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It slices, it dices. Man, it'll even plug holes in ya! It's the... *groan* Cyber Zombie! Boris!
Spoiler: Enjoys long walks on the beach, AAA batteries and semi-immortal existence
He's got a bad habit of not wanting to stay dead. Explosives probably help alleviate this issue.
He may just be carrying a regular grunt rifle but he sure as hell knows how to use it. Lord knows where he gets his strength but he can fire that thing flawlessly on full-auto. The knife's probably bad news too. Stay away if you value your vital organs. Boots totally not inspired by DoomRL Arsenal. NOPE. Goggles not nabbed from a certain lizardcommando design. NOOOOOOOOOPE.
Your skin itches. Something's buzzing. Your whole body feels odd. The world seems new to you. Has it always been like this?
Spoiler: Diagnostics
You've donned the Uncanny coil suit. A cybernetic exo-/endoskeleton designed to overclock human reflexes, allowing the user to carry out extraordinary feats.
You feel as though you are lightning personified. Your instincts and reflexes are extremely heightened. You imagine that bullets would crawl past you... if you focus hard enough. It is an astonishing feeling. Yet, you know your body is frail from the constant strain.
And where are you supposed to store your weapons? This thing doesn't even come with pockets?! You've got your fists and two seemingly random sharp rods connected to the suit.
No time to think. You hear former humans coming. Seems the suit's faster than your brain since you're already on the move. It really is Uncanny.