Some of these I might get back to eventually, but in the meantime somebody here might find some of this stuff useful as it is.
Revenant Shoulder-Cannons

This one is scratch-made/hand-drawn. Definitely a good bit of H.R Giger influence, to say the least.
Mancubus Cannon

Credits Pictured
Centered Hacx Uzi + Grey-Fingerless Variant:

Cutlass Berettas (Revy's guns from Black Lagoon)

Credits: Midway, Banjo Software, 3D Realms, Wildweasel (for the pickup sprite), Uboa, Minigunner (for his modified Duke 64 pistol reload sprites)
Beretta Variants

Credits: Midway, Banjo Software, 3D Realms, Wildweasel (for the pickup sprite), Uboa, Minigunner (for his modified Duke 64 pistol reload sprites)
Skynet Shotgun - Centered (with Doom hands)

Credits: Globe, Eriance, Midway/Eurocom, Bethesda Software
Skynet Shotgun - Default/Angled (with Doom hands)

Credits: Globe, Eriance, Bethesda Software
Shadow Warrior Beta Riotgun

Credits Pictured
Demontech Assault Rifle:

Credits Pictured
UAC Assault Rifle - V2

Credits Pictured
M41A Pulse Rifle (Centered)

Originally done for Sink's Aliens mod, which will prolly resume development someday.
Centered SW Riotgun

Credits Pictured
Centered Duke3D Ripper

Credits Pictured
Space Pistol

Formerly for Forsaken Planet, but I've since redesigned that pistol - so I'm releasing the old version now.
Blood-style Revolver

Noticed there weren't many old-school/western-styled revolvers, especially stuff that would fit in Blood's style - so I made one.
Older stuff (spoilered for space):
Also, some of these are -really- old and not very good, so just a heads up.
Spoiler:Feel free to do what you will with any of this stuff, just throw me a credit if you decide to do something. Also, I might post some more stuff if I find anything else from digging around.