[slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - UPDATE + new info (last po

Post by TheLostSabre »

Are you sure these are WIP? The quality in your screens are really superb! Hope this project will have a bright future ahead of it, same goes to the populace in your setting. :)
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - UPDATE + new info (last po

Post by Captain J »

Looks very peaceful rather than post-apocalyptic, not mean it's bad but it's really excellent! And glad you're back, too!
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - UPDATE + new info (last po

Post by ramon.dexter »

Vostyok: Well, sort of. When I'm using basic graphical elements like boxes, circles, or hexagons, I'm getting close to similar results. :) Don't be offended. I was trying to keep my logo to look not so similar as your logo.

Captain J: Well, why should every place in post-apo world should be only hostile? On many places people live also, so they are keeping it peace and quiet. And as I said, this will be location with NPC, so no hostiles here.
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - UPDATE + new info (last po

Post by Vostyok »

It's getting to be a bad joke that everywhere in the wasteland is jam packed with raiders. How the fuck does a farm survive when it's surrounded by up to four gangs of 'shoot-on-sight' psychpaths? Some days, just getting by without starving or dying of thirst is hard enough.

Oh, and don't worry about logo. I was just kidding.
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - UPDATE + new info (last po

Post by Captain J »

Vostyok wrote:It's getting to be a bad joke that everywhere in the wasteland is jam packed with raiders. How the fuck does a farm survive when it's surrounded by up to four gangs of 'shoot-on-sight' psychpaths? Some days, just getting by without starving or dying of thirst is hard enough.
And that's how guards, cops and even mercs are finally getting their job in post-apocalyptic wasteland.
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - UPDATE + new info (last po

Post by ramon.dexter »

Vostyok wrote: Oh, and don't worry about logo. I was just kidding.

No, no. Actually, I took your logo as an inspiration. But I was keeping in mind to make it as much different as possible.
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[WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - small update+screens

Post by ramon.dexter »

Hi all, I got a small update to show you. After three (or four? I don't know :) ) weeks of work, I can say I am satisfied withe look of village in MAP02. I have decided to use it as a 'tutorial', sort of. So I'm little bit focusing on it :) It will include peacul village, combat zone and some adventuring stuff, quests and traders. I'm refining the scripting stuff to make the more live-like. For example, player'll have to repair the water filter for the locals, so they don't need to pay the water trader for water. When player repairs the water filter, it will 'pour' water (sound effect included) and 'fill' basin wit water. And so on. Also, I'm thinking about some jokes :)

After long time of searching, I have found the desired sounds, I have been looking for. Basically, I downloaded sounds from Fallout 3 & New Vegas, so the sound work will be really good. But I'm limited by really small amount of ambient sound actors :) in gzdoom builder. But that's not a problem at all ;)

Now the screens:
As you can see from the screens, the actual sprite base is little bit limited. I have only one moving civilian (from strife), one beggar (from strife)...and that's all. No females. No variability in civilians, because strife's actors were translated. So strife had many actor, but translated from one base. And since strife has different pallete, I can't use the translation (maybe done by hand...but boy, that's hell of a job).

So if anyone would lend me helping hand and draw me some civilians, or at least one female (not combat, only simple walking sprites with rotations), I will include him as author. I know there are some females from daggerfall (quite nice actually, I saw them used in Inquisitor III), but they erally do not fit my setting. And I'm not a skilled artist to create a full spritesheet with rotations.
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - UPDATE + new info (last po

Post by Vostyok »

Dude!!! This is looking amazing!
Oh, if you are having trouble with limited number of ambient sounds, you can have an actor play a random selection:

Code: Select all

$random pl_death { player/death1 player/death2 player/death3 }

player/death1 pldth1
player/death2 pldth2
player/death3 pldth3
This is the code where a random sound is selected from each slot. It will help your ambient sounds be more natural if say, a camp fire let off snaps of twigs occassionaly, or a windy overlook had sudden gusts or long drawn out breezes.
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - small update... (last post

Post by ramon.dexter »

Do you have any good looping campfire sounds? Thanks for the advice, I will try it. You can expect video update maybe tomorrow, when I come back from work :wink:
I have found out that the F3&NV resources are lacking ANY fire sounds... :( if you do, PM me :wink:
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Shadows of Apocalypse - guns showcase

Post by ramon.dexter »

And as I said, here is guns showcase. I had to GLDEF the weapons, so they now look better then before.

Here it is.

Also, for my last reuquest, sorry to bother, but does anyone have some female sprites? I have found only laura from laura bow (could be used, has rotations, but also has too much twenties look).

If anyone notices his work and I have not mentioned him in the crdits, just PM me. I am a messy person, colleting stuff from the net, without noticing author. So don't be offended, I don't mean that in any way. Just tell me who done which one, and I will give credits.

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Shadows of Apocalypse - pics update

Post by ramon.dexter »

Small pics update, what I've been working on for the last week. New environment, spider infested caves. Thanks to GAA1992, I'v got now lot of mutated insects. The spiders are really good. I'm little bit arachnophobic and the bastards are giving me really creeps :)

So, take a look. Thanks to Torrigristle, I've got nice oil lantern sprite, so decorate stuff was quite easy, once I figured out how switchable weapons works. So now it's quite easy. The only thing is that the lamp eats oil too quickly. I have to fix that.
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - small pics upd (last post)

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Jeez, that's some great pics!

I don't know the actual status, but let me remind you that you don't need to rely on the original decorate files, you can alter it at your free will!

Looks excellent so far. Keep it up!
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - small pics upd (last post)

Post by Captain J »

Giant spiders in cave, as usual in post-apocalyptic cave. Hehe, neat looking cave!

But i think that PDA is scaled up too much as a small sprite and it gives me some awkwardness. If you're good artist, i'd make a new and bigger version of PDA sprite.
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - small pics upd (last post)

Post by ramon.dexter »

Captain J: No, the PDA is just a placeholder. I just wanted to see how it looks and how it is placed onscreen. I'm already making a better one, but it's not finished. But if you'll make a one, I would be happy :)

GAA1992: Actually I like most of the spiders decorate.
Last edited by ramon.dexter on Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - small pics upd (last post)

Post by Captain J »

ramon.dexter wrote:Captain J: No, the PDA is just a placeholder. I just wanted to see how it looks and how it is placed onscreen. I'm already making a better one, but it's not finished.
Oh, i see then. Hope it looks better and bigger!

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