This is yet another point release for GZDoom, which addresses a serious flaw that has appeared since its ACS implementation. Everyone is urged to upgrade ASAP, and no support will be provided for any version prior to this once the binaries for all platforms are available.
implemented 'i_soundinbackground' to continue playing sounds and music while in background
OpenGL rendering now continues even when losing focus if not running fullscreen
added 'playerrespawn' skill flag to allow gameplay mods to retroactively enable player respawns in single player on all maps
improved Advanced Sound Options menu - added option for FluidSynth chorus, removed fractional part from FluidSynth voices option
fixed applying of Doom 64 lighting to horizon portals
particles are now interpolated
More-complete changelog since 3.2.4:
externalise DCanvas::DrawLine to ZScript
fixed inconsistent colour remapping via translation ranges
added bounds checks for colour translation indices
fixed VM abort when drawing from ZScript happens during 0 game tic
whitelist 'reset2saved', 'undocolorpic', 'openmenu' in menudef
fixed potential crash calling undefined function in zscript
fixed crash after restart CCMD
added compatibility settings for Hanging Gardens, compatibility settings can now be applied for all map types (including UDMF)
fixed take ammo cheat
implemented 'i_soundinbackground' to continue playing sounds and music while in background
OpenGL rendering now continues even when losing focus if not running fullscreen
prevent level from exiting if no deathmatch starts are available in multiplayer
fixed tics to seconds conversion, now in ZScript - stat screens now display correct values
disabled modifier keys processing in UI by Cocoa backend - modifier keys no longer trigger bound actions in menu/console/chat
added GetPixelStretch to LocalLevels struct
fix: bind default framebuffer before testing whether hardware stereo 3D is supported. This allows NVidia 3D vision glasses to function correctly when gl_light_shadowmap is on.
Add "requires restart" to "enable quad stereo" option menu label, to help folks set up 3D.
Added ability to perform reverse fades with A_SetBlend
added 'playerrespawn' skill flag to allow gameplay mods to retroactively enable player respawns in single player on all maps
improved Advanced Sound Options menu - added option for FluidSynth chorus, removed fractional part from FluidSynth voices option
fixed applying of Doom 64 lighting to horizon portals
particles are now interpolated
fix culling bug in SoftPoly
applied texture offsets and scales on animated doors
fix rendering of wrapped midtex with sky ceiling
The player set up menu 'Press Space' message can now be localized
better angle selection for rotated automap sprites
added optional angles to player's coordinates display
fixed boss special commands in UMAPINFO
fixed ammo limit for give cheat
applied vertical offset to transferred sky in OpenGL renderer
fixed initialization of BlockThingsIterator objects
added CheckMove() function to ZScript Actor class
Added vector diff functions to ZScript LevelLocals class
add font characters for French and Portugese languages
add 'gl_riskymodernpath' for computers that worked before the GL>=3.3 modern path enforcement
FluidSynth was updated to 1.1.8 recently. Unfortunately it was tested only with the default and Fluid R3 sound fonts. Previous updates of FluidSynth were smooth.
Moreover 1.1.9 was released less than a day ago. I'll check it with the given sound font. Probably we will re-issue macOS-only 3.2.5a with either 1.1.9 or 1.1.6 from previous releases.