Decorate expection error, offending line of code looks fine

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Sgt Nate V
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Decorate expection error, offending line of code looks fine

Post by Sgt Nate V »

I'm attempting to make a decorate weapon based on Turrican, but everytime I attempt to load it up, it expects "", but finds "TURG" instead.
Here's the code.

Code: Select all

Actor Multiple : weapon
weapon.slotnumber 2
inventory.pickupmessage "Multiple!"
TURG A 1 a_weaponready
TURG a 1 a_raise
TURG a 1 a_lower
TURG a 1 a_gunflash
TURG a 1 A_Firecustommissile("multipleshot", random(6, 6)
TURG a 1 A_Firecustommissile("multipleshot", random(6, 6)
TURG a 1 A_Firecustommissile("multipleshot", random(6, 6) a_refire
goto ready

actor: multipleshot
height 8
radius 2
damage 2
speed 15
seesound "multiple"
muls a 4 bright
muls b 2
muls c 2
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Re: Decorate expection error, offending line of code looks f

Post by ZippeyKeys12 »

Don't think it's your answer but aren't you missing the closing parentheses for a_firecustommissile
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Sgt Nate V
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Re: Decorate expection error, offending line of code looks f

Post by Sgt Nate V »

Got it fixed, thanks for the help though.

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