The new Doomworld Layout

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Graf Zahl
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Graf Zahl »

Oh, and in case nobody has noticed yet: The old /idgames database has been obliterated along with many other parts of the Doomworld site. I have to wonder what kind of backlash that will generate. Replacing the forum is one thing but killing all links to mods throughout the entire community strikes me as an utter dick-move if it remains permanent.
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by AdmiralAjax »

Graf Zahl wrote:Oh, and in case nobody has noticed yet: The old /idgames database has been obliterated along with many other parts of the Doomworld site. I have to wonder what kind of backlash that will generate. Replacing the forum is one thing but killing all links to mods throughout the entire community strikes me as an utter dick-move if it remains permanent.
This. Seriously this. I don't care if they want to change their forums, what they were using was over ten years old if I remember correctly. But by god, did they really have to touch /idgames? Of all the garbage bullshit they had to do, they did THAT?

You can't even hit random wads anymore.
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

i'm not seeing it, myself. i guess i need to delete my cookies to make it work, but i'm too lazy for that. :P
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Graf Zahl »

AdmiralAjax wrote:
Graf Zahl wrote:Oh, and in case nobody has noticed yet: The old /idgames database has been obliterated along with many other parts of the Doomworld site. I have to wonder what kind of backlash that will generate. Replacing the forum is one thing but killing all links to mods throughout the entire community strikes me as an utter dick-move if it remains permanent.
This. Seriously this. I don't care if they want to change their forums, what they were using was over ten years old if I remember correctly. But by god, did they really have to touch /idgames? Of all the garbage bullshit they had to do, they did THAT?

You can't even hit random wads anymore.

Go bug Linguica about it. His response to my post was truly pathetic. I have the feeling he got no clue what kind of damage he just did.

Here's his response:
As a paying customer of the idgames database service, feel free to get in touch with your support representative
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by GooberMan »

22:50 <GooberMan> are the old hosted sites surviving? I should probably grab and upload doom arcade to /idgames for historical purposes if not
22:51 <Linguica> everything still exists
22:51 <Linguica> thats down on the list of shit to reinstate
22:51 <GooberMan> cool
22:51 <Linguica> first i need to uh... learn nginx
I mean, seriously. It's not like Ling's sense of humour is unknown around these parts. I expect the idgames links will start working again once he gets to it on the list.
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Rachael »

nginx, eh? He'll be winging it alongside me, then!
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Nevander »

Hellstorm Archon wrote:PH was supposed to be meant as a warning, an impromptu guide on how NOT to behave on Doomworld. That being said, just like the Worst Wad, this has resulted in attempts to get a thread helled or attempts just to create a stupid thread ... causing Post Hell to lose most of its meaning.
Does that mean Hall of Unpleasantness might go too?
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by wildweasel »

Hall of Unpleasantness was instituted so that we'd have a place to move thread splits instead of dumping them into Off-Topic. Suffice to say, if anybody's trying to get into that forum deliberately, they're more likely to get binned than sent there.
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Enjay »

Doomworld has needed a forum upgrade/modernisation/improvement for a very long time. I'm not convinced this is it though. It has some good features and is obviously a WiP but... I dunno. I doesn't look particularly good to me. It probably does look better and may be more usable on mobile though.

I'm also mystified as to why they went for an expensive commercial option.
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Graf Zahl »

GooberMan wrote: I mean, seriously. It's not like Ling's sense of humour is unknown around these parts. I expect the idgames links will start working again once he gets to it on the list.

I can only repeat myself: As an administrator he's in a position of responsibility, and one of the things to do is to clearly communicate one's intentions and not give ambiguous or dismissive responses like the one I quoted. If you have to ask him behind the scenes to get a proper answer he's not doing his job properly. He should have given this answer like you got publicly in a forum announcement.
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by printz »

I love what's going on at Doomworld, for several reasons:

1. Interface reminds me of Doom 3, very fitting
2. Introduction of modern social features makes people much more engaged to communicate and talk to each other. Also, you can call it innovation. Why should we be stuck with classic forum software when we can have new stuff, at minimal costs of transition? The /idgames interface and integration look exciting as well.
3. I trust that the admins are going to trim the useless cruft and improve the experience overall, balancing the well-tested old with the daring new.
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by GooberMan »

Graf Zahl wrote:I can only repeat myself: As an administrator he's in a position of responsibility, and one of the things to do is to clearly communicate one's intentions and not give ambiguous or dismissive responses like the one I quoted. If you have to ask him behind the scenes to get a proper answer he's not doing his job properly. He should have given this answer like you got publicly in a forum announcement.
-> IRC is hardly behind the scenes, that channel has been just as much a hub for the Doom community over the years as Doomworld has.
-> Take a look at the wording of my enquiry verus your post and see if you can work out why you got the snarky response. There will be a test on this.
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Enjay »

printz wrote:1. Interface reminds me of Doom 3, very fitting
An interesting point that I don't particularly agree with because...

Doom3 has always been a bit of a minority interest on Doomworld - so not that fitting.
Doom3 is old (nearly 13 years - damn, when did that happen?) so if you want to go for a more modern Doom look, why not something more reminiscent of Doom 2016?

Either way, I can't say that it particularly evokes Doom3 for me. Theme-wise, it's just a fairly faithful reincarnation of the old Doomworld theme to the newer layout and functionality IMO.

Personally, I find "modern social features" pretty damned tedious in most cases but if I can just leave them alone and not be bothered by them, then... well, I won't be bothered by them and those who like them can use them to their heart's content.

[edit] Blergh! I just noticed the "likes" counter on the posts. :puke: Me no like. :P [/edit]
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Rachael »

Hmm - did they disable the dev. subdomain for everyone? Because it redirects me to the old www. one where there are fewer users and it seems dead. >_>

EDIT: Figured this one out. I disabled IPv6 in my browser, and now the new forums are accessible.
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Re: The new Doomworld Layout

Post by Gez »

So far the number one thing I dislike about the new forum is that it's impossible to do more than browse without Javascript. I'll need to find a way to enable javascript while still disabling CKeditor.

I don't like much the social media stuff, I've never seen this used for actually engaging in conversations, just used for metagaming the reputation system. Don't forget to like and subscribe!

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