726553 20656369 6b636150 01003120 Service Pack 1··
011CF4A8: 00000159 75861222 012ecae0 011cf4c8 Y···"··u··.·····
011CF4B8: 006e645e 012d0000 00000000 012ecae0 ^dn···-·······.·
011CF4C8: 011cf4fc 003cd832 012ecae0 0132fa00 ····2·<···.···2·
011CF4D8: 00385904 00000000 00000040 3792f70a ·Y8·····@······7
011CF4E8: 000001f0 0132fa00 011cf508 006febe9 ······2·······o·
011CF4F8: 00000003 011cf514 00383a2f 3792f6e2 ········/:8····7
011CF508: 011cf584 006fea1f 00000000 011cf590 ······o·········
011CF518: 00000001 3792f2ea 011cf590 001adb85 ·······7········
011CF528: 3792f666 00190000 007b68d8 fffde000 f··7·····h{·····
011CF538: 00000001 000f4240 00000000 00000000 ····@B··········
011CF548: 001adfa0 00000000 00000000 00190000 ················
011CF558: 01520693 00010003 00000000 00000000 ··R·············
011CF568: 00723bb4 75850000 00769ce0 00190000 ·;r····u··v·····
011CF578: 00000200 00000180 011cf528 011cfb24 ········(···$···
011CF588: 006fb64f 00000000 00000000 77cde272 O·o·········r··w
011CF598: 77ce0438 76467e4a 55051128 011cf68c 8··wJ~Fv(··U····
011CF5A8: 00000000 77cb0000 0000f6b8 55051128 ·······w····(··U
011CF5B8: 00000000 00000000 77cde454 00646463 ········T··wcdd·
011CF5C8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CF5D8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 04010401 ················
011CF5E8: 0000007c 007e00a0 00000000 00000000 |·····~·········
011CF5F8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CF608: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CF618: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CF628: 00000000 00000020 00000400 00000300 ···· ···········
011CF638: 00000000 0000003c 00000000 00000000 ····<···········
011CF648: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CF658: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CF668: 000001f0 00000159 555c3a43 73726573 ····Y···C:\Users
011CF678: 4f47475c 7365445c 706f746b 6f6f445c \GGO\Desktop\Doo
011CF688: 6874206d 73676e69 6f6f445c 7a675c6d m things\Doom\gz
011CF698: 6d6f6f64 64346420 647a675c 2e6d6f6f doom d4d\gzdoom.
011CF6A8: 00657865 011cf75c 550b44a1 62145228 exe·\····D·U(R·b
011CF6B8: fffffffe 55051e09 55051dc6 011d0000 ·······U···U····
011CF6C8: 756e6547 49656e69 6c65746e 0000000d GenuineIntel····
011CF6D8: 0001067a 011cf6f0 55051687 0000001a z··········U····
011CF6E8: 7675c167 550b71bc 011cf70c 55051ce4 g·uv·q·U·······U
011CF6F8: 550b71bc 00000000 011cf83c 00000000 ·q·U····<·······
011CF708: 360dbb34 011cf76c 55051749 55050000 4··6l···I··U···U
011CF718: 00000001 55051785 360dbb54 011cf83c ·······UT··6<···
011CF728: 011cf780 00000001 00000001 011cf83c ············<···
011CF738: 012ea550 012ea550 011cf83c 00000001 P·.·P·.·<·······
011CF748: 55050000 011cf83c 00000001 011cf720 ···U<······· ···
011CF758: 011cf770 011cf870 550b44a1 62145bb0 p···p····D·U·[·b
011CF768: fffffffe 55051785 77ce9284 55050000 ·······U···w···U
011CF778: 00000001 00000000 00000001 011cf83c ············<···
011CF788: 012ea550 011cf818 77cefe97 550516bb P·.········w···U
011CF798: 011cf880 77cefef2 77cefee2 764670e6 ·······w···w·pFv
011CF7A8: 00000001 00000000 00000000 012ea550 ············P·.·
011CF7B8: 00000009 011cf854 550500f0 011cf804 ····T······U····
011CF7C8: 00000000 00000001 550500f0 011cf7f0 ···········U····
011CF7D8: 77cdf648 55050000 00000001 00000009 H··w···U········
011CF7E8: 011cf854 011cf804 011cf880 77ceffe9 T··············w
011CF7F8: 55050000 00000001 00000009 77cefffb ···U···········w
011CF808: 764670e6 00000001 00000000 00000000 ·pFv············
011CF818: 00000024 00000001 77ccfb1a 77ccfc1a $··········w···w
011CF828: 768af050 ffffffff 006b4b50 00000000 P··v····PKk·····
011CF838: 011cf878 0000001c 011cf858 011cf85c x·······X···\···
011CF848: 768af11c ffffffff 006b4b50 011cf878 ···v····PKk·x···
011CF858: 0000001c 011cf8a4 758688ae 006b4b50 ···········uPKk·
011CF868: 011cf878 0000001c 00190000 006b4b50 x···········PKk·
011CF878: 006b4000 00190000 00000080 0006a000 ·@k·············
011CF888: 00001000 00000020 01000000 00000024 ···· ·······$···
011CF898: 011cf8a4 00000004 00000000 011cfadc ················
011CF8A8: 75868881 006b4b50 00000000 007b68d8 ···uPKk······h{·
011CF8B8: fffde000 00190000 00d99000 01000000 ················
011CF8C8: 008a0088 011cf8d0 0044005c 00760065 ········\·D·e·v·
011CF8D8: 00630069 005c0065 00610048 00640072 i·c·e·\·H·a·r·d·
011CF8E8: 00690064 006b0073 006f0056 0075006c d·i·s·k·V·o·l·u·
011CF8F8: 0065006d 005c0032 00730055 00720065 m·e·2·\·U·s·e·r·
011CF908: 005c0073 00470047 005c004f 00650044 s·\·G·G·O·\·D·e·
011CF918: 006b0073 006f0074 005c0070 006f0044 s·k·t·o·p·\·D·o·
011CF928: 006d006f 0067005c 0064007a 006f006f o·m·\·g·z·d·o·o·
011CF938: 0020006d 00340064 005c0064 007a0067 m· ·d·4·d·\·g·z·
011CF948: 006f0064 006d006f 0065002e 00650078 d·o·o·m·.·e·x·e·
011CF958: 37920000 00e8f1d0 00e8f17c 011cfa4c ···7····|···L···
011CF968: 00c5000b 00000001 00712f41 00000000 ········A/q·····
011CF978: 006fac0f 006faa34 012d8008 011cfab0 ··o·4·o···-·····
011CF988: 0000001a 007e31dc 00000000 012e8b80 ·····1~·······.·
011CF998: 012d7cf8 012d7e18 01304018 012d81c0 ·|-··~-··@0···-·
011CF9A8: 007e31dc 011cf940 006fa86a 011cfa78 ·1~·@···j·o·x···
011CF9B8: 77d24dcd 00975b0e fffffffe 77cde454 ·M·w·[······T··w
011CF9C8: 77cde1b2 011cfa9c 768beadb 768e1810 ···w·······v···v
011CF9D8: 76467192 77d13d4d 7646726a 011cfa24 ·qFvM=·wjrFv$···
011CF9E8: 00020648 00000000 fffffffe 011cf9e0 H···············
011CF9F8: 77d2d42f 011cfb24 77d24dcd 00974aee /··w$····M·w·J··
011CFA08: fffffffe 77d13d4d 77d2d446 00000000 ····M=·wF··w····
011CFA18: 011cfa38 012ef1bc 00000000 040a0408 8·····.·········
011CFA28: 012ef1c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ··.·············
011CFA38: 012d0000 01304018 ffffffff 00000000 ··-··@0·········
011CFA48: 00cf0009 00000003 768ab3fe 768e1800 ···········v···v
011CFA58: 00000001 013039e8 00000001 01304010 ·····90······@0·
011CFA68: 011cfa80 00cde0e3 55050000 4f445a47 ···········UGZDO
011CFA78: 67204d4f 2e352e33 656c5f30 79636167 OM g3.5.0_legacy
011CFA88: 32282020 2d383130 322d3730 32322039 (2018-07-29 22
011CFA98: 3a36333a 2b203233 30303230 75860029 :36:32 +0200)··u
011CFAA8: ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 008055e0 ·············U··
011CFAB8: 00000000 00000000 00000002 011cfb34 ············4···
011CFAC8: 001aee80 ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ················
011CFAD8: 3792f666 011cfb34 001aeea5 00190000 f··74···········
011CFAE8: 00000000 006b48d9 00190000 00000000 ·····Hk·········
011CFAF8: 012d352e 00000001 3792f8c2 00000000 .5-········7····
011CFB08: 00000000 fffde000 011cfb00 c0000005 ················
011CFB18: 00000000 011cfb00 011ce9c8 011cfb70 ············p···
011CFB28: 006cf6b0 36f0a11e 00000000 011cfb40 ··l····6····@···
011CFB38: 7586343d fffde000 011cfb80 77ce9832 =4·u········2··w
011CFB48: fffde000 764673e6 00000000 00000000 ·····sFv········
011CFB58: fffde000 c0000005 7588786f 7588786f ········ox·uox·u
011CFB68: 011cfb4c 011ce9d0 ffffffff 77d24dcd L············M·w
011CFB78: 00974e26 00000000 011cfb98 77ce9805 &N·············w
011CFB88: 006b494b fffde000 00000000 00000000 KIk·············
011CFB98: 00000000 00000000 006b494b fffde000 ········KIk·····
011CFBA8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFBB8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFBC8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFBD8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFBE8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFBF8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC08: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC18: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC28: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC38: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC48: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC58: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC68: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC78: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC88: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFC98: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFCA8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFCB8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFCC8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFCD8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFCE8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFCF8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD08: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD18: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD28: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD38: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD48: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD58: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD68: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD78: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD88: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFD98: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFDA8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFDB8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFDC8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFDD8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFDE8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFDF8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE08: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE18: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE28: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE38: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE48: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE58: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE68: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE78: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE88: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFE98: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFEA8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFEB8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFEC8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFED8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFEE8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFEF8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF08: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF18: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF28: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF38: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF48: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF58: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF68: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF78: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF88: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFF98: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFFA8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFFB8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFFC8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFFD8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFFE8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················
011CFFF8: 00000000 00000000 ········
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by ApolloBlack »

