Oo! Fancy new changes!

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Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by randi »

Now that zdoom.org is on a site that I have more control over, I've finally been able to do something I wanted to do ever since I first put up the changelog page: make it work. There was a simple version in place initially, but apparent resource utilization problems made me replace it with a boring page that linked to the log file in the repository.

No more. It's now much closer to what I had initially intended it to be. Now you can browse the changes for different revisions and see exactly what changed.

Now I should be able to get back to working on ZDoom itself. Maybe if we're lucky, I'll actually get a release out in 2007.

PS. The code that fetches files from the repository and turns them into HTML is written in Lua because Lua is just that awesome.
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by InsanityBringer »

Related to the site, is it possible that potato.php could become some sort of redirect to viewtopic.php, so old links aren't dead?
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by randi »

I thought I had, but I guess I didn't check it properly. 'Twould explain why there have been 615 404s for it this month already.
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Re: Fancy!

Post by skadoomer »

randy wrote:Now I should be able to get back to working on ZDoom itself. Maybe if we're lucky, I'll actually get a release out in 2007.
You could always compile the SVN and call it a day.
PS. The code that fetches files from the repository and turns them into HTML is written in Lua because Lua is just that awesome.
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by Karate Chris »

Sweet, fancy new changes! No I don't have to download the changelog every day to check for updates. :)
randy wrote:Now I should be able to get back to working on ZDoom itself. Maybe if we're lucky, I'll actually get a release out in 2007.
The clock is ticking! :P
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Re: Fancy!

Post by Graf Zahl »

skadoomer wrote:
PS. The code that fetches files from the repository and turns them into HTML is written in Lua because Lua is just that awesome.
Some Disagree

Strongly! :P :mrgreen:
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by Siggi »

There's a small issue with the new changelog page.
The menu gets extended with each category of 50 revision changes and becomes too long to fit on my screen. As far as I can tell, there is no way to scroll through the menu either. 1280x800 is a semi-standard resolution too, so it's not like I'm using some minute desktop resolution. :P
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by Project Shadowcat »

Psycho Siggi wrote:There's a small issue with the new changelog page.
The menu gets extended with each category of 50 revision changes and becomes too long to fit on my screen. As far as I can tell, there is no way to scroll through the menu either. 1280x800 is a semi-standard resolution too, so it's not like I'm using some minute desktop resolution. :P
I'm using the same resolution and I don't have that problem. You've got a lot of toolbars.
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by Cutmanmike »

Good to hear some progress, and a real release before 08 would be dandy :cheers:
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by Siggi »

Project Dark Fox wrote:I'm using the same resolution and I don't have that problem. You've got a lot of toolbars.
Nice assumption, funny things those.
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by Project Shadowcat »

Though i could see that being an issue for those using 1024x768 or less. You do have two more bars than I do (that thing on top, and the tabs)
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by Siggi »

Project Dark Fox wrote:Though i could see that being an issue for those using 1024x768 or less. You do have two more bars than I do (that thing on top, and the tabs)
It also happened without the tabs bar, probably because of the 2 bars I have at the top and bottom of my desktop.
However, clearly the way I have my desktop set up isn't the cause of the problem. It would be ideal to have some way to either scroll the menu bar, or change how much it displays.
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by Pinky's ass »

randy wrote:Now I should be able to get back to working on ZDoom itself. Maybe if we're lucky, I'll actually get a release out in 2007.
YEAH! :rock: :rock: :rock:
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Re: Fancy!

Post by randi »

skadoomer wrote:Some Disagree [about Lua's awesomeness.]
Then they just don't know how wrong they are. :)
Psycho Siggi wrote:There's a small issue with the new changelog page.
If you refresh the stylesheet, it should go away.
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Re: Oo! Fancy new changes!

Post by Kate »

Mmm, as a Python programmer, I found that learning the ins and outs of Lua was actually generally a lot easier than I thought it would be.

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