Unique monsters

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Unique monsters

Post by Sebelino »

I have implemented a weapon that spawns a monster of a certain actor class each time it is fired. I want to make sure that there can only exist at most one such monster at any given time.

I figured that one way to do it would be to kill all monsters of that type (if any) in the map immediately when the weapon is fired. How do I do that in Decorate/ACS/ZScript?

Any alternative solutions?
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Re: Unique monsters

Post by comet1337 »

give the player an inventory token
use a_spawnitemex to set the player as the monster's master
when the monster dies, use a_takeinventory("monsterlimiter", 1, aaptr_master)
and in the weapon, check for the inventory item and disallow firing if it is present
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Re: Unique monsters

Post by Matt »

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Re: Unique monsters

Post by Sebelino »

Thank you both. I went with the simple but effective A_CheckProximity solution:

Code: Select all

actor HuaPoDSP : DSP
	Weapon.SelectionOrder 3200
	Weapon.AmmoUse 50
	Weapon.AmmoGive 0
	Weapon.SlotNumber 8
	Inventory.Pickupmessage "You formed a contract with Hua Po!"
		HUPG A 1 A_WeaponReady
		HUPG A 1 A_Lower
		HUPG A 1 A_Raise
	    NULL A 0 A_CheckProximity("Error", "HuaPoAlly", 100000) // Distance should be infinity
		// Fall through
		NULL A 0 A_PlaySound("demon/appear")
		NULL A 0 A_FireProjectile(HuaPoBall, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -90) // Workaround for losing ammo
		NULL A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("TeleportFog", 100, 0, 0)
		CEXE A 15 A_SpawnItemEx("HuaPoAlly", 100, 0, 0)
		CEXE A 15 A_PlaySound("huapo/sight", CHAN_AUTO)
		HUPG A 5 A_ReFire
		Goto Ready
		CERR A 15 A_PlaySound("ui/error", CHAN_AUTO)
		Goto Ready
		CEXE A 7 Bright A_Light1
		Goto LightDone
		CEXE A 7 Bright A_Light1
		Goto LightDone

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