Neither the spriting nor the DECORATE are perfect but if someone wants to tweak them, please go ahead. I deliberately set the decorate so that after one burst of fire, he walks for a little bit and then fires again (if he can still see his target). I thought it was a bit different and prevents situations like you can get with other auto-refiring enemies where they can see their target but their shots are not getting through due to some obstacle semi-blocking the path so they just stand firing impotently until you kill them.
Anyway, here it is.
Summon (or summonfriend) RedHeavy.
I think the credits should look something like this:
Decorate: Skelegant, Enjay
GLDefs: Enjay
Sounds: Doom64, Edit by enjay
Sprites: Id Software, Uboa or maybe GhostKillahZero, Enjay
Brightmaps: Enjay
CruX wrote:I think it was actually the funktasm way back before he went nuts and got himself banned.Enjay wrote:I'm not sure who did them (Uboa? GhostKillahZero?).
Vader wrote:The helmet, the backpack and the shoulder pads are actually based on the Terminator I made for Zpack... don't know what role funktasm played here (propably the edit of the helmet) as the rest is more or less as it is in the original. Just to clarify