Multithread sw render buffer overflow

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Multithread sw render buffer overflow

Post by Edward-san »

The titlemap of Square1 makes GZDoom multithread sw renderer (except vid_rendermode 0) instantaneously crash with the address sanitizer, as seen below:
I got the values of the args of the crashing function:

Code: Select all

(uint32_t) width = 32
(uint32_t) height = 32
(uint32_t) xone = 134217728
(uint32_t) yone = 134217728
(uint32_t) xstep = 39396284
(uint32_t) ystep = 0
(uint32_t) xfrac = 786861999
(uint32_t) yfrac = 1632337501
(const uint32_t *) source = 0x00006290018d2200
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Re: Multithread sw render buffer overflow

Post by Rachael »

These are very difficult to solve.

At one point, it was the fog boundaries causing it, and that was fixed, and while it did mitigate some of the crashing it did not fix all of it.

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