Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by TheDoomctator »

I got killed a bunch of times because i was holding a rocket launcher after firing long range,then a pinky/imp came up at me and either i killed myself or did not have time to change weapon
You sir solved my problem there thanks!
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by Nevander »

It's amazing how much more fluid the game becomes when you double the raise/lower speed of your weapons.
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by DTDsphere »

Nevander wrote:It's amazing how much more fluid the game becomes when you double the raise/lower speed of your weapons.
It really is. Makes Doom even better in my opinion. I personally don't run this mod all the time because I'm a purist at heart. Whenever I play a new map pack I MUST play it with the proper settings configured (usually Doom Strict) before throwing gameplay mods at it.

My keybinds for this mod.
Fist is seperate to chainsaw as to skip selecting the chainsaw when I have berserk. I have 2 binds for chainsaw so that I don't get punished for mixing z and x up. BFG is c to make it far away from the other binds.

To provide some context, here are my keybinds for other games.
Quake Live/3

And finally this is my setup in Doom 4. Quake 3 was where I started using proper keybinds for weapons and my layout stuck with me.
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by NightFright »

When using the IDKFA cheat and having one of the two shotguns selected, the weapon would go into its reload animation. It's not a big deal, but if there is a way to fix this, it'd be nice to have it applied.
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by StroggVorbis »

Sounds like inventory items are used for the shotgun reload canceling, which are given by the IDKFA cheat. There's the CHEAT.NOTWEAPON flag, but I dunno if it works on non weapons too.
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by mrtaterz »

I know this is an older mod, but I also feel like I should chime in and say the pistol animation is really ugly and stuttering at the end there as well. Could use a bit of touching up or reworking to say the least.
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by NightFright »

I have tweaked the mod a bit and hopefully improved a few things. The pistol should look smoother now when firing, however I had to use one of the previously unused frames (PISGD) to make it happen. Still, like this the pistol doesn't "stutter" any more and looks better. After all, what DTD did before also wasn't exactly the original animation any more, so it's within acceptable limits.

Last edited by NightFright on Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by mrtaterz »

NightFright wrote:I have tweaked the mod a bit and hopefully improved a few things. The pistol should look smoother now when firing, however I had to use one of the previously unused frames (PISGD) to make it happen. Still, like this the pistol doesn't "stutter" any more and looks better. After all, what DTD did before also wasn't exactly the original animation any more, so it's within acceptable limits.

- File format switched from WAD to PK3 (renamed to fastweapons.pk3)
- KEYCONF coding converted to DECORATE/MAPINFO system
- Lump filtering for Doom and Doom II
- Uses modified pump action sound for Per Kristian's "Highres Doom Sound Effects Pack"
- Pistol: Firing animation improved (sequence: PISG BCAB --> BCDB)
- Shotgun: Now uses A_StopSound (CHAN_WEAPON) instead of playing silent sound to kill the pumping sound when lowering the weapon
- Shotgun: Now uses A_PlaySound instead of A_PlayWeaponSound for pumping sound
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by NightFright »

Good news:
I found out how to fix the issue with shotguns reloading when using the IDKFA cheat. The inventory tokens used to skip the reload animation now simply don't inherit from Ammo any more, but CustomInventory. A simple fix really. Please redownload from above post.
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by Agitatio »

Switching from SG/SSG mid reload now finishes it, instead of coming back to it when you switch back, just like in the video.
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by NightFright »

I didn't change anything about the shotgun animations. DTD made an update to the code later on, probably after he made the video. The way reload interruption works now is apparently intended.

Tomorrow I'll probably change the pistol animation once more. Just had an idea how to make the transition even smoother. Frame sequence BCDB seems like a harsh transition still. I'll try something with BCDCB.
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Version 1.21 released

Post by NightFright »

Update released as promised. At the end of the day, I didn't touch the pistol animation any more since it looked better with its existing frame sequence (BCDB) than the one I had in mind (BCDCB). However, I was able to solve the pending issue with the berserk pack. From the other thread with my PerK animation improvement mod, I adapted Nevander's fix for the edited player actor.

Changelog v1.21 (Jul 3, 2019):
- Added GLDEFS to restore default dynamic light behavior for new player actor
- Berserk: Switches to fists again when picked up (vanilla behavior)
- Pistol: Now uses 100% vanilla animation (w/o previously unused frame PISGD)

Changelog v1.2 (Jul 2, 2019):
- File format switched from WAD to PK3 (renamed to fastweapons.pk3)
- KEYCONF coding converted to DECORATE/MAPINFO system
- Lump filtering for Doom and Doom II
- Uses modified pump action sound for Per Kristian's "Highres Doom Sound Effects Pack"
- Pistol: Firing animation improved (sequence: PISG BCAB --> BCDB)
- Shotgun/Super Shotgun: Fixed weapon reloading when using IDKFA cheat
- Shotgun: Now uses A_StopSound (CHAN_WEAPON) instead of playing silent sound to kill the pumping sound when lowering the weapon
- Shotgun: Now uses A_PlaySound instead of A_PlayWeaponSound for pumping sound
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Version 1.21 updated

Post by NightFright »

Found a way to use 100% vanilla animations for the pistol (i.e. no usage of non-vanilla PISGD frame any more) without losing the fast weapon firing feature. I would say it's pretty much spot-on now. Please redownload from my post above if you have already done so.
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Version 1.22 released

Post by NightFright »

Tweaked the code a bit and found a more efficient way to increase weapon switching speed.

I found A_Raise/Lower(15) to be a bit too fast actually and went down to 12. This looks less "hacky"/weird. File attachment has been replaced.

Changelog v1.22 (Jul 11, 2019):
- Use A_Raise(12) and A_Lower(12) instead of TNT AA 0 frames, resulting in weapon raise/lower speed factor of 2x
- Berserk: Reverted change from v1.21 (not switching to fists on pickup)
- Simplified Shotgun/SSG reload checkers
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Re: Responsive Weapons + Faster Weapon Switching

Post by Agitatio »

SG firing sound is getting cut off when switching from it right after firing. SSG doesn't have that problem though.

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