The WIP Thread

If it's not ZDoom, it goes here.
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Captain J »

Heh, camo texture and vine. Plutonia style at its finest.
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Jimmy »

Plutonia-style anything is entirely my shit. Awwwwesome. :trippy:
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Even Plutonia-style enemy placement? :wink:
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Mikk- »

kodi wrote:
Mikk- wrote:I've done a load more voxels, all the weapons are complete, and almost all ammo pickups (only ones not done are the Claw and Energy Orbs as I'm thinking how to tackle them...)
How the heck did you do the gauntlets and inferno orb?
Gauntlets were a bit tricky to start, I erased one of the gauntets (because they're the same sprite just mirrored) and focused on one only. I kept referencing my left hand as I was chipping away at the voxel trying to make the fingers of the glove curve naturally.

Inferno orb was quite easy, actually. I made two voxels (one of the sphere and one of the flames) The flames in the inferno orb animate and rotate quickly while the orb stays in place. The sphere was made from a recoloured Mace projectile and mapped onto a voxel sphere shape and is rendered at 33% translucency. I think it looks really good, imo.

in fact overlaying voxels and translucent voxels to create a glass-look is very very effective and works fantasically on the Time Bomb of the Anicents
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Captain J »

It does works fantastically! Well, i can understand that edgy-looking texture, though.
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by GreenLegacy »

kodi wrote:Image
All TEXTURES. The trick here is that the sprite isn't just moved downwards with offsets for the recoil; it's scaled up slightly (and then gradually back to normal over a few frames) and has a little bit of parallax applied between the layers so it appears to raise and pivot like a real revolver does when fired.
It's awesome! feels like House of the Dead or Timecrisis series
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

Yholl wrote:Half of a mysterious (not actually mysterious) new project is now complete.
Now to work on The New Technologies of the other half.
Dayum. Is it gonna be like a Vietnam War-themed mod or something else?
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by PWAD Pete »

Mikk- wrote:I've done a load more voxels, all the weapons are complete, and almost all ammo pickups (only ones not done are the Claw and Energy Orbs as I'm thinking how to tackle them...)
Image Image Image
Dude, just to let you know, I already made some of the heretic weapon voxels in my Brutal Heretic RPG mod. Yours look nice btw. If you plan on doing hexen voxels, I made some armor and weapon voxels in my Brutal Hexen RPG mod. You can use them.
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Kinsie »

Started slowly integrating ZScript into MetaDoom.

Because I don't much fancy taking the bumpy road of converting perfectly working DECORATE into the new and scary thing, and because all my monsters already inherit from a single base actor for state sharing, I created a new ZScript actor for the base actor to inherit from, allowing me to create new action functions to integrate into my pre-existing code, mixing the new and old in a sane and pleasant manner.

In one case, this has caused 77 lines of horrible copy-pasted repetition from the Soulcube death state to be replaced with just five calls of one of my new action functions:

Code: Select all

A_MetaPinata("MetaHealthPinataPerm", 12);
A_MetaPinata("MetaArmorPinata", 12);
A_MetaPinata("MetaPinataClip", 12);
A_MetaPinata("MetaPinataShell", 12);
A_MetaPinata("MetaPinataRocket", 12);
A_MetaPinata("MetaPinataCell", 12);
I've also renovated the bleeding status effect from the Axe weapon to also use a function, allowing me to renovate it into being flashy and easier to read without having to copy-paste each change into every single monster. (I still need to do the Axe status effect for players, mind. I need to figure out how to keep track of which player scythed a piece out of you so frags can properly be rewarded... any ideas?)

I miiiight have gone a little mad with power.
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by comet1337 »

these new zdoom features are looking pretty damn cool
this is going to streamline all the methods for particle effect spam
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by kodi »

Kinsie wrote:[...]I need to figure out how to keep track of which player scythed a piece out of you so frags can properly be rewarded... any ideas?)
I think I would have just spawned an invisible actor when the bleeding attack connects that calls A_damagetracer every few tics for the DoT effect. As long as it's knows it's owner, frags should be properly awarded I think.
I miiiight have gone a little mad with power.
Oh man am I feeling this too at the moment. If only a nice message/graphic printing function was available in zscript I'd be in absolute heaven.
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Xaser »

Speaking of cool ZScript things...

Playing around with virtual functions. I'm certainly not the first to do something like this, but the goal is to make it as "portable" as possible. Fingers crossed.
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Fisk »

A very early scene from a different part of furry.wad (not the hub with the crazy 32-color art)
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Captain J »

Those reflections, just lovely! :D
Xaser wrote:Playing around with virtual functions. I'm certainly not the first to do something like this, but the goal is to make it as "portable" as possible. Fingers crossed.
I remember terminusest13 worked on the same but different damage meter thing. And this one looks clear!
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Re: The WIP Thread

Post by Angel-Neko_X »

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