Welcome to Samsara.
This is a multiplayer project inspired by crossover fighting games, designed to bring these games that people love so much and... wait... haven't I read this thread before?
The aim of this update, thrown together over a long weekend, was to fix the Skulltag-era idiocy that forced two distinct versions of the mod to be developed without complete compatibility with each other. This build should run properly in both GZDoom and Zandronum 3.0.
Hopefully additional improvements and modernization of this mod can come in the future, if I don't horribly burn myself out with this old, inexperienced code (and if there's any interest whatsoever!)
FROM 0.355 TO 0.3666
================FROM 0.35 TO 0.355
- Reverted the console spam fix from 0.355, since it's not an issue anymore, which also simultaneously caused the following to happen...
- Fixed Weapon Stay being busted!
- Hopefully fixed unique powerups sometimes just not happening when picked up!- Merged in Popsoap10's fix for non-bleeding enemies not creating puffs
- Added greatly-improved widescreen-friendly Duke RPG and Freezethrower sprites from the cancelled HTTKC
- Fixed Duke talking over himself at the start of a map in Pistol Start mode
- Pistol Start mode now resets your health appropriately
- Added proper weapon bob settings to the Marathon 1 Alien Weapon
- Added a new secret sound effect for Doomguy
- Fixed a bug where the behavior for respecting the "Allow BFG Aiming" gameplay option was reversed in ZDoom (thanks ijon!)
- Using the IDKFA cheat now properly fills out the top HUD bar slots
- Added support for zorching and all the other Samsara nonsense to ZDoom Scripted Marines, because why not?
- Halved volume of Brutal blood splashing
- Minor tweak to Armor Shard pickup sound
- Added seven new chunks of Duke Talk, from World Tour (+1 from Time to Kill)
- Replaced the ZDoom pistol weapon pickup with some Slot 1 ammo, to avoid problems on a tiny number of ZDoom maps
- Added a little extra Duke flavor to the Invulnerability powerup
- Fixed a sound filename conflict between the Pistol Start donk and the plat start in Heretic
================FROM 0.34 TO 0.35
- Fixed the vast amounts of "ACS: I Don't Know What '' Is" console spam.
- Added MG_Man's widescreen-friendly Parias punch sprites.
- Fixed the Poison Cloud Flechette's tag not being commented out.
- Added a Pistol Start CVar! (samsara_pistolstart) Also in the Serverside Menu.
- Externalized some Printed strings in inventory items to LANGUAGE.
- Added a HoloDuke! Replaces the Partial Invisibility for Duke.
- Added/Uncommented name tags for inventory items that didn't have them.
================Compat Packs:
- Medikits, Soulspheres and Megaspheres now have an accurate per-class pickup message. Thanks, Termus!
- Updated the inventory icon for the Unbound Megasphere.
- Fixed the Wraithverge missile not passing through co-op players.
- Fixed Ranger Grenades bouncing off of players in Deathmatch. Thanks Ijon for the advice!
- Added a unique "blood" effect for Chex Warrior. Not yet affected by BloodyHell, but it's not CPU-intense enough to be trouble.
- Added Lightning Gun projectile sprites edited from the QDOOM ones.
- Gave the backpack an alternate sprite in Raven games.
- Fixed samsara_pistolammo not being defined in CVARINFO. Thanks for reporting, lonely-space-detective!
- Redefined ALL 22+ Strife peasants to fix their custom death states often not playing. Thanks for reporting, lonely-space-detective!
- Added proper custom death states to the Strife beggar. You know, for old time's sake.
- Split the old, mostly-disabled support for certain mods into a separate PK3. See below.
- Minor shuffling around and cleaning up behind the scenes. Nothing super important.
- Added a "!" symbol to the Heretic and Hexen bigfonts, so that difficulty settings render properly.
- Added custom particle trails to Ranger's rockets and grenades, replacing +ROCKETTRAIL. (Thanks TheCamaleonMaligno!)
