TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
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- Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:01 am
- Location: Quatto's Palace
TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
TeamTNT's latest project Return From Oblivion: DooM Eternal IV is complete and has been released. Look for it to appear in /newstuff soon.
This is a ZDooM project. All maps are: (i) medieval-themed, and generally very large compared to typical DooM maps; (ii) non-linear and feature multiple paths; (iii) feature castle and fortress architecture, fights on an epic scale, and magnificent vistas. This is a 7-map demo. TeamTNT intends to create a full megawad next.
This is a ZDooM project. All maps are: (i) medieval-themed, and generally very large compared to typical DooM maps; (ii) non-linear and feature multiple paths; (iii) feature castle and fortress architecture, fights on an epic scale, and magnificent vistas. This is a 7-map demo. TeamTNT intends to create a full megawad next.
- Posts: 10773
- Joined: Sun Jul 20, 2003 12:15 pm
Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
Great Scott... TeamTNT and... a RELEASE? Zowie! I've seen screenshots... I'll have to check this out!
- ... in rememberance ...
- Posts: 2024
- Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2004 10:58 am
Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
Seconded! This seems to be the week of awesome unexpected things for me.Xaser wrote:Great Scott... TeamTNT and... a RELEASE? Zowie! I've seen screenshots... I'll have to check this out!

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- Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:01 am
- Location: Quatto's Palace
Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
One small note of correction. The text file says:
Other game styles : (co-op starts only in Maps 11-13, but not tested)
Actually there are co-op starts in Map27 as well, and that map has been tested for co-op.
This correction will be made in the text file soon.
[EDIT: Another inadvertent omission from the text file - jumping has been expressly diabled in Map13.]
Other game styles : (co-op starts only in Maps 11-13, but not tested)
Actually there are co-op starts in Map27 as well, and that map has been tested for co-op.
This correction will be made in the text file soon.
[EDIT: Another inadvertent omission from the text file - jumping has been expressly diabled in Map13.]
Last edited by ReX on Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
Hmm, I was hoping for some Skulltag coop goodness 

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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
It's not on all the servers yet but here are a couple of the first mirrors ... ... ... ...
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
That's what Team TNT does.Xaser wrote:Great Scott... TeamTNT and... a RELEASE?
Team TNT.... Keeping it going...
- ... in rememberance ...
- Posts: 2024
- Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2004 10:58 am
Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
Hehe, I'm playing this a little and so far I'm enjoying it.
I'm kind of stuck on Daemon's Sancturary though. I have the shotty, supershotty, chaingun, and chainsaw. I just activated the rune and killed the spider mastermind but can't seem to figure out where to go next. >_<

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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
Probably not, feels like I'm cheating. Pretty fun so far, still getting my ass kicked in the first level on UV.bagheadspidey wrote:Jumping?
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
Jumping is explicitly prevented on one map (map13 IIRC) so it's OK on all other maps.
- Posts: 10773
- Joined: Sun Jul 20, 2003 12:15 pm
Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
I just finished blasting my way through Schloss Adler. The wad's pretty good so far, though I do miss not having music. Probably just a me-thing, but those re-used ambient sounds (weirdo cricket chirps and that Hexen-y stuff) get on my nerves a bit. 'Tis why Herian2 drove me up the wall eventually (that and loss of direction).
Otherwise the maps play fine! Some areas feel a little "empty", monster-wise, but it fits for some reason.
One thing though: Whatever happened to the Abstract Pain? The original idea was sooo cool, but now...
BUG REPORT: The Bat Familiar is all sorts of screwed... it transforms into a floating Imp Warlord while attacking for some reason... o_O
CURRENT DISCLAIMER: I like so far. Will continue soon!
Otherwise the maps play fine! Some areas feel a little "empty", monster-wise, but it fits for some reason.
One thing though: Whatever happened to the Abstract Pain? The original idea was sooo cool, but now...

BUG REPORT: The Bat Familiar is all sorts of screwed... it transforms into a floating Imp Warlord while attacking for some reason... o_O
CURRENT DISCLAIMER: I like so far. Will continue soon!
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
Well, form what I've seen it's like Eternal Doom 3, just with ZDoom and slightly let down with all the monster resource wad monsters (I sort of liked it when it was old school)... feels a bit more like HeXen now. I am enjoying it though. For my shooting tastes it's fine, because it's just like Eternal Doom was, basically, with a bit more monster intensity in one or two places... although I am only on ReX's bit (done most of the crypt and I'm on Schloss Adler now)
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- Location: Scotland
Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released
I knew there was something screwy about it. I saw those things flying around and I thought it looked a bit odd, but it's a monster from the resource that I haven't used at all and have rarely come across in other WADs so I thought maybe it was doing what it was supposed to.Xaser wrote:BUG REPORT: The Bat Familiar is all sorts of screwed... it transforms into a floating Imp Warlord while attacking for some reason... o_O

One thing I have to say is the way outdoor areas look in these maps is stunning. I remember being impressed with Doom "back in the day" with those little outdoor areas with their parallax skies "revolutionising" FPSs (as far as I was concerned). They just looked so cool. But, as a mapper, I'm well used to the limitations and how difficult getting outdoor areas to look right (and, in particular, as if they are part of an unlimited world) can be. I think these maps take it to a new level. They all have absolutely superb outdoor areas. In many areas of all the maps there are believable 3D structures sticking up into the sky and it often isn't easy to tell where the ceiling height of the area is actually set. MAP27 is an absolutely jaw-dropping example of outdoor mapping IMO. Almost the entire thing is set in a believable outdoor environment. OK, it's a Doom level and obviously it looks like one but it almost feels like a real place.
Played with GZdoom, the appearance of the maps is almost bordering on the quality and feel of an engine a generation or two on from Doom, yet with all the advantages of (Z)Doom and (Z)Doom levels. I know that won't please everyone, but I think it's a real testament to the skill of the mappers concerned.