OS: Windows 7 (NT 6.1) Build 7601
Service Pack 1
M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
Using program directory for storage
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
adding C:/Users/GGO/Desktop/Doom things/Doom/gzdoom d4d/gzdoom.pk3, 629 lumps
adding C:/Users/GGO/Desktop/Doom things/Doom/gzdoom d4d/zd_extra.pk3, 132 lumps
adding ./doom2.wad, 2956 lumps
adding C:/Users/GGO/Desktop/Doom things/Doom/gzdoom d4d/D4DResources.pk3, 4692 lumps
adding C:/Users/GGO/Desktop/Doom things/Doom/gzdoom d4d/, 291 lumps
I_Init: Setting up machine state.
CPU speed: 2700 MHz
CPU Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
Name: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz
Family 6, Model 23, Stepping 10
Features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 HyperThreading
I_InitSound: Initializing OpenAL
Opened device OpenAL Soft on Altavoces (Razer Surround Audio Controller)
EFX enabled
V_Init: allocate screen.
S_Init: Setting up sound.
ST_Init: Init startup screen.
Checking cmd-line parameters...
S_InitData: Load sound definitions.
G_ParseMapInfo: Load map definitions.
Texman.Init: Init texture manager.
ParseTeamInfo: Load team definitions.
LoadActors: Load actor definitions.
script parsing took 720.15 ms
R_Init: Init Doom refresh subsystem.
DecalLibrary: Load decals.
M_Init: Init menus.
P_Init: Init Playloop state.
ParseSBarInfo: Loading custom status bar definition.
D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.
player 1 of 1 (1 nodes)
GL_VERSION: 2.1.2 (Compatibility profile)

