YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping-

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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by cambertian »

Looks sweet. I love when people do stuff like this.

Only question: why Game Maker? From what I've heard, the 3D support and GML are less than stellar.
Not to be an elitist, but C++ and SFML might be an overall "better" call.
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Indecom »

It might make more sense to others, but my GML is my personal area of expertise. It's come a very long way in the past couple of years to the point where making games that rival the graphics of more modern systems is now more than possible if you know what you're doing. This essentially started out as a personal project about a year or so ago, but a recent project that I've been hired on for pretty much requires me to finish this, and one of the requirements is that it be done in GameMaker.
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Captain Ventris »

Can we just appreciate the fact that a dude's got Doom level info loading into Gamemaker? That's pretty cool. Yet one more "It Runs Doom"-ish thing to look at and only vaguely understand. :P
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

Nice level rendering.
On a side node, the closest thing to the Doom Engine in Game Maker is probably jazzmaster's Revelations Engine. But that had fixed walls and floors instead of sector-based geometry so if the latter is made possible, it would make much more diverse level designs.
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Indecom »

The ultimate goal of this project is to recreate GZDoom's level geometry functions by reading directly from a wad made for GZD. Right now i'm working on texture mapping all of the sidedefs in the wad, so far it's going really well :)

More progress:
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Indecom »

Been a slow few days for me, but I'm going to be working with textures today. Here's the most recent shot at the project, managed to implement upper wall hiding for linedefs who's adjacent sectors have no ceilings:

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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by darkhaven3 »

I'm 100% interested in messing with this once it comes out. This could be a cool new way to make standalone stuff.

How do you plan to expose the Doom stuff to GM? Will I just be able to, say, set an X and Y value on a step event for an object and your library will take care of linking it into a sector on the next frame, et cetera?
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Indecom »

I plan to allow the developers to do all of the programming when it comes to how things interact in the game, the only code i'm providing is the loading of assets, collision stuff, basic fps controls, maybe more down the road but I want the devs to be able to make any kind of game with this, not just doom clones.

btw, here's texture progress:

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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Hellser »

I see Doom Levels.
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Nash »

Legit interested in giving GM a shot now, just so that I could play around with this engine! :D Indecom, I know you said you'll just do basic engine stuff but will you at least integrate the save system and networking stuff to? Or is that up to the user.
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by enderkevin13 »

Hellser wrote:I see Doom Levels.
They're just examples.
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by darkhaven3 »

Nash wrote:Legit interested in giving GM a shot now, just so that I could play around with this engine! :D Indecom, I know you said you'll just do basic engine stuff but will you at least integrate the save system and networking stuff to? Or is that up to the user.
I'm not speaking for Indecom, but I think it would be better if he did not include these things by default. Since the point of the project seems to be to just expose the Doom wad format and level rendering to GM and not provide a complete engine, it could be an exercise left to the user to write your own savegame and networking code.
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Indecom »

And..... Stuff!



Doom 2

And Heretic!
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Nash »

Is the engine 3D accelerated or is it still completely done in software? I notice that there's true perspective so I assume you're not using the same column-based drawing like typical Doom renderers. How well does the performance scale with resolution?

New screens look amazing, as always. Can't wait to see lights and the sky!
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Re: YoYoDoom: wads in GameMaker -3D update + Texture Mapping

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

Nice. But is it only static level geometry so far? What about moving sectors?

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