r_debug_draw broken

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Jaxxoon R
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r_debug_draw broken

Post by Jaxxoon R »

r_debug_draw no longer works as intended, instead just freezing the screen in the Carmack renderer. Tested with the latest devbuild as of this post [x64-g3.6pre-91-g38c8f0d58].

I think this might've been introduced by the inclusion of software mode post-processing effects, considering how the ones in softpoly go completely haywire when debug_draw is enabled. Turning off the post-process effects in the menu makes no difference.
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Re: r_debug_draw broken

Post by dpJudas »

I might have managed to break it doing some changes. Will look into fix it when I get some time, but ultimately it was just a debug CVAR I created for the fun of it.

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