This pistol has two attacks and it uses Clip for both.
Code: Select all
Actor BD_Pistol : Pistol replaces Pistol
weapon.sisterweapon ModernPistol
weapon.selectionorder 190
inventory.icon "PISTZ0"
attacksound ""
weapon.ammotype2 "Clip"
weapon.ammouse2 1
weapon.slotnumber 2
Code: Select all
Actor ModernPistol : BD_PIstol
weapon.sisterweapon BD_Pistol
weapon.ammotype "PistolClip"
weapon.ammouse 1
weapon.ammogive 0
weapon.ammotype2 "Clip"
weapon.ammouse2 0
I can give BD_Pistol (the main weapon) +ALT_AMMO_OPTIONAL and then it will have the desired effect: ModernPistol will be selectable with Clip = 0 and PistolClip != 0. But the problem is, in this case BD_Pistol will also become selectable with 0 Clip which is something I definitely don't want.
Is there a way to make ALT_AMMO_OPTIONAL affect only ModernPistol and not BD_Pistol?
P.S. The problem definitely arises because ModernPistol is a POWERED_UP weapon. If I turn it into a separate weapon, it'll work just fine. But this would make a number of other things more difficult.