Silent Hill TC

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Silent Hill TC

Post by coltermegasxlr »

I just had an idea for a mod. The story is that you are this former army soldier that is returning from Iraq and riding home, when your car crashes.
You awake to find yourself unharmed and the area around you is covered in fog. You follow the road ahead on foot and soon find a sign saying "welcome to Silent Hill".

At the begining of the game, you start out with a pistol but with little ammo.
As you progress, you find more powerful weapons like a shotgun, sledgehammer, and more. Some enemies are from the silent hill series, few from doom ( Pinkys, lost souls are examples), and some I might come up with. Also, you will be confronted with quick glimpses of hallucinations and nightmares that add to the scare factor.

When I am more experienced with editing and level/sprite creation, I'll start work on the TC. If there are any objections due to copyright laws or any doom fans who are actual Iraq war veterans and suffering from post-tramatic war stress syndrome, please tell me and I'll change the storyline and/or monsters in the game.
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Post by HotWax »

Why don't you try coming up with an original idea instead of just ripping off every one else's work? Then, after you come up with that idea, start creating it. When you have some good screenshots to show off, then you can post a thread about how cool your idea is.

You're not going to get any positive replies if you keep on going the way you are.
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Silent Hill TC

Post by coltermegasxlr »

Thank you for reminding me hotwax. I'm sorry if I am being a slight obnoxious about my ideas. When I am more experienced and done more progress, I shall post pictures of my progress.
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Post by Skutarth »

Problems with this thread:

1. Show us something you've already done. This isn't meant to be a rude comment. It's just that if you don't make it seem like you've already contributed work to your idea, then you're just requesting somebody else to carry out your idea for you. (See above)
2. Making the main character a soldier coming back from Iraq is both irrelevant and controversial.
3. Silent Hill is copyrighted and trademarked by Konami. I doubt that they would do anything about it, but even mentioning that it's based on copyrighted material will scare off quite a lot of potential contributors.

Have a nice day!

EDIT: If you don't get what I'm saying in #3, you should probably not use the phrase "Silent Hill", and don't make anything obviously taken from the game. That means no Pyramid Head.
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Silent Hill TC

Post by coltermegasxlr »

Thank you for showing me this skutarth. Perhaps this was not such a good idea. You are right about 2 and 3. I would not want to offend or scare off anybody.

Also I have seen that there is a Resident Evil TC for DOOM. Is that a private mod or is it free to download. And if so, wouldn't that be copyright infringement.

PS. My apollagies for coining the issue of "copyright infringement " in most of my posts. Also I'm not trying to harshly critizise you or the creator of the person who made the RE mod in the above sentense.
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Post by Matt »

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Silent Hill TC

Post by coltermegasxlr »

Thank you so much for that information. I'll be more carefull on what I say in the future. I promice that I will not use the phrase " copyright Infringement " anymore. I don't want to get anyone or myself into trouble.
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Post by Nash »

Also, Doom monsters do NOT fit into Silent Hill.

As Vincent says in Silent Hill 3, "Do they look like MONSTERS to you?". And in Silent Hill 2, Laura is able to roam around the town freely without any harm while James seems to be be in a nightmarish world.

The fear in Silent Hill is all about individual intepretation. For me, just the thought of being in the foggy Silent Hill is disturbing and depressing because I feel that the foggy world is kind of like a purgatory, a place between life and death and you're kinda stuck there forever until you can accept the fact that you're dead. It doesn't even have to have monsters and hellish scenery or anything like that.
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Silent Hill TC

Post by coltermegasxlr »

Your right man. I guess that DOOM monsters in Silent Hill would take away the meaning of what silent hill is all about. I guess that a Resident Evil mod
would be more acceptable, which I do not plan on making any time soon.
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Re: Silent Hill TC

Post by wildweasel »

coltermegasxlr wrote:I guess that a Resident Evil mod
would be more acceptable, which I do not plan on making any time soon.
Which is good, because there are too many Resident Evil mods for other games already. (Seriously. Look at how many freakin' RE mods there are for the Half-Life and Half-Life 2 engines! There must be at least seven by now!)
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Re: Silent Hill TC

Post by Skutarth »

wildweasel wrote:
coltermegasxlr wrote:I guess that a Resident Evil mod
would be more acceptable, which I do not plan on making any time soon.
Which is good, because there are too many Resident Evil mods for other games already. (Seriously. Look at how many freakin' RE mods there are for the Half-Life and Half-Life 2 engines! There must be at least seven by now!)
...more than half of which are either dying or already dead.
I can only recall a couple ever even getting released.
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Post by wildweasel »

Yeah, but it's gotten to the point where I'm so sick of seeing Resident Evil mods that I almost don't even want to play the games they're based on anymore.
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Post by Phobus »

I see a massive flaw in the logic of some people on these forums, repeatedly.

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