[Blood] [1.6.1] Phantasms lunge forward when shooting projectiles

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Mr Death
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[Blood] [1.6.1] Phantasms lunge forward when shooting projectiles

Post by Mr Death »

Phantasms lunge forward when using their projectile attack. They're supposed to stay still when doing this.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: [Blood] [1.6.1] Phantasms lunge forward when shooting projectiles

Post by Graf Zahl »

No idea. The attack code surely doen't do it and it is hard enough to make them launch this attack. There's also way too little info here to work on.
Mr Death
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Re: [Blood] [1.6.1] Phantasms lunge forward when shooting projectiles

Post by Mr Death »

Sorry, wasn't sure what other info I could provide. This still happens in 1.6.2 and also the latest dev builds. It is reproducible every time.

When positioned far away from the Phantasms, they shoot a projectile skull from their scythe. They're supposed to stay still when launching this attack, but now they lunge forward instead, making it hard to even see the projectile or dodge the attack.
Mr Death
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Re: [Blood] [1.6.1] Phantasms lunge forward when shooting projectiles

Post by Mr Death »

E3M1 has a single Phantasm (on Lightly Broiled) near the beginning at the top of the first building. It's a pretty big room, and should give you enough space to bait the Phantasm into shooting projectiles at you.

Here's a video of the level I'm talking about. 1:10 shows the room with the Phantasm. It also shows them properly using their attacks.


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