Constant Strings can't convert to int(or double) properly

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Constant Strings can't convert to int(or double) properly

Post by ZippeyKeys12 »

Code: Select all

const x="12";
int y=x.ToInt();
Prints 0

Code: Select all

int y="12".ToInt();
Prints 0

Code: Select all

String x="12";
int y=x.ToInt();
Prints 12
I don't think this is intended, and while running ToInt() on a literal is pointless, some may want to run it on a constant.

EDIT: Also happens with ToDouble()
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Constant Strings can't convert to int(or double) properl

Post by Graf Zahl »

The compiler really accepts this? I am not surprised that it fails. To call a function you need to take the address of a variable. For a constant that's not possible at the moment.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Constant Strings can't convert to int(or double) properl

Post by Graf Zahl »

Moved to "on hold" because I really do not have any good idea how to deal with this.

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