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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by wildweasel »

enderkevin13 wrote:π”Έπ•Ÿπ•ͺ𝕨𝕒π•ͺ𝕀, 𝕀 𝕙𝕠𝕑𝕖 π•₯π•™π•šπ•€ π•šπ•€ π••π• π•Ÿπ•– π•€π• π• π•Ÿ. 𝕀π•₯ π•π• π• π•œπ•€ π•˜π•£π•–π•’π•₯!
Hey, in the future, would you mind not doing this? Using non-standard characters in your posts makes it impossible for anybody to use screen readers or Google Translate.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by enderkevin13 »

wildweasel wrote:
enderkevin13 wrote:π”Έπ•Ÿπ•ͺ𝕨𝕒π•ͺ𝕀, 𝕀 𝕙𝕠𝕑𝕖 π•₯π•™π•šπ•€ π•šπ•€ π••π• π•Ÿπ•– π•€π• π• π•Ÿ. 𝕀π•₯ π•π• π• π•œπ•€ π•˜π•£π•–π•’π•₯!
Hey, in the future, would you mind not doing this? Using non-standard characters in your posts makes it impossible for anybody to use screen readers or Google Translate.
Okay, sorry. :P
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by DBThanatos »

Doom 3 Doesnt Suck wrote: If there is going to be gore/blood, please include some sort of "janitor" scripting, like in BD or Hunter's Moon. My computer doesn't mind initially spawning all that stuff, but it freaks out when there are 3,000 blood splats and bullet casings lying around for a long time, which could be the case in some megawads, like, say, Going Down. (My apologies if I seem to be overly demanding despite being a zdoom forum newbie. I'm probably not the only one thinking about some of these things, though.)
Don't worry, so long as you are aware that suggesting something != getting it, we'll be fine :P

But you do have a point here. Don't worry. We always make sure that there isn't a lot of crap cluttering the engine for long periods of time :)
Major Cooke wrote:At any rate, people who are coming here in the hopes to see competition or trying to find out whose stroking the bigger e-boner, get disappointed. You're here for the wrong reasons. We are doing this as our own little contribution to id for making such a fantastic game because we can, we will, and we want to. Look at DBThanatos' DoomStorm and Q4LFE mods. Just did them entirely out of the blue because he could.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by mutator »

Thanatos, when you are thinking of releasing this mod? :P
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by Major Cooke »

Doom 3 Doesnt Suck wrote: If there is going to be gore/blood, please include some sort of "janitor" scripting, like in BD or Hunter's Moon. My computer doesn't mind initially spawning all that stuff, but it freaks out when there are 3,000 blood splats and bullet casings lying around for a long time, which could be the case in some megawads, like, say, Going Down. (My apologies if I seem to be overly demanding despite being a zdoom forum newbie. I'm probably not the only one thinking about some of these things, though.)
Fear not, this won't be difficult. Quite a few of the effects can be toggled off in fact, or interchanged with simpler versions, i.e. shorter gib timers.

...just don't be surprised if it still doesn't handle very well on ZDoom, because we cannot emphasize this enough: It's for GZDoom.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by Major Cooke »

mutator wrote:Thanatos, when you are thinking of releasing this mod? :P
When it's done. We have no time frame right now. We also never plan them.
Last edited by Major Cooke on Mon May 30, 2016 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by mutator »

Major Cooke wrote:
mutator wrote:Thanatos, when you are thinking of releasing this mod? :P
When it's done. Yes, I can say that, because I'm a dev.
Is there any estimated date?
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by mutator »

or maybe if it will take 1 month, 2 month or maybe shorter than a month?
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by Major Cooke »

Couldn't tell you. Sometimes we encounter issues or gain ideas that could take days or weeks to develop or fix.

We release when we've all been fed up with eating too many curly brackets and breaking our teeth in on keyboards because of the one-fix-forward-two-bugs-backwards syndrome.

