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Post by Zaero »


"Strife Uncut" v1.5 by Zaero

The main idea behind this mod was to bring back all the features that did not make it to the final version of the game.
To further improve it, I also added some new weapons, fixed some dead-ends and made the world more interactive so you may enjoy it more.
Many objects can be destroyed, used or taken to be used later. Since it took some of my time to make, I hope you'll love the mod.

To use the mod simply load the strifeuncut.pk3 file after Strife1.wad.
The bat file for GZDoom users is included.

The mod works for me, I took great care to make sure it works as intended and bug free, but it may not be flawless. That being said and since you use the mod for free, you USE IT ON YOUR OWN RISK - I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT MAY HAPPEN TO YOU, YOUR PC, FAMILY RELATIONS ETC.

NEW ITEMS - Restored much of the content hidden in Strife1.wad:
* Loot - almost any small item in the game can be stolen and it's value is added to players gold count.
* Food - found in containers, can be consumed anytime by selecting food bag from inventory. The more "meaty" the food is, the more health it boosts.
* Interrogator Raport - item found in the first mission, will explain you a part of the story which was not so obvious before.
* Acid Grenades (Max 20) - can be carried in inventory and used at will. They're thrown and break into clouds of gas which is harmful both for humans and robots.
* Rat Helper (Max 5) - when you'll find the place full of rats, they may come to you and stare. You can then pick them up, and use from the inventory.
When you do, they get thrown at the enemy and start to bite him. They cannot be killed, but deal very little damage, also the enemy attacked will still try to hunt you instead of rodent. When they dont have a target for some time, they can be picked up again.
* TIP = Totems of Incredible Power - during the game you can find 3 of them, when all are collected your dagger deals incredible damage. They're made from scratch, not ported from VE.
* Blue Chalice - acts as portable health regenerator, very useful as sort of "ammo" holder for the Sigil. Uses gold to do so. Entirely made from scratch, not ported from VE.
* Sigil Piece - during the fight with the first boss, it used to be obtained automatically on victory, preventing the player from backtracking to refill supplies etc. Now, it is spawned on boss's death but must be picked up by the player, so you may actually decide when you want to finish the level.

* Most of vanilla weapons have smoother animations, made both by offsetting the original frames, as well as adding new.
* All weapons except for Sigil, have altfires. They can activate stronger attacks, weapon reload functions of fire secondary ammo.
* There are 4 new weapons, most of which, make use of accuracy/stamina stats:
* Pistol (Ammo: Bullets) - the firearm given by Macil, the first time talked to. Granted so early in the game, it is useful for taking down acolytes and some other weaker enemies. It's clip holds 10 rounds, but the reload is fast. It's a great tool, especially considering Assault Gun is found later than before (but you can still buy it from Irale).
* Boltcaster (Ammo: Electric Bolts) - shots fast moving energy bolts at cost of 2 ammo. Secondary fire is sniper mode, which fires stronger bolts at cost of 3 ammo. Can be found in weapon stashes (for the first time in the Prison).
* Thrasher (Ammo: Energy Pods) - shotgun type weapon, uses energy pods to fire green sparks of plasma which disintergrates human enemies. Primary uses 10, secondary 20 ammo. Must be cocked after each 10 ammo shot. It can only be found in the Town.
* Land mines - can rarely be found, but is very strong. Primary fire sets it on the ground, secondary throws it. The blast can usually insta-kill most enemies.
* The weapons with limited "clip", which needs to be reloaded, display the counter to indicate how much ammo you can fire before the next reload. This is not the actual "clip capacity" per se - you can reload the clip anytime, even without ammo and this counter will reset.

* Some enemies drop different items they used to (Crusader, first Boss).
* Stalkers now can fire their cannons when on ground.
* Templars have 5 different dead states for more variety.
* Sentinels have new death animation and play their dead sound fully.

* The key persons are protected until they are no longer needed for progression. They are: Harris, Mourel, Weran, Keymaster, Richter, Oracle.
* Rowan can be killed in the very beginning and the game can still progess, but you'll not get his gold reward and the alarms will sound. You can then run to the base, get the pistol and continue your fight from there (with the help from Medic and Weapons Trainer) but it'll be much harder as you'll have to clean the whole town to progress.
* There is another way to get to the prison: You can take Harris's quest, get the Chalice (you wont find it before) and bring to him. Whey you do so, the door to prison will open, but you'll not have the authorization to pass the guard there. You'll need to kill him to get to the Warden.
As you can see, the Chalice quest is no longer a dead end, if you complete it you will even be rewarded later in the game.
* The degnin ore respawns after 10 minutes of picking it up, so you'll never run out of them. They cannot be destroyed until picked up and used first. This fixes another possible dead-end.