- Added slightly amateurish new sprites for Ranger's nails.
- Added seven new bits of Duke Talk from the regrettable Nintendo DS game.
- Implemented a port-independent VWEP system for Security Officer!
- First round of Deathmatch buffs for Corvus:
- Sped up the untomed Golden Wand's firing speed.
- Reduced the spread on the untomed Etherial Crossbow.
- Reduced the spread on the untomed Dragon Claw.
- Increased the damage on the tomed Phoenix Rod.- GLDEF Adjustments:
- Added missing definitions for Corvus's timebombs.
- Tweaked the definitions for the Thunderbolt.
- Fixed a typo in the Heretic armor definitions.
- Added the missing definitions for the Hexen ammo backpack.- Various tweaks to Player sounds:
- Ranger now has a unique "Hmm" sound, and a new "push wall" sound edited from Quake 2.
- BJ's "falling to death" sound has a lot less hiss to it.
- Duke and Ranger were given a unique "fatal landing" sound. Which doesn't seem to want to play for Duke. Oh well.
- Duke and Ranger's disabled "resurfacing while drowning" sounds were uncommented, and Duke was given a unique one.FROM 0.333 TO 0.34
- Re-enabled Terra Incognita and Chaos Series compats from previous versions of Samsara.
- Added compat for Elf Gets Pissed by RottKing. HAK HAK DRAKKHEN!
- Added a very tiny compat for Day of the Acolyte by Kaiser.
- Added a compat for Absolute Order by Khorus.
- Added a compat for Scourge of Viscerus, by Matt Tropiano.
==================FROM 0.32 TO 0.333
- Fixed Bloodyhell/Bloodypersistent/Pickupmode not working properly on Zandro! Thanks, Zombie Killer!
- Implemented a cleaner, less potentially break-y way of detecting Zandronum. Thanks, Zombie Killer!
- Added 6 more Duke Talk lines, this time from Land of the Babes.
- Fix Afrits in Hexen balling up again when Mighty Booted.
- Fixed a bug where health pickups and pipebombs would supposedly mute Duke forever.
- Hexen multi-ammo pickups now also give Ranger some of his alt-ammo.
- Slight accuracy fix to Duke's Night Vision sound effect.
- Filtered and OGGified a bunch of Duke sounds that hadn't been filtered and/or OGGified.
- Nerfed BJ's Extra Life in Deathmatch. It now steals away your inventory, effectively resetting you to your pistol (or instagib rifle) and un-upgraded knife.
- Made Duke's pants green instead of his shirt. Easier to see in the thick of things, and more accurate to the original game.
- Added a MENUDEF toggle for Ranger's weapon recoil.
- Updated the GL lighting definitions:
- Tweaked the Doom ammo definitions to not be so enormous
- Added definitions for Heretic and Hexen ammo
- Added definitions for Duke, based (very, very) loosely on the Samsara Extra Heroes mod's definitions
- Added defintions for health and armor pickups- Uncommented out some missing item tags, so things like the Jetpack won't show fucked up internal names when selecting them.
- Set the Wraithverge ghost's FastSpeed to be the same as its normal speed, hopefully fixing the Wraithverge being OP in Nightmare mode.
- Redrew the Megapack sprite to not be horrible.
==================FROM 0.31 TO 0.32
- Fixed a bug where Duke's pistol didn't have the "DukePistol" damagetype, meaning it didn't do much damage to Hexen monsters.
- Reimplemented the Marathon Shell Casings sound code for added Marathon authenticity.
- Fixed the issue with samsara_jumpmod not working, due to differences between implementations of sqrt(). Thanks, TerminusEst13!
- Added the oldsqrt() function for code that is broken by the official ZDoom implementation. Maths, eh?
- Fixed an oversight where Corvus's Goldwand still had some Funny Man damage. Thanks Nyss and Kegan!
