new timer code, GZDoom now appears a lot smoother in interpolated frames
more bugfixes, including some for non-Windows platforms
improve speed for ARMv7 processors by setting tuning options to the Cortex-a7 CPU (for Raspberry Pi 2)
Several ZScript extensions and fixes
Improved OpenGL profile selection on Linux
Rather than giving version info, GZDoom now displays the name of the game you are currently playing in the window title. This can be disabled via i_friendlywindowtitle
More complete changelog:
add new ice shards for frozen actors exploding (without hexen), removed zd_extra version
new grenade sprites
added 'classicflight' user cvar which allows players to move forward laterally rather than according to their pitch. (Works like Heretic/Hexen/Duke3D/etc)
fixed out of bound read in zip file loader
added ability to get texture name from script
fix non-portable usage of __solaris__ preprocessor definition
added zscript functions GetBool() and SetBool() to CVar class
Made dynamic array's Find() and Max() functions constant
improve speed for ARMv7 processors by setting tuning options to the Cortex-a7 CPU (for Raspberry Pi 2)
exposed string split functionality to ZScript
added Wads.FindLump() to zscript
added Wads.ReadLump() to zscript
Added Wads.CheckNumForFullName() to ZScript
Extended String.LastIndexOf() with endIndex parameter (zscript)
Added implicit scope for if/else, while and do/while statements in ZScript
Scope is added only for variable or constant definition so it will no longer leak to outer scope
Added runtime check for negative array indices in VM
Extended LineAttack() with offsets and new flags
Improved OpenGL profile selection in SDL backend
fixed: put limits on A_SoundVolume
added latching CVARs to CVARINFO
game timer now uses performance counters and only calculates values once per frame
force rebuild nodes for doom e1m6 - fixes a clipping issue with a certain door closed
fixed return state of player entered event
exported P_Thing_Warp to ZScript
put in timer resets in the shader system to reduce the effects of running GZDoom too long and the timers losing precision
also reset shader timers when a new level is started
Fixed detection of the first entry from internal IWADINFO
Fixed applying of brightmaps to overridden textures
fixed: Made shader targets not case sensitive
fixed bad use of FScanner::GetNumber and GetFloat in code inherited from ZDoomGL. This could lead to bad error messages if some malformed definitions were used.
Rather than giving version info, GZDoom now displays the name of the game you are currently playing in the window title. This can be disabled via i_friendlywindowtitle
downloads are removed since this release had issues
Can you confirm that first point? This was compiled off of the maint3_2 branch which had some fairly conservative pulls (at least until I did the timer branch merge) - I am not sure that was included.
A must have fix is missing from maint3_2 branch. Without it Linux and macOS builds are not usable at all.
Should we merge it in and change the existing tag? Or should we make a new tag like 3.2.2a? In any case, how about Windows version?
We can do 3.2.2a. While we're at it, we might as well pull in the models texman fix, too, since that was missing also.
Are there any others we should have?
In general I don't like destroying or moving tags if they've been out for any length of time, but that's more of a philosophical thing than a hard line rule. Either way, we're going to have to name it something other than 3.2.2 (but we can still release it in this topic, and make these 3.2.2's unavailable).
I'd suggest to also merge yesterday's UTF-8 printing thing and call it 3.2.3. In the past there have also been point releases after one day because some small but critcal thing went wrong.
There's also a few more recent commits that only fix bugs but didn't get merged. I'll have a quick look and report back.
Last edited by Graf Zahl on Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
We can do that, but compile needs to be fixed on Linux and Mac, first. Once those fixing commits appear, I'll do a mass cherry-pick and put them on top.
I tried to merge some stuff I thought would make sense. Some commits give really strange errors for me and I have no idea why.
Overall, I'd rather do a new version off master but then the unfinished model code for the software renderer gets in the way. So how about disabling that part entirely for now and just make a release off master?
I think under these circumstances it would be best to reset maint to the current master because getting everything into the current maint branch might be too much of a hassle.