... 7.pk3?dl=0
Ogg versions of music (updated) ... g.pk3?dl=0
changelog for - 01-27-17
- added smartbombs. Kill any monster within a very large radius, but can also be tied to certain enemies too.
- finished map23
- added name particles to most item pickups. These can be disabled in Hocus Options.
- Fixed picking up rapid fire when already under its effect-thus wasting the pickup.
- Tweaked breakable boxes so they don't get destroyed by smartbombs. (Why were they ignoring damagetypes from A_Explode that weren't called by projectiles? BECAUSE ZDOOM)
- Made shooting a little faster. Its amazing how much a single frame makes a difference!
- added rudimentary code for Highscores table. Not part of the menu yet, so check Hocusdoom options to bind it to a key!
- Also built in support for future bonus episodes too! This thing is ugly as sin but seems to be working.
- added TEXTCOLO
- fixed various minor areas in most other maps
- expanded last room on map13
- rewrite most of particle handling again. should be a bit more flexible now. This also changed the CVARS that handled them so be sure to check your settings
- convert TEXTURE1 to zdoom's TEXTURES and moved to main archive. hocustxt.wad no longer needed
- moved boost pad script to library and fixed.
- replaced hocus_mp3.pk3 with hocusogg.pk3 for reduced filesize