- Added a new XDeath for Chex Warrior, courtesy of PresidentPeople!
- Added some extra GLDEFs that Medi is working on!
- Fixed the issue from the transition to CVARINFO where blood and pickup styles had to be serverside CVARs to work.
- Note: Pickup style is currently broken in Zandronum and will always be Old-Style.- Alterations to Corvus's Timebomb and Remote of the Ancients:
- Added a new sprite for the Remote of the Ancients, to help colorblind players differentiate between the two bombs.
- Both bombs are now less transparent outside of Deathmatch, to reduce unfortunate friendly fire incidents.
- Added a short, quiet sound upon being placed.- Minor sound accuracy tweaks for Duke's pistol and Atomic Health.
- Commenced the balance tweaking!
- Chex LAZ Device: No more projectile reflectivity, radius has been halved. This may be walked back to a different nerf. We'll see.
- Ranger Rocket Launcher: Reduced rocket speed from 50 to 35.
- Ranger Grenade Launcher: Reduced ammo on pickup to be in-line with the Rocket Launcher.- Added the SXF_TRANSFERSPECIAL flag to armor pickups. Thanks Shadow Hog and Zhs2!
- Added 16 more lines of Duke Talk to level intros and secrets, taken from Time to Kill.
- These don't quite have the same filter as the rest yet, because my sound tools are LITERALLY TOO GOOD to imitate it. :V- Gave BJ more variety to his pain sound, and made his pain and death sounds a little louder so they can be heard easier in the heat of battle
- Added an easter egg somewhere.
- Twiddled with the ACS so that the mod works in both GZDoom and Zandronum 3.0 alpha, because let's face it - we're not in the Skulltag era anymore. Having two distinct versions of the mod that are incompatible with each other is dumb!
- Reverted Terminus's Ha Ha Funny Man changes to Corvus in his final commit.
- Commented out some RuneIcon and Teamscore stuff in SBARINFO for now until I can be arsed to make it work in GZDoom.
- Set up the nice PK3/PK7 building environment used in all of Term's later mods.
- Tweaks, fixes and general improvements to MENUDEF.
- Commenced the lengthy and horrifying process of moving things that should no longer be within KEYCONF out of KEYCONF.
- Fixed some of BJ's adlib sounds being weirdly low-quality.
- Added Inventory.RestrictedTo to all weapons, potentially helping fix the whole "picking up the guns of other classes in multiplayer" thing. We'll see.
- Started externalizing various strings to LANGUAGE because it's the Right Thing to do.
- Added character-specific secret notifications!
- Changed Skill 4 to increase monster health instead of damage, because nobody likes getting one-shot from across the map.
- Added new "look to side when attacked" and "ouch" mugshot sprites for BJ, from the Jaguar port of Wolf3D. (Thanks, DenisBelmondo!)
- Added text-colouring and tweaks to the quit messages.
- Removed bleeping from some Duke Talk (DKBSDT02, DKNTRO57) via the magic of splicing
- Added a Fire death sequence (cartoony, as per Jacobi's wishes) for Chex Warrior
- Re-enabled custom weapon bob stuff for Duke, Ranger and Security Officer (previously commented out because lolskulltag)
- Added Caleb.
- Removed Caleb.
- Mods designed for old versions like ExtraHeroes probably won't work off the bat, and probably need to be renovated for the new version. I'm not doing it. YOU do it.
- If you've played older versions of Samsara, and you're using Zandronum, you might need to dip into your ini and delete your old Samsara CVARs. This is because I shifted from an old system of setting the default CVARs using ConsoleCommand to good old American CVARINFO.
- "Pistol Uses Slot 1 Ammo" is currently bugged for Duke's pistol. I want to fix this, but the Duke weapon code is a horrible stygian nightmare, and I'm honestly not sure it's possible without a complete rewrite.
v0.3666 Beta (36mb or so)
Read the included text files for more info!