INTERACTION - Objects which can be used or destroyed:
* Ammo Refiller - if you're low on ammo, actually restores it to some level.
* Surgery Crab - if you're low on health, it heals you some.
* Ancient columns, monuments and vases - can be destroyed.
* Explosive Barrels - now are really useful as traps, since they spawn flames which can deal huge amount of damage.
* Wooden Barrels - they always contain some food or a coin.
* Every barrel and vase can be moved if pushed.

* The mod requires Strife1.wad, Voices.wad (recommended) and latest version of GZDoom (may work on ZDoom, untested).
* The mod is compatible with Strife1.wad but is not with Sve.wad.
* The mod is not compatible with Strife teaser demo.
* No feature of this mod was taken from VE, every feature is made entirely from scratch.
* The mod is compatible with Ketchup mod - I highly recommend it: ... 5-gore-mod
* Yes, the pk3 file is really that small :)

The mod is made by me (Zaero), you should ask for permission before you use any part of the mod in your own projects.
This also applies to reupload, making another version of the mod or usage of it's title.
To contact me use or

Rogue Entertainment - creators of the game itself
amv2k9 - crossbow composite textures, assault rifle reload animation, gas grenade rotations
Ghastly_dragon, Eriance, Gothic, Blox - Strife Pistol
Xaser, zrrion the insect, Bloax, Paul NMN, NeoWorm, Velocity, Banjo Software - Boltcaster
Snarboo, Eriance, JustinC - Thrasher
Gothic, LucasArts, id Software, Blox, Uboa - Land Mine weapon
Mor'ladim, Legend of the Monster Hunter - Land mine sprite
Yuyu3, RpgMaker XP - food items
jpalomo - Strife sbarinfo code
zrrion the insect - Disruptor sprites
Raven Software, Blue Shadow - Supply Chest

CHANGELOG - starting new game is always recommended (new version may conflict with existing saves):
*Warp effect added to liquids and forcefields.
*Improved fountain and waterfall splash.
*Fire particles and burn sounds added to decorations burning with huge flame.
*Electricity effects added to some tech objects.
*Dead Crusader and Reaver are now destructible (decoration, not enemies).
*Alternate HUD is now optional (to use it run a separate file).

*New weapon: The Disruptor. It's an energy pistol which fires pulses or beams. It's fast, accurate and recoilless, on the other side a single blast is not powerful and gun overheats if used for too long. The weapon is good for taking out small groups of weaker enemies. Fighting larger foes is not recommended, but possible, if enough distance/cover is available.
*Map item and Scanner are now stored in player's inventory. You can use them anytime to either upload the full map, or de/activate the area scanning. Since they're so rare they do not deplete over time and can be used in multiple levels.
*Laser sight was added to pistol.
*Templar now shoots Mauler missiles, instead of thrasher sparks.
*Added dynamic lights for disruptor, mauler balls, electric darts ammo, map and scanner.
*MiniMissile Launcher's secondary projectile changed a bit (slightly faster, weaker and with improved homing ability).
*Acid cloud now blocks the way to prevent the approach of incoming enemies. This should make the item more useful.
*Macil's additional rewards now come in sequence and require some game progression. The "raport" item is now required to get them.
*Healing Chalice is now given by picking up Totem when Offering Chalice is carried (no longer given by Macil).
*Menu section added in "Options" -> "Customize Controls" allows to bind keys to some of the mod's items and weapons ("deep slots": 1-3).
*Also there is a special shortcut "Use Medpacks" which uses multiple med items in correct order, so there is no waste of items and the player is instantly healed. The system will work only if you're below 100% and is smart so it will not heal you up to 100% if this means wasting some valuable resources (for ex. will not use medpatch if health is 93%, will try to use food items instead). If enough items are available, it will heal you up to 100% regardless of stamina, but can heal you up to stamina level if you're barely alive and surgery kit is available.
*Harris quest is once again revised: The chalice is now "hidden" like Harris' says, in the chest. He'll give you the lockpick to open it, but he won't talk to you at all, until prison mission is given. Regardless how the quest ends - you can progress futher. This change was made to prevent premature progression into the prison. On the technical side: chest uses DSSWSTON sound and NewKey5 actor. Both were present in the game but unused. I guess this counts as yet another Uncut Content! :D

