Heavy Rifle Guy

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Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by Enjay »

This was just something that I was messing around with Frankenspriting. The helmet and backpack are modified from a sprite meant to look like the powersuit guys from XCom, but I'm not sure who did them (Uboa? GhostKillahZero?). The body and the decorate is based on the Rifle Commando from realm 667. I did a fair bit myself but ultimately stopped short of finishing it because I realised that I didn't need it.


Neither the spriting nor the DECORATE are perfect but if someone wants to tweak them, please go ahead. I deliberately set the decorate so that after one burst of fire, he walks for a little bit and then fires again (if he can still see his target). I thought it was a bit different and prevents situations like you can get with other auto-refiring enemies where they can see their target but their shots are not getting through due to some obstacle semi-blocking the path so they just stand firing impotently until you kill them.

Anyway, here it is.


Summon (or summonfriend) RedHeavy.

I think the credits should look something like this:

Decorate: Skelegant, Enjay
GLDefs: Enjay
Sounds: Doom64, Edit by enjay
Sprites: Id Software, Uboa or maybe GhostKillahZero, Enjay
Brightmaps: Enjay

CruX wrote:
Enjay wrote:I'm not sure who did them (Uboa? GhostKillahZero?).
I think it was actually the funktasm way back before he went nuts and got himself banned.
Vader wrote:The helmet, the backpack and the shoulder pads are actually based on the Terminator I made for Zpack... don't know what role funktasm played here (propably the edit of the helmet) as the rest is more or less as it is in the original. Just to clarify :P
Last edited by Enjay on Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by Pandut »

Looks rad! I like the grungy sci-fi look of it. I see some rogue rogue pixels and colors in that gif, but in-game it's barely (if not at all) noticeable. Cool stuff! :D
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by Reactor »

Make its uniform completely black, and its helmet bright green, and you have the Sardaukar from the Dune universe! :)
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by ramon.dexter »

Sardaukar, for the emperor! :lol:
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by WojtTheDoomer »

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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by CruX »

Enjay wrote:The helmet and backpack are modified from a sprite meant to look like the powersuit guys from XCom, but I'm not sure who did them (Uboa? GhostKillahZero?).
I think it was actually the funktasm way back before he went nuts and got himself banned.
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by Enjay »

Thanks, note added to fp.
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by Vader »

The helmet, the backpack and the shoulder pads are actually based on the Terminator I made for Zpack... don't know what role funktasm played here (propably the edit of the helmet) as the rest is more or less as it is in the original. Just to clarify :P

Anyway, nice enemy Enjay!
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by blood »

Just awesome, I wonder if it will be possible in the future to make him with a stronger weapon like a minigun for example.
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by Vista_Owner »

Could I use the sprites for a mod I'm working on?
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by Blue Shadow »

Stuff in the Resources forum are usually free to use without needing permission. Just make sure to give credits.
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by Vista_Owner »

Alright thanks
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by AlphaSoraKun »

This is really good, Enjay! Based on what I'm seeing, you have put a LOT of effort into this resource. I have no complaints.

It's recommended for anyone!
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by DooM_RO »

Hello, sorry for bumping this but I really like this sprite. Do you think you could also make a version that has a Rocket Launcher? I want to use the Realm667 Rocket Launcher Zombie but the problem is that he blends really well with the other monsters. I think when you have such a dangerous enemy you should be able to see him a mile away, which is why I would like a sprite edit of this guy.
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Re: Heavy Rifle Guy

Post by Enjay »

Honestly, I'm not much of a spriter; so certainly doing something like making a version that uses a shoulder-carried launcher like the one on Realm667 would probably be beyond me.

I could possibly do something by Frankenspriting the rocket launcher from a player skins pack onto it, but that would be held in much the same position as the existing rifle is. Also, real life is more than a little busy right now so it wouldn't be any time soon.

It's something I can keep in mind to try some rainy day though. If anyone fancied having a go themself, I certainly wouldn't mind. The components of the original sprite are largely not mine anyway.

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