Max. texture size: 4096
Max. texture units: 16
Max. varying: 32
Resolution: 640 x 480


titlemap - Doom 4 For Doom


map03 - the gantlet


map04 - the focus
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Major Cooke
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by Major Cooke »

He wants you to upload the whole crash file. Use something like MediaFire to put it in.

Also I thought you said the game froze on you.

If you're wondering why he's reporting this is because he's having a crash that I'm not capable of reproducing and no other mod is causing it.
Last edited by Major Cooke on Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by ApolloBlack »

Sorry about it.
And about the game freezing, it did, but then it started to crash. Why did it change? I would like to know to
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by Graf Zahl »

It crashes outside GZDoom so having the full contents of is important.
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by ApolloBlack »

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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by _mental_ »

It seems to crash on glDrawElements() called from here inside NVIDIA OpenGL driver. Could be exhaustion of VRAM or driver issue.
Honestly, hard to expect something brilliant from a low cost 12 years old graphics card.
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by Graf Zahl »

Hm, ok.
Sorry, but there's little we can do here. It may be video RAM exhaustion, or it may just be that this old card can no longer deal well with how GZDoom prepares its data for rendering.
Do you have by any chance texture scaling enabled? If yes, switch it off.
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by ApolloBlack »

Thanks for the help, hopefully gonna get a better everything soon so that I can play xD
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Major Cooke
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by Major Cooke »

Did you try his suggestion?
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by ApolloBlack »

I uhhh don't know how to do that xD
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Re: Problem with Doom 4 Doom

Post by wildweasel »

Find it in Options -> OpenGL Settings -> Texture Options; make sure "High Quality Resize Mode" is OFF. Another thing you might want to check is if Multisampling is set too high - settings above 8x can eat VRAM like crazy. Find that setting at the bottom of OpenGL Settings.

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