*Harris is no longer protected - he can be killed anytime. Taking his quest will no longer prevent progression - Mourel will simply ignore the theft. Now there is no alternate way to the prison, so you'll have to get there as in vanilla.
*You can take the chalice anytime, even right from the beginning (the item is always available).
*Interrogator raport and Macil reward text changed.
*You can find a coin sometime when you destroy the dead body.
*Revised quest characters protection system - now its simpler, yet works well.
*You cannot reload clip when it's full (to not confuse players during combat).
*Added missing decals and dynamic lights to weapons, projectiles, enemies etc.
*Added sounds to loot items, visor, mine remote, boltbaster scope and healing chalice.
*Fixed a bug which caused the visor to loose it's nightvision mode after entering the next level.
*Healing Chalice now have a light blue tint visible when active.
*Kunai altrife for Katar (punch dagger). Useful for moving around objects and bringing enemies closer to melee.
*Boltcaster can be switched to other weapon even if scope is enabled. It's pickup sprite no longer flashes.
*Added a frame with no muzzle flash to Assualt rifle's firing animation. The reloading animation is now one tic quicker.
*Mauler primary projectiles drop sparks.

*New, minimalistic hud "stripe" available when statusbar is enlarged. Original statusbar now also displays secondary ammo (thanks Pokky). As for now, the popup screens does not work yet.
*Un-cut content: The remote icon/world sprite. Land mines can be dis/rearmed at will using the remote. Use the item once to disarm all placed mines, double tap it to rearm all of them.
*Un-cut content: Tray item - now it can be found under surgery crabs.
*Templars have new gib animation and dialogs restored. The sound used for their XDeath was present in the game, but unused - now it's un-cut.
*Armor Restorer - now you can use the Anvil to repair your damaged armor up to 50%, but you'll need to have at least 10% left. All 3 types of restorers now display a massage on successful use.
*Crossbow code optimized - fixed bug with electric arrow being used on the first poison arrow launch.
*Green and Red totems are now found on the ground (fixed bug in Ruined temple which prevented progression - thanks 4thcharacter) instead of being dropped by enemies.
*Player and acolyte dead bodies (pre-set decorations), body tanks and stalags are now destructible.
*Acid gas container breaks into small pieces.
*Revised ore spawners: now they check once per minute if player can see them. If they're hidden, they check for player's ores and turn into ore if he hasn't any. Made to not spam levels with ore actors but still make sure ore-related dead-end is fixed.
*Revised Combat Visor: Now it's a separate item (no longer a part of dagger weapon), available from the start. You can use it with any weapon selected, infinite times. However, there is almost unnoticable delay between turn on/off functions.

*Land mines auto-deactivates after one minute - can be picked up afterwards.
*Fixed the major bug which prevented progression due to the Keymaster dialog-break (thanks Shockwave_S08).
*There is a massage now, informing you that Macil gave you the pistol. Now he also gives you the healing chalice (as a part of Keymaster fix).
*Dynamic lights for Acid Grenade.
*Dead bodies (floor decorations) are now destructible, instead of being randomly replaced by gibs.
*Rock/clay decorations now spawn random debris which disappears after some delay.
*Vases are now considered containers and spawn food and/or coin.
*Food items now give twice the health.
*Food bag code optimized (does not waste food when you're stuffed already - stores it for later).
*Key characters immortality code improved - now they're invincible regardless of STANDSTILL flag state (thanks Shockwave_S08).
*Now Oracle will still talk to you, even if he was attacked before (when protected).

