However, today, I present you with my current brainchild:
The Zeldoom TC for ZDooM-based ports. Zeldoom aims to recreate the original NES game as much as possible, while being in a 3d FPS view. So far, only the dungeons (first and second quest) are aimed to be recreated, but I may end up doing the overworld aswell, perhaps recreating the entire game.
Currently, what is done is:
- Most graphics for Dungeon 1
- Placeholder logo/titlescreen
- Door & Key scripts and key inventory items
- Link player actor
- Stalfos enemy actor & graphics
- Damage invulnerability & knockback
- Dungeon entrance/end statue graphics
- Placeholder sword weapon
Spoiler:I am posting this today to see how much interest people would have for this, or what reactions it can gather. I would also like to see if people would be willing to help later on, as I will probably seek help with some monster actors/graphic making. Some later Zelda monsters would be complicated to recreate in DooM, and well, not being an artist, I'd need help creating 8-bit hud sprites for the weapons.
YouTube WIP #1 video link:
Sister thread on Doomworld: ... early-wip/