For high-res texture/sprite projects, sprite-fix patches, music add-ons, music randomizers, and other graphic/sound-only projects.
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Updating the main post. More MP3 previews are on there, but keep in mind they're WIPs and wouldn't exactly be ideal for use in-game. However, it should give you an idea of how progress is going and will allow more feedback before the PAKs are created.
Also, they'll be created in a much better way, instead of zipping up WADs.
Alice Jameson wrote:So glad to hear that you're working on these again. I really enjoyed the previous packs. Can't wait to see what you'll do for all the songs now.
Thanks for listening! I'm glad you enjoyed the packs and I hope you'll enjoy the new ones even more!
Keep checking back. I've been working on this daily.
GAA1992 wrote:I really would like to see you playing donna to the rescue. It's one of my favorites!
I've considered doing video playthroughs, but I don't have a setup that would make me happy with the quality yet. You will be getting a new version of it soon, though.
I took a listen to a few of the new tracks. They sound pretty good, with the exception of the drums, which seem to have too much reverb (but it might just be me). I'd also love an alt version of They're Going To Get You with the choir, it's just not the same without them to me.
SeventhSentinel wrote:I took a listen to a few of the new tracks. They sound pretty good, with the exception of the drums, which seem to have too much reverb (but it might just be me). I'd also love an alt version of They're Going To Get You with the choir, it's just not the same without them to me.
Keep on jamming!
I like the reverb on the drums, haha. I'll make a version of They're Going to Get You like that just for you.
The Plutinia/TNT music pack is just music from Doom 1 and II. Was that on purpose or a mistake? Regardless, these sound great! Right up there with Perkristian's remixes.
Gifty wrote:These are way better than most run of the mill remasters, keep going!
Thank you very much! The new version of the first Doom is coming soon!
Echelon5 wrote:The Plutinia/TNT music pack is just music from Doom 1 and II. Was that on purpose or a mistake? Regardless, these sound great! Right up there with Perkristian's remixes.
Plutonia actually recycles music from Doom and Doom II. TNT has original music as well as some recycled music, so there will be a pack for both games. If you like these packs, wait until you hear the new ones!
NeuralStunner wrote:On that note... It'd be great if you could do the Plutonia MIDI pack, as well.
Hey! That's a great idea! I had considered possibly doing more things later, such as Project Doom (but I wanted to reach out to Jay Reichard first). This could be a nice alternative. Thanks!
Shane wrote:Hey! That's a great idea! I had considered possibly doing more things later, such as Project Doom (but I wanted to reach out to Jay Reichard first). This could be a nice alternative. Thanks!
You've got permission to do some Project Doom stuff. But, honestly, you should use your talents for things much more deserving than that. See: Just about anything Jimmy's done.