I don't have enough painkiller, I swear to fucking god.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by mutator »

Yeah it's better to release the mod when it's fully done. I wish I also knew how to make scripts/decorate stuff... you are lucky to have knowledge about it
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by Doom 3 Doesnt Suck »

mutator wrote:Is there any estimated date?
He'll probably release the mod about one hour after Sgt Mark IV releases his Doom 4 for Doom mod. :shock:

I'm just joking around, of course...
MJ79 wrote:To clarify which Doom 4 mod does what, is this a weapons-only mod or will there be other stuff such as rechargeable equipment or glory kills?
I just want to say I'd be happy with a mod that just replaced the weapons with more-or-less fully functional Doom 4 equivalents. Anything else would be a bonus, at least from my perspective, the end-user.

I'm also going to add this spoiler from the very first post in the thread:

I'm also honestly surprised that there were "oldschool" Doom style versions of these weapons made so quickly. Obviously, getting them to function the way they are supposed to will require more effort and time, but I like the idea of "oldschool" a little bit more than "straight image rips from Doom 4 at 4k resolution" (it won't look as "out of place" as some weapons mods do when playing vanilla-ish maps with vanilla monsters). I think eventually we'll see a mod from someone where they took the actual Doom 4 weapon models and rebuilt them to work in GZDoom, but that's probably going to take someone a really long time to make, and code for. Maybe someone is already trying to do that.
Last edited by Doom 3 Doesnt Suck on Mon May 30, 2016 9:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

To clarify which Doom 4 mod does what, is this a weapons-only mod or will there be other stuff such as rechargeable equipment or glory kills?
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - New Wep Preview Pg4

Post by Major Cooke »

Wrap your heads around this and I'll be impressed. Because this is the pigsty of just ONE weapon's effect, and a tiny one at that. I've removed some information so you can only guess. :twisted:

Code: Select all

	TNT1 A 0 NoDelay
			if (tid > 0)
				A_SetUserVar(user_t, tid);
				A_SetUserVar(user_size, 5);
				A_SetUserVar(user_size, 7);	
			A_SetUserVar(user_c, random(1,4));
			A_SetUserVar(user_d, user_c);
		TNT1 A 0
			if (user_limit <= 0)
			{	return state("Null");	}
			A_SetUserVar(user_limit, user_limit - 1);
			if (user_c <= 0)
				A_SetUserVarFloat(user_pitch, user_pitch+(frandom(user_amin,user_amax)*frandompick(-1,1)));
				if (user_branch > 0)
				{	A_SetUserVar(user_branch,user_branch-1);	}
				if (!user_t && !user_branch)
				A_SetUserVar(user_c, random(1,4));
				A_SetUserVar(user_d, user_c);
			A_SetUserVar(user_c, user_c-1);
			return state("Looping");
Patience is a virtue, ladies and gents. You'll get your fancy pants sometime. Making sure this painstaking shit works takes lots of effort. And we don't get paid for it, like all other modders.

@MJ79: This is primarily the weapons one.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by ReX »

Needs maps. Heh.

Just kidding. Fantastic weapons mod, I must say. I think the YouTube video explanations of the powerups are very informative teasers. Keep up the great work.
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Re: DOOM(4) for DooM (D4D) - Rocket Launcher prev pg5

Post by Scaled »

I'm gonna add my gushing to the pile of people going on at how awesome this is.

Suggestions I realize will not mean they will nessicarily be used.

Hot key for glory kills that when enemy isn't staggered does a melee attack with whatever weapon you've got. That'd be a pain in the neck to animate so if not doable no worries. Just like a .... less long/game-flow-breaky thing compared to Brutal.
Mantling (IE being able to pull yourself up ledges) And Double Jump.
The 'falls in lava' death animation.

Unsure if the weapon upgrade system should be backported or not, Honestly don't think so beyond picking up weapon mods that you can hot swap between like seen in video.

Things that might be best left to other modders?
Import the enemy noises
The bobbleheads.
More decoration objects like the human skeletons and such.
Enemy sprite replacement with classicized versions of the d4 enemies (like... making the barons and hellknights not pallet swaps, the multipul Posessed/Zombie enemy types.) Not sure if this could be done without severely breaking mod compatibility with other mods due to actor replacement.
A set of levels that takes cues from doom 2016, but... aren't trying to be one to one recreations because even with what Zdoom can do compared to vanilla, they'd look kinda meh. So mostly try making something that takes advantage of the new movement and sorta is 'oh hey that kinda reminds me of' but is still kindof this very oldschool feeling thing at the same time.

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