Farewell then, I guess.

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Farewell then, I guess.

Post by MFG38 »

DISCLAIMER: I fully acknowledge the risks I'm taking here (not that any of it will matter in a few minutes), but I feel the need to say this anyway.

So, I had the "pleasure" of stumbling upon this earlier today...: https://twitter.com/MarisaDOOM/status/1 ... 5596422147

...and all I can say is this: Seriously?!

This whole shitstorm has already taken enough turns. I for one believe in Marisa's innocence, and I'm not ashamed at all to say that. What I am ashamed about is this revelation on behalf of the entire GZDoom dev team. Not even over just this latest development, but over how they went about handling the entire situation ever since the accusations came to light.

On that note, I've decided that I want nothing to do with GZDoom anymore. I don't want to play with GZDoom, I don't want to develop wads/mods for GZDoom, I don't even want to be on these forums anymore. The dev team's utter inability to listen to Marisa and make amends with her has left an extremely sour taste in my mouth and driven me to this point. I absolutely refuse to use a source port developed by such blatant hypocrites.

You guys had a good run, but if this is the path you choose to go down, you won't stay afloat for long. Mark my words.

So long. Don't expect to see me ever again.
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Re: Farewell then, I guess.

Post by SanyaWaffles »

1.) We can't see that "revalation". Some protected tweet from someone with a history of awful behavior aside just the grooming allogations (sexual harassment, being unprofessional and nasty to people, etc.) isn't enough to exhonerate someone, I'm sorry.

2.) The dev team and the administration are two separate things.

3.) The administration was not completely on board with how that was handled from the get go.

Also I might add, what do you hope to gain posting this outside some angry clout?

Doesn't seem very productive.
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Re: Farewell then, I guess.

Post by dpJudas »

I just love it when people conclude that I did not listen to Marisa when I haven't heard a single word from her since way before this shit storm even started. Par for the course of the all the outraged people on this forum, I guess. Good bye MFG38. I hope karma leads you to a place where people treat you as badly as you've just treated me.
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Re: Farewell then, I guess.

Post by Caligari87 »

I presume it's that Marisa was blocked from contributing to the GZDoom Github repo, recently. Which I was aware of and agreed with with as community administrator, though the push and actual action to do so came from other people (ones that actually work on GZDoom). They're free to speak up if they wish. That said, I'll be locking this thread in a few hours though, as SanyaWaffles as right: This isn't very productive and I don't want to deal with rehashing it yet again.

The simple truth of the matter is that Marisa's potential future contributions aren't worth it. By her own admission she did things that we don't want GZDoom associated with. The admin team (regrettably) stuck their necks out for her far longer than they should have. She was not able to refute or mitigate the claims against her in any satisfactory way. From what I saw, she burned bridges with the people trying to help her internally, even before things went completely sideways in the court of public opinion.

Whether you're on Team "Marisa was [falsely accused / entrapped / emotionally compromised / not accountable for her actions]" or Team "Marisa is a terrible person" doesn't really matter at this point. The damage is done and she isn't coming back, and her privilege of contributing to GZDoom is (for better or worse) part of that. We're all moving on with our separate lives, and I suggest she and hers do the same.


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