- Gibbable Corpses: With certain explosive weapons, such as the Rocket Launcher, you can gib corpses and clean up the map of clutter potentially gain any Carrion tokens that you may have missed out on. Note that the Cyberdemon, Spider Mastermind, and all Classic monsters, who still leave corpses when gibbed, will not drop a second Carrion token if gibbed again.
- Flexible Monster Types: In D4D alone, you can choose either D4D monsters or Classic monsters, but not both. Not anymore! Here, not only can you adjust which individual monster is of the D4D or Classic variation, but you can also set them to "Both" and one of the two variations will spawn randomly for each of that particular monster spawned. Want to play with the classic monsters but don't want the hitscanners? No problem, just set the Zombieman, Shotgun Guy, Chaingun Guy and Spider Mastermind to use their D4D variations instead!
- Stealth Monsters: D4D alone didn't support stealth monsters. This addon adds support for them in (in both D4D and Classic flavours!).
- Super Shotgun Availability in Ultimate Doom: If this option is enabled, then in Ultimate Doom, if you have a regular Shotgun, the Super Shotgun (or Vortex Rifle if the multiplayer weapons are enabled) has a chance to spawn in locations where the regular Shotguns are placed (note; Classic Shotgun Guys will not drop Super Shotguns).

Showing the Chaingun Guy and Hell Razor existing together, which isn't possible in standard D4D without the summon command.
Download Credits
DBThanatos, Major Cooke and Michaelis for their work on D4D. You guys rock!