*Initial release
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Last edited by Zaero on Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:50 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by durbdoogle »

Wow! This looks great! I know that Strife is supposed to be harder to mod and it looks like you put a lot of work into this :)
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Post by Zaero »

durbdoogle wrote:Wow! This looks great! I know that Strife is supposed to be harder to mod and it looks like you put a lot of work into this :)
Well to be honest it is - for ex. The Sigil is just unmoddable (it doesn't even accept the altfire state) and some strange bugs sometimes occur - like the one with Keymaster - he won't talk to the player, even when he has Oracle Pass with him. The bug was fixed in 1.1 however.
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Post by Pokky »

The ammo hud for the crossbow doesn't show the poison arrow count when using the alt fire. (the inventory hud)

I also have a question about a specific quest.
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Post by Zaero »

Pokky wrote:The ammo hud for the crossbow doesn't show the poison arrow count when using the alt fire. (the inventory hud)

I also have a question about a specific quest.
The posion arrows should be visible on hud as secondary ammo (will provide the screenshot when I come home).
As for your second question - the person you ask about should be mortal once you'll gain access to the prison. The quest this person gives can be resolved in multiple ways - see ReadMe->Quests for details.
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Post by TheMightyHeracross »

ex. The Sigil is just unmoddable (it doesn't even accept the altfire state)
This helped a ton when I made my old Strife mod.
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Post by Ozymandias81 »

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Post by Zaero »

TheMightyHeracross wrote:
ex. The Sigil is just unmoddable (it doesn't even accept the altfire state)
This helped a ton when I made my old Strife mod.
Yup, I was aware of it. But still it's not Sigil, only a custom weapon which replicates it's behavior. Since I'm not much into ACS (my whole mod is made in DECORATE) I don't want to use it - yet.

To Pokky: Here's the screenshot of my HUD with poison arrows:
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Post by 4thcharacter »

I'm having a blast with this one, but on the ruins I got a problem. I can't get out because I don't have the blue crystal (a key that's found slightly later after that part) so I noclipped out.

Also, I missed the blue chalice, and the way to get it is pretty vague for me to be honest. Not that it makes any difference anyway since there are lots of health items littered around but an option to get it anytime you want would be nice.
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Post by Zaero »

4thcharacter wrote:I'm having a blast with this one, but on the ruins I got a problem. I can't get out because I don't have the blue crystal (a key that's found slightly later after that part) so I noclipped out.

Also, I missed the blue chalice, and the way to get it is pretty vague for me to be honest. Not that it makes any difference anyway since there are lots of health items littered around but an option to get it anytime you want would be nice.
The key you've mentioned was not touched so it should't be a bug.
I don't want to spoil the exact way to get healing chalice, but you may find many clues in the ReadMe. Getting it "anytime you want" is not technically possible, but you may get it on more than one occasion.

Since Pokky asked me about the secondary ammo counter, I played a little with SBARINFO to make a tiny hud, which displays both ammo types. Do you like it?
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Post by 4thcharacter »

So I did some testing by playing without it and found out that the problem lies in the spectre itself but not the blue crystal key. After killing the spectre in the ruins it's supposed to lower the bar that's blocking your way out and Blackbird will tell you to go to the mines. But for some reason it doesn't work in this mod.
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Post by Doominer441 »

How do you get the Blood Chalice to appear? I took Harris' quest, but no Chalice, the only thing on the altar is a corpse. Also, no matter what I do, Harris always stays immortal. I literally cannot kill him, ever.
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Post by Skrell »

Please post video! This looks amazing!
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Post by Zaero »

4thcharacter wrote:So I did some testing by playing without it and found out that the problem lies in the spectre itself but not the blue crystal key. After killing the spectre in the ruins it's supposed to lower the bar that's blocking your way out and Blackbird will tell you to go to the mines. But for some reason it doesn't work in this mod.
Yup, the spectre was altered. Will take a closer look on the problem - thanks for pointing that out.

To Doominer441: Does anyone actually read the ReadMe file? :) Oh well.. the chalice will appear as soon as you take the first quest from Macil (the very beginning of the game). This way the story can continue - there is no dead-end.
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Post by Doominer441 »

Zaero wrote:
4thcharacter wrote:So I did some testing by playing without it and found out that the problem lies in the spectre itself but not the blue crystal key. After killing the spectre in the ruins it's supposed to lower the bar that's blocking your way out and Blackbird will tell you to go to the mines. But for some reason it doesn't work in this mod.
Yup, the spectre was altered. Will take a closer look on the problem - thanks for pointing that out.

To Doominer441: Does anyone actually read the ReadMe file? :) Oh well.. the chalice will appear as soon as you take the first quest from Macil (the very beginning of the game). This way the story can continue - there is no dead-end.
As far as I can tell, that's not mentioned anywhere in the readme.txt. And yes, I did read it.

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