Mr.Enchanter wrote:Went back and changed a few things on my autocannon.
In order to fit it on the screen the arm goes away, could replace the hand with something else like cables on both sides or go handless since it would go underneath it to lift it and it would look more streamlined.
Mr.Enchanter wrote:Went back and changed a few things on my autocannon.
In order to fit it on the screen the arm goes away, could replace the hand with something else like cables on both sides or go handless since it would go underneath it to lift it and it would look more streamlined.
I often draw more downwards than what is shown on screen for the simple fact that it's better to have too much gun when doing animations and offsets than too little.
Also this gun isn't meant to fit nicely on the screen, it's supposed to be a bigger gun.
Don't remember who did the original but I had it sitting around in my sprite resource folder and decided to do some quick highlights on it. It was Captain J and chronoteeth
Last edited by Mr.Enchanter on Sat Aug 06, 2016 5:57 am, edited